Chapter 25: Will's POV

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EJ goes and looks over the water. I do the same but on the other side of the ship. "Hook! Who's attacking us?!" EJ yells to Hook.

"Rebels!" Hook yells back. "They know you're both gone!" I see another ship coming over to us.

"I see them!" I exclaim. "It looks like two ships!" As one of the ships gets closer, I start shooting arrows. I aim and hit one guy in the shoulder but before I can shoot another one, I hear EJ yell something.

"Kyle?!" EJ exclaims. I turn and see Kyle and some girl with wings over by Hook. EJ runs to Kyle and hugs him. Kyle waves to me and I wave back. I walk over to the others. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to help you save Neverland," Kyle says. "Tink here says that I'm the truest believer." EJ and I look at the girl.

"Tinkerbell?" EJ asks. "The fairy?" Tink nods.

"I hate to break up this meet-and-greet, mates, but we are under attack!" Hook exclaims.

"Hook's right!" EJ exclaims. "We can talk about this later."

"Emma, you handle the cannons until they reach us then you and I will fight them with our swords. Will, you go up to the lookout and shoot from there," Hook orders.

"I'm going to need more arrows then," I say. Hook points below deck.

"There should be a stash down there," Hook says. "Kyle, you go with Will and get a sword. You'll help Emma then fight with us. Tink you keep the ship steady. Go!" Everyone goes to where they were told. Tink stops me quickly and hands me a small pouch.

"Dip the arrow in this before you shoot," Tink says. "It'll put to sleep whoever it hits, so don't miss." I nod and take the pouch from her. I put it in my pocket and follow Kyle below deck. I search for the arrows.

"Have you told her yet?" Kyle asks as he looks for a sword.

"Told who what yet?" I ask, playing dumb even though I know exactly what Kyle is going to say.

"Tell Emma that you like her!" Kyle exclaims. "Found one." He pulls out a sword. I finally find the arrows too. "Well you don't have forever. Sooner or later she's going to find out on her own." Kyle heads above deck and I follow after. I know Kyle is right but I just don't know if I'm ready to tell her yet. I don't think I'll ever be ready. I can't focus on this right now. I need to do my job and defend this ship. If I'm going to die, it's not going to be by some group of crazies who want to destroy an entire land, that's for sure. I climb up to the top of the lookout and set the extra arrows down. I set the pouch of sleeping powder that Tink gave me down next to the arrows too. I dip the first arrow in the powder and aim at someone. It hits them in the arm and they collapse. As I shoot more arrows, more people fall to the ground, but the two ships get closer and closer.

"It's time!" Hook exclaims. The enemy ship lays down a board and they charge across onto the Jolly Roger. It's time to fight.

New Lands | (Fantasy)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora