❄️The arrivial❄️

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Bentley's P.O.V

"Somebody looks stressed." Stacey mocked me as I miserably failed my tenth attempt at putting the car seat in place. Without answering her I just let the black and pink object fall out of my weak grip walking away from the stationary car. "Don't." I lowly warned when she picked the car seat off the floor. " The both of you are so fussy I hope the baby isn't as bad." She said following me into the house. "The baby's way past her due date and everyday I find something about the nursery I want to change. Ava's a grumpy mess and as though her hormones weren't enough her grandmother called." I said stressfully tugging at my blond hair.

" She's just a week over due. The nursery is fine. You and Ava did a good job with decorations and the both of you are going to be wonderful parents no matter what her grandmother says so stop stressing." She said a big smile adorning her features. "And we are going to be awesome uncles!" Ky screamed coming out of nowhere. "Dude keep your voice down Ava's sleeping." I scolded him. "Sorry." He mumbled leaving the kitchen. "Aww you're already in daddy mode." Stacey joked lightly punching me on my arm. I guess over the months Stacey and I got closer although she's still crazy nothing really changed except her hair color which was now a bright red. "Stacey you look like Bobo the clown from behind." Ryan commented while walking into the house.

"So does your mother but you still love her. The only difference is that I'm sexy and she's not." She said before plopping down on the couch . Shaking my head I grabbed a bottled water before joining them on the couch . "Oh Bentley I saw your father and Gia in the super market yesterday." Jake said causing the entire room to fall silent. Six pair of eyes automatically turned to my sitting form as though awaiting my reaction. It didn't affect me though I guess I accepted the fact that my father moved on with somebody the same age as his first son. Somewhat. "Okay." I answered coolly before turning back to the TV were a football game was showing.

"Okay? That's it?" Kevin asked shocked his eyes going wide. "Yeah what else is there for me to say." I stated simply with a shrug of my shoulders. "Yeah but doesn't that bother you?" He asked seemingly interested. "No it doesn't it is his life and he could do whatever he wants." I said simply without looking away from the television. "I see that mama bear has finally awaken from hibernation." Ryan joked looking at Ava who just walked into the room in all her pregnant glory. "Whatever." She mumbled before walking into the kitchen. Her perfectly round belly easily showed that she was nine months pregnant. The shirt she wore did very little to conceal the fact.

"Ava could I rub your belly for luck?" Ryan continued to taunt her. He knew that doing so usually ends up with him being hit in the head with whatever she had in her hand. "Ryan I dare you to touch me." She warned walking into the living room and chose to sit on me rather than the couch. Wrapping my hand around her waist while the other lightly rubbed her swollen stomach."I love you." I whispered into her ear to which she just hummed in reply before falling asleep yet again.


"Bentley." Ava's voice softly sang waking me from my slumber. "Ava what is the time?" I asked turning in the bed. "Uh it's two thirty a.m." She answered simply. "And why are you out of bed?" I asked sitting up in the bed fully awake seeing that Ava wasn't going to leave me to rest. "My water broke." She stated simply before walking into the closet. It took a few seconds for her words to really make sense to my sleeping brain. "Your what?!?" I asked panic quickly setting in. Flying out of the bed I ran into the closet only to see Ava calmly getting dressed.

"Uhh take deep breaths." I said racking my brain to try and remember all we learned in those dumb parenting classes. That was the only thing I remembered though. "Bentley I'm fine why don't you breathe and go get the car ready everything we need is in there." She said still calm. While I was hyperventilating. I felt like I was the on in labor and not Ava.

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