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Ava's P.O.V

"Wake up!" The constant bouncing of the bed and not to mention the irritating voice that repeatedly chanted that demonic chorus woke me from my peaceful slumber. Slowly openings my eyes I was met with a very colorful Stacey. "Whoa." I said softly sitting up in the comfortable King sized bed gazing at her freshly dyed hair. "Good morning get dressed your boyfriend should be back soon." She said before walking out of the room. Lazily dragging my ass out of bed I walked over to the in suite bathroom. Bentley or Stacey left everything I needed to do my hygiene stuff. After taking a long bath I wrapped myself in a plush white robe and left the room.

Stacey sat looking at TV. "Why do I need to get dressed?" I whined. " I don't know Ava but if you'd prefer to wear your birthday suit go right ahead." She said sarcastically her eyes never leaving the TV screen. "You know what I mean, where are we going?" I asked irritated by her rudeness. "I don't really know he just said to dress comfortably I think." She said looking a bit puzzled. It was clear that Stacey was as lost as I was so I decided to call Bentley.

"Hey baby." He greeted.
"Hi quick question where are we going?" I asked cutting straight to the point.
"It's a surprise but just dress comfortable. I'll be there in a hour." He said rushed before ending the call.

With a frustrated huff I returned to Bentley's bedroom. 'How was I supposed to dress comfortably when I have absolutely no clothes here.' I mentally ranted as I made my way over to his walk in closet. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. The closet was divided into two on the left hand side male clothes of every color and brand was hung neatly on hangers. On my right hand side female clothes hung in the same fashion. A post it was stuck in clear view with my name written in delicate cursive. After simply gazing and looking through all the clothes Bentley bought for me I only had thirty minutes left to get dressed. I decided on a simple pair of khaki shorts and a long sleeved denim button up shirt with some simple sneakers. Pulling my hair into a messy bun I looked at my reflection and was satisfied.

"Babe you ready?" Bentley's voice asked I'm guessing from the bedroom. "Yeah." I said grabbing my phone and walking out. He looked perfect in khaki shorts and a simple black and white Star Wars t-shirt. "You look beautiful baby."he said kissing me on my forehead.


Ryan, Jake, Ky, Kyle, Bentley and I stood outside Stacey's house. We've been waiting for her for the past thirty minutes. I still didn't know where we were going but it seems that I'm the only one that wasn't enlightened. Stacey claimed she forgot one thing though I'm pretty sure she's currently packing half her belongings. The boys carried on their own conversation about God knows what while I just stood leaning against Bentley's car playing a game on my phone. "And skittles has finally blessed us with her presence." Ryan said looking at Stacey while she walked out her front door carrying a small suitcase . "See the rainbow, taste the rainbow." Ky commented  causing all of them to erupt in a chorus of laughter. Bentley turned seeing that I was looking at him and quickly covered his laugh with a cough.

"Stacey you're riding with Jake lets go people." Bentley said walking over to his all white Range Rover. Normal friends match outfits but nope Bentley and his friends match vehicles. Five identical Range Rovers lined the curb outside Stacey's house. "I'd much prefer to drink a large bottle of bleach." She said seriously looking at Bentley. Her now teal and pink hair animatedly dancing in the gentle breeze. Her comment caught everybody off guard just a week ago they were 'okay ' I guess they were back to hating each other. "She could ride with me." Ryan spoke quickly trying to put an end to the awkward silence that fell over the group. "Yeah okay." Bentley said before opening my door for me.

"We've been driving for hours Bentley." I whined shifting in the comfortable leather seats. Ever since I was a kid I hated sitting one place for too long this was a perfect example. "Its only been two hours Ava and we are almost there just like thirty minutes again." He said convincingly. With a sigh I turned and looked out the window. Today was a lovely day, the sun was out bright, blue skies with fluffy white clouds which floated effortlessly across it. We left town almost I'm guessing an hour ago . The only thing that surrounded us were thick lush forest that whizzed past as Bentley speed down the high way. Closing my eyes I decided to take a nap. "Wake up sleepy head." Bentley's voice gently cooed as he softly shook my shoulders. Sitting upright in my seat a beautiful two story Victorian style house sat before me. It's walls were skillfully painted white and its roof was a light blue.

It was surrounded by thick lush vegetation. It looked like a hidden paradise, which was exactly what it was. There were no houses around it it stood alone proudly. Bentley walked over opening my door stretching his hand out for me. It seems that we were the last to arrive all the other cars were already parked and they seemed to be all inside. Walking into the house, surprisingly it was simple. Dark brown wooden floors all the walls were painted white. Random pictures and quotes about the beach littered the walls. The kitchen was small, a simple stain less steel refrigerator and matching stove.

The living room had a large light brown sectional with a huge flat screen tv that hung off the wall. "Hey, we picked out rooms already unfortunately you guys got the master bedroom." Ky said disappointed before turning back to the TV. Bentley lead me to the second floor where there were six bedrooms. Ours was large the walls painted a light blue. A king size bed sat in the middle of the room. A glass door which lead to a veranda sat in the corner of the room. Past the trees the ocean glistened soaking up all the sun's golden rays . "Beautiful huh." Bentley said wrapping his hands around my waist. "Yeah." I said still looking at the beautiful water. "I have something to ask you." He said getting serious. He turned me around so I now faced him. "I love you Ava- Marie." He said before softly kissing me. "That's not a question Bentley." I pointed out pulling away from the kiss.

"Wanna stay up here with me all day?" He asked seductively pulling me closer and giving my butt a soft squeeze. My face instantly grew hot. He softly started sucking on my neck knowing that it sent me crazy. "Mhhh." I moaned out which only encouraged him to continue his sweet assault. I was quickly carried to the bed with Bentley hovering over me.

Hours rolled by, the skies were now a dark blue color. I laid naked under the sheets in Bentley's protective embrace. "Staring is rude Bentley." I said catching him staring at me yet again. "I can't help it." He said simply before kissing me. For the fourth time today he hovered over my naked body, "Bentley I'm tired and you don't have a condom." I said looking into his hypnotic blue eyes. He laughed. "Ava we never used a condom." He said rolling off of me. His words caused me to shoot up from my lying position my eyes going wide. "W-what do you mean?" I stuttered nervously I felt like I was slapped knowing fully well what his next words were going to be and the possible consequences of our actions. "I mean that I didn't used a condom. We don't need it." He said calmly. His calmness infuriated me as though becoming a parent at eighteen wasn't problem.

"If it'll make you feel any better I never had sex with anyone other than you with out a condom, and what if you get pregnant Ava?" He said irritated. Oops did I say that out laud? I guess I did. Remaining silent I just starred at him hoping that his temporary laps of judgement would fade away any second now. "I think it would be a good idea for us to have a baby." Bentley said I'm preying at this moment he's joking and this is simply a really long laps in judgement. "Your kidding right?" I asked my expression mirroring his. We were both serious?!?!?



I know it's short but it's just the first part of the chapter I just wanted to update because I promised ☺️ so vote and comment on what you guys think should happen next ... it's actually the first time I'm allowing you guys to choose :
(1) she doesn't agree
(2)she agrees
(3) they come to a mutual understanding ?

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