❄️The Talk❄️

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Ava's P.O.V

A monotonous banging sound echoed through the once silent house causing me to be snapped out of my dreamless sleep with a gasp. Lazily crawling out of bed I carefully walked down the wooden staircase approaching the front door where the noise was coming from. Looking through the peep hole Bentley stood on the opposite side of the door agitatedly shifting form one foot to the next.

"He was definitely the first person I wanted to see this morning!" I thought sarcastically before opening the door. After he practically ran out the door last night I honestly was hoping I didn't have to see him today, yet here he stood at eight in the morning on my porch. "Could I come in?" He asked diverting his eyes to his sneakers. Without answering his dumb question I opened the door wider before walked off in the direction of my room no doubt with him following me. Marching into my bathroom I brushed my teeth and quickly combed my hair.

"Wha...," he said while practically steering at me, jaw clenched hands balled into fist. "What Bentley?" I asked irritated I know I just got up but dam I didn't tell him to wake me this early.

"About last night, it shouldn't have happened and I'm sorry," he said diverting his eyes to my white carpet. Honestly I felt rejected, unwanted.

I mean he was my first kiss and if he expects me to be as experienced as the girls he normally hooks up with, well then I...., I don't know how to finish that sentence honestly.

Sitting cross legged on my queen sized bed there stood a conflicted looking Bentley. Choosing to say nothing I played with my fingers in my lap, after almost five minutes of silence he finally talked again.

"Ava, what I said doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy it, it's just that I lost control and went to far," he said constantly raking his fingers through his messy blond hair. I'm guessing he was getting frustrated with the entire situation.

"But nothing happened," I said softly looking at him from below my black eye lashes. " Yes something happened Ava-Marie look at your fucking neck!" he screamed causing me to jump out of fright.

Looking up at him in complete shock, the only thought that seemed to register in my head was ... well he goes zero to a hundred real quick!

Getting of my bed I walked over to my mirror looking at my neck, and there laid a love bite more like a few. Five to be exact littered on my neck a few on my neck and one on my chest.

And honestly I didn't see the big deal, I know I'm new to this relationship thing but I thought this would be normal. Meanwhile Bentley stood trying to calm down I'm guessing.

"I don't understand why your angry with me," I said softly truly confused. "Baby I'm not angry with you, I'm angry with myself for what I did and I'm really sorry," he said hugging me and repeatedly kissing me on my

" It's just a love bite Bentley, it's okay, plus it's normal," I said still rapped up in his embrace. " No it's not okay Ava because you aren't normal to me," he said quite confidently must I add.

"Well, ouch," I said dramatically.
"I didn't mean it like that baby I just mean that, I love you a lot and I don't ever want to force you to do anything you wouldn't want to do. I respect you and I just don't think leaving love bites on your flawless skin shows how much I respect you, and I promise it won't happen again," he said before kissing me.

"But, am...what if I liked it," I asked quietly looking at the ground. Tilting my head so my eyes met his with his index finger, " I'll leave them where only you and I could see," he said then winking causing me to blush.

Bentley stayed for a hour and then left because he had to go meet his father... I think that's what he said I wasn't really listening Honestly.

While listening to music my phone rang, " Could you please open your dam front door I've been out here forever," Stacey shouted.

Walking downstairs and opening the door stood ... Stacey. "What happened...," was the only sentence I could've formulated at that moment. " I'm guessing its the hair, I decided to dye my hair seeing that you said you didn't want to do yours,lets just say dying my hair while having a hangover wasn't a very good idea." she said while walking and plopping down on my sofa.

"Okay," was all I said.


A few hours after Stacey and I laid on my bed listening to music, guessing that this was the best time to tell her I decided to speak. "Bentley asked me to be his girlfriend," I blurted out, gosh sometimes I'm so dumb.

"And ... what did you say, although the both of you obviously like each other," she said while picking at her newly polished black nails. " I said yes," I confessed, turning my head to see her reaction.

"Well duh Ava, what else where you going to say, I'm guessing that he gave you those hickies to," she said while laughing causing me to blush. "Like omg Ava you finally have a life," she said while jumping on my bed.

Flopping back onto my bed after a small pause she spoke again,"Since we're confessing stuff, that's what we are doing right?" She asked. "I guess yea," I said. "Well I went to Ryan's party last night and I kinda hooked up with somebody," she said while playing with her now grey hair.

"That's how your hair turned color," I asked confused. "No silly, oh my gosh Ava, at the party I got drunk I went home woke up with a hang over, then I decided to dye my hair so I mixed all the colors I had and poof this is what I got," she said while shaking her now grey hair.

"P.S you need some sex ed , like seriously, you thought sex made my hair turn grey, he was actually awesome in bed but not that awesome although I would actually give him a nine he was the best sex I had in like forever," she said while winking.
"Eww," I said while wrinkling my nose.

"Oh shut up you won't be screening that when Bentley's having his way with you, btw when it happens I want every single detail understood," she commanded.

"I don't think that'll be happening any time soon Stacey," I said honestly. "Why not, you know dying a virgin and leaving high school a virgin is a crime in some lands, plus unlike you Bentley has needs so stop being a kid about the entire sex thing and grow up," she scolded me.

"Stacey it's not a crime to dye a virgin in any country," I said laughing. "That's the only thing that registered from that entire sentence, and maybe not but in Stacey's world it is an offense, trust me once you loose it you would wonder why you didn't earlier, for heaven sakes Ava your graduating high school this summer live a little," she said while poking me.

"Okay let's make a bet, you loose...," No," I said already knowing where she was going with this. Start a conversation about sex and she had the world to say, mention anything to do with school and she's  quiet.

Stacey and I spent the rest of the night talking about random things. She decided to sleep over so we would just go to school together tomorrow.


I actually wasn't going to update until later but then Britbrat112 and MilLovaMuffin kept voting which made me happy so thanks guys this chapter is dedicated to you 😍😊😊😁😁😁😁🙌🏻

P.S comment what you think about the chapter and keep voting thanks n bye for now 🎀

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