Chapter 30: Jessica's POV

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"More to the story?" I ask James. "What do you mean?"

"Maybe Emma was right about her suspicions. Maybe he didn't die from cancer," James says. Mrs. Watson looks at James weirdly.

"Who told you he died from cancer?" Mrs. Watson asks. "He died in a car accident." James looks at his mom then me.

"This proves everything," James says. "Someone lied to us."

"James don't be absurd. I'm sure I probably told you two that to spare you the heartbreak," Mrs. Watson says.

"You've never done that before," James says.

"James it's late," I say. "I should be getting home. We can deal with it tomorrow." James and Mrs. Watson glare at each other a little longer then James leads me to the door.

"Meet me by the barn tomorrow morning okay? I'm figuring this out," James says. I smile and nod. He kisses my cheek then I turn and walk home. Does James like me? He's two years older than me and I like Kyle now! Do I still have feelings for James? No. Maybe? This is confusing! Kyle is so sweet and is my age but James is so hot and older than me. No. Stop it Jessica. You can't have both boys. If James tries anything else you're telling him that you and Kyle are seeing each other. But I don't want to hurt James's feelings. Well you can't break Kyle's heart. His mother just left him! Okay. I'm right, as always. I walk into my house and my parents greet me.

"Hi Jessica," my dad says. Both my parents call me Jessica. They think my nickname is silly. "Where were you?"

"Emma's house," I say. That's the truth.

"Oh! What were you doing?" my mom asks.

"We were in the forest," I say. That's the truth too. My mom looks at my foot.

"Your ankle!" Mom exclaims. "What happened?"

"I tripped on a log but I'm okay," I say. Partial lie. My ankle is killing me. "Mrs. Watson wrapped it up."

"Oh. Okay then," Mom says. "Dinner is on the table." I nod and go and sit down. My phone buzzes and it's a text from James. It reads: I think I found something in Emma's stuff but I'll tell you more tomorrow. Mom's going to kill me if she finds me in here. I'm about to respond when I get another message: yup she just caught me. See you tomorrow. I chuckle to myself then finish eating dinner. I walk upstairs to my room and begin getting ready for bed. I don't fall asleep quickly because I'm worried about Emma, Will, and Kyle. I haven't heard anything for them and I don't even know if Kyle is where they are. The idea that he's in Neverland still is out of the norm. In reality, it's impossible to travel to another land. What makes this any different? I guess if he didn't, he'd still be on the couch. What if he got there but drowned or something and his body disappeared because he's dead? Just thinking about that nauseates me. If he died and I was partially responsible for it, I couldn't live with myself. I wish I know he was okay. And with that last thought, I fell asleep.

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