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🏈Bentley's P.O.V

After getting off the Ferris wheel we left the amusement park, then I drove Ava home. On my way home I couldn't help but think that for our first date it wasn't that bad. Honestly it went better than planned actually.

Walking into the kitchen I was met with a waiting Barbra and a 'working' Carl, " So...?" She asked with a big smile on her face. " So what? Why are you two up it's almost one o'clock." I said returning the smile.

"Oh Bentley the suspense is killing me! I sat here waiting for the past four hours. Now just tell me." She said loudly. " What do you want to know Barbra?" asked in a bored tone.

"Is Ava your girlfriend? You said you were going to ask today." She asked excitedly. I'm guessing she temporarily replaced my life with all her soap operas she usually wastes her time looking at.

"Yes Barbara Ava is officially my girlfriend. Now you could go to bed," I announced while walking out of the kitchen to my bedroom with a quick goodnight with a goofy smile tugging at my lips.

Ava's P.O.V

The melodic sound of Charlie Puth's voice wafted through my once silent bedroom which was quite irritating to say the least honestly. Leave it up to me for my favorite song to irritate me but I'm just not a morning person.

Calling someone this early should be illegal! It wasn't even six o'clock yet. There was only one person crazy enough to call me this early in the morning. Angrily grabbing my gold iPhone off of my bedside table without looking at the caller ID I answered.

" What Stacy? Do you know what's the time. I'm sure whatever you had to say could've waited a few hours." I ranted highly irritated with my chatty best friend who saw it fit to wake me. "Actually it's Bentley but I'm sorry for waking you baby. I'll call back later go back to sleep." He said quickly before ending the call.

Now I feel completely dumb but there was nothing I could do about it now. Shaking it off I fell back into bed welcoming sleep to take over for the second time around.


It felt like I fell asleep for only five minutes before the door bell being rang waking me from my sweet slumber. Slowly getting off of my bed I looked at my clock which read eight thirty. " I swear I'm going to hit Stacey so hard she never leaves me to rest in peace." I mumbled while walking down the stairs.

Opening my front door I was met by no other than Bentley in grey Hollister sweats and a plain white t shirt. All in all he looked really cute compared to me who probably looked like the living dead seeing that I literally just rolled out of bed. SHIT!!!

"Come in and close the door I'll be back." I said while running back to my room. 'I really need to stop blaming everything on Stacey' I thought shaking my head at my  stupidity. After taking a shower, brushing my teeth and putting my hair in a messy bun I threw on some sweats and a t-shirt finally looking human.

Reentering the kitchen I found Bentley sitting at the kitchen table busy on his phone. " Good morning." I said shyly while sitting down . I guess that's what I should've said when I answered my phone this morning.

"Good morning sleeping Beauty. I brought breakfast as an apology for waking you this morning." He said while handing me a bag with a sandwich and a cup of coffee. "It's okay actually I'm sorry for being rude I guess I'm just not a morning person." I said while looking down at my sandwich.
"Yeah I kinda guessed." He said while laughing.

"So later tonight after the game there's going to be a party at Ryan's house... you wanna go? You don't have to I mean I don't think your into that kinda stuff." He said quickly while picking at his food which was really cute actually. "Honestly I don't want to go but that doesn't mean you don't have to go." I said with a small smile. I mean today was Saturday and normal teenagers like Bentley attend parties after games which honestly I don't know what game he's talking about in the first place.

Meanwhile I'm going to simply eat ice cream and look at a movie. Yep that sounds like a plan. "You sure? You're always home alone and ...," he got cut off by his phone ringing. After having a brief conversation with who I'm guessing was his football coach he hung up.
Oh yeah that's the game, he had a football game today. "Baby I have to go to practice but I'll see you later." He said kissing me then leaving.

After finishing eating and cleaning up the mess Bentley and I made, I went upstairs deciding I will do all the assignments I got yesterday. In the life of Ava doing home- work on a Saturday. I liked it!


Hours have passed. I finished all my assignments, cleaned the entire house. The sun was no longer in the sky instead replaced with its pearl friend along with silver stars a clear indication of how much time had passed. Rapped up in a blanket eating a tub of  ice cream I laid watching Netflix. That's when I thought about Stacey whom strangely I haven't talked to all day, she's maybe busy I thought. The front bell being rang for the second time today caught my attention. Walking over I opened it to see a well dressed Bentley?

'I really need to start using the peep hole' I though while steeping aside allowing him in. "Not to sound rude but what are you doing here?" I asked a bit curious.
"You didn't think I was going to choose to go to a party and leave my girlfriend home alone did you?" He asked while locking the door. "Oh." Was the only sentence I could form at his words. I swear sometimes when I'm around this boy my brain becomes fried. " I thought we could look at 27 dresses, here." He said while handing me the disk.

Although I tried to hold it back a soft giggle left my lips, " You want to look at a chick flick?" I asked trying to keep a serious face. "Yeah?" He  said sounding unsure.
"Lemme guess, Barbara told you I would want to look at this?" I asked already knowing the answer. "Yes she did." He said while rubbing the back of his neck which he does when he's nervous.
"How about we look at Taken." I offered while walking into the entertainment room. Half way into the movie I was no longer paying attention just looking at the screen.

"Ava- Marie." Bentley's voice snapped me out of my daydream of nothingness. " Yeah?" I asked turning to look in his direction. Without saying a word he gently pulled my body onto his now straddling him looking into his hypnotic eyes my breath seemed to get caught in my throat. Kissing me passionately which quickly turned into us tongue wrestling . His hands sliding under my t-shirt tracing invisible patterns on my lower back while my fingers interlaced themselves with his blond locks.

In one quick movement he pinned my body below his while he hovered over me without breaking the intense kiss. Breaking the kiss after what felt like hours for air  he continued his assault kissing down my jaw line leaving a hot trail of kisses down my neck and stopping where my v neck t-shirt started. Slowly making his way back up kissing, nipping and sucking on the tender skin of my chest and neck he finally made it back to my needy lips. Crashing his lips onto mines which didn't last longer than five seconds before he jerked back as though he got burnt.

Jumping off the chair,breathing heavily he looked at me with guilt written on his face? " I should leave." He said before grabbing his jacket and shoes before leaving me confused and rejected.Is this how officially having a boyfriend should feel? Deciding to call it a night I went to bed, hoping that sleep could stop this sickening feeling I felt in my chest right now which I'm guessing is hurt?



There's another chapter which I hope you enjoyed. Vote and comment. Have a safe and awesome day!
Bye for now 😊


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