Chapter 34: Jessica's POV

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I wake up to the sound of someone knocking on my window. I almost thought it was Peter Pan and I was Wendy. Then I realized Peter Pan isn't real and my name isn't Wendy. I walk over to my window and see James there. I open it. "James? What are you doing here?" I ask him.

"I couldn't wait to tell you later. I know what happened to my family. Our memories were wiped and changed," James says.

"How do you know this?" I ask. He sets down Emma's notebook on the windowsill.

"Emma's notebook," James says. "It has everything in it. I'm thinking my dad did show her Neverland and that she had powers once." He flips to a page and it's all about magic.

"And you're not upset about this?" I ask. James looks up from the notebook and up at me.

"What do you mean?" James asks.

"Well if I were you, I'd be extremely jealous that my sister was the chosen one," I say. "I'd want some of the action."

"You do have a point," James says. He looks at the notebook. "Why wasn't it me?" I take the notebook from James and flip through the pages. I come across a journal entry at the beginning. It talks about how Emma wasn't sure she could handle this responsibility. She didn't want to do it.

"James. Look at this," I say. He reads it. "Emma didn't want it. She wrote about how you did."

"Why couldn't it have been me?" James asks.

"'James and I talked to each other and we decided to tell dad that James would be the better one for the position. When we went to tell dad, he asked James to conjure some magic. He couldn't. Dad told us that was why he couldn't be the chosen one,'" I read from the entry.

"Oh," James says. "I wasn't good enough." I make him look at me.

"Don't say that. That just wasn't your destiny," I say. "You're destined for something else. Maybe to be a brilliant person in the real world. You are amazing." James smiles and looks at me. We look at each other for a couple more seconds and he starts to lean in. A knot forms in my stomach and my gut tells me to stop him. I don't stop him. He leans in and we kiss.

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