Chapter 24: Kyle's POV

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I burst out laughing. Tink gives me a weird look. "What's so funny?" Tink asks.

"Emma and Will falling in love?" I ask with a chuckle. "That's never going to happen."

"With that attitude it won't," Tink says. "Kyle, help me make it happen then." I laugh again.

"You are treading in deep waters," I say, "but I'll help you." Tink smiles.

"Fantastic. Hook should be retrieving them now," Tink says.

"Hook? As in Captain Hook?" I ask, skeptically.

"Yes. Why?" Tink asks.

"In the stories he was the bad guy," I say. "But seeing that there is no Peter Pan, nothing surprises me."

"Peter Pan was the name the creator gave himself. After he died, Peter Pan just became a symbol," Tink explains. I nod.

"That makes sense," I say. Tink suddenly looks out at the ocean. "What is it?"

"Hook's ship," Tink says. "It's being attacked."

"Wait the Jolly Roger?" I ask. Tink nods.

"Come on. We have to help," Tink says. She reaches in her pouch on her belt. She throws some golden dust at me. I cough.

"What was that!?" I ask. Suddenly I start to float. "Okay who turned gravity off?"

"It's pixie dust," Tink says. She flies up with her wings and grabs my hand. "Come on. We're going to fly to help them."

"This is nuts," I say. "But in an awesome way!" Tink guides me as we fly.

"You get the hang of it after a while," Tink says. I let go of Tink's hand and begin to fly on my own. At first I'm a bit shaky but then I begin to soar through the sky doing some tricks. "See! Now you've got it!" I laugh happily.

"This is fun!" I exclaim. "How is this possible!?"

"You believe, Kyle," Tink says. "You believe in this place and you believe in me."

"I never knew I did," I say.

"You always have," Tink says. "I think you're the truest believer."

"What does that mean?" I ask. We are getting closer to Hook's ship.

"In the prophecy, someone who had the heart of the truest believer would one day come to this land and team up with the chosen ones to save this land. The chosen ones are obviously Emma and Will and you have to be the truest believer. It only makes sense."

"I guess so," I say. "But-"

"We'll talk later. We're about to land," Tink says. She grabs my hand again and we land on the ship.

"Ah Tinkerbell," the captain says, "so nice of you to drop in." Tink pulls out a knife.

"We're here to help Hook," Tink says. I'm guessing this guy is Captain Hook. He does have a hook for a hand. "This is-"

"Kyle!?" someone exclaims from behind us. It's Emma. She runs over and hugs me.

"Hey!" I exclaim. I hug her back. I wave to Will and he waves back.

"What are you doing here?" Emma asks.

"I'm here to help you save Neverland," I say.

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