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Ava's P.O.V

"What are you doing?" I asked a giggle mistakenly slipping out. "Nothing." He answered while still kissing my shoulder. "Could you please stop." My statement sounding like a question. "You weren't saying that yesterday." He said coyly moving so he now hovered over me. "Well that was yesterday." I defended myself weakly gazing into his beautiful blue eyes that gleaned with mischief.  Laying there we just looked at each other for what felt like forever. "I love you Ava-Marie." He confessed leaning in to press a chaste kiss on my lips.
Leaving a hot trail of kisses down my jawline stoping to suck on my neck. "I love you too,"" I have a question." I blurted out. This has been literally eating me alive even while I was asleep. "What's that baby?" He asked simply. The fact that his mother said that he was scared to tell me bothered me to the point where I felt like I could burst.

I wanted nothing more than to reassure him that he could tell me every and anything. I didn't want him to be afraid I just wanted to be there for him when he needed me like he is for me. I knew though that I couldn't ask although I'm dying to find out I knew I should leave him to tell me on his own time, whenever he was sure he was ready. "Why are you still on me?" I asked trying to keep a serious expression on my face but failed miserably. "Because i want to Ava." He stated before putting all his weight on me.

"Dude you're super heavy." I wheezed while wiggling to get out from under him. "Ava what are you trying to do?" He asked while laughing at me. "Attempting to get out from under you...wasn't that obvious." I laughed sticking my tongue out playfully. My phone ringing caught our attention cutting our playful banter short. Finally he rolled off of me allowing me to breathe properly. "Hello good morning." I answered not paying much attention to the caller ID. "Good morning but hunnie I don't think you're going to have much of a good morning once I tell you what I know." Stacey's voice boomed through the speaker of my phone. Leave it up to Stacey to give somebody bad news first thing in the morning. Mentally preparing myself for the worst I just listened, waiting for her to continue while relishing these last moments of peace.

"Well last night or should I say this morning Candy posted a picture on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter lets just say she posted it on all her social media accounts..,"she paused dramatically as if to catch her breath after saying all that in one go. "What does her posting a picture have to do with me Stacey?" I asked trying to make the connection but came up empty.
"Don't rush me I want to tell this story in order your so impatient Ava!!!" She complained straying from the topic. "Yeah, yeah Stacey just talk and I'll listen." I said tired of hearing her complain. "Okay so she posted the picture on everything, the entire school knows, shit everybody in town knows, just imagine the Pastor's daughter but they always say that they are the demons in the church." She rambled long forgetting the main point.

"Okay I'm completely lost." I said honestly confused I have no idea what Stacey's talking about. I've been talking to Stacey for almost a minute and the entire conversation makes no sense. Bentley left and went to the bathroom I'm guessing. "Ava- Marie I am speaking English aren't I." She asked stressing every word causing me to flinch. Stacey never calls me by my full name only if she's angry or frustrated and I'm guessing that this morning it has to be the later of the two. "Candy posted a positive pregnancy test and tagged no other than the honorable Mr. Johnson." She finally broke the news I'm guessing breaking it down simply for me. " Oh my God she's pregnant for Bentley's father!" I gasped. Isn't Candy full of surprises.

"Ava you know sometimes you sound really dumb. Like really really dumb, an air head even, do you think before you say stuff ?" She asked seriously."Ava she tagged Bentley Johnson as in your boyfriend. Blond hair, blue eyes, ring a bell?" She asked.
Everything after that went silent for a while. "But I mean don't stress I'm sure that's not his, right?" Stacey asked as if trying to be convinced that Candy wasn't having Bentley's baby. I couldn't answer that honestly I didn't know. Could she?

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