Anita Hill.. A Black Woman You Should Know

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Last night I watched the documentary titled Anita that documents the journey Anita Hill went through in 1991 when she revealed that then Supreme Court Judge nominee and now actual Supreme Court Judge Clarence Thomas sexual harassed her when she worked as his assistant/secretary. Her story was one of the first stories of women actually standing up for their selves against men of power in the work place and one that broke ground for gender inequality in America.

The documentary doesn't  go into detail as what actually her job titled was and her backstory or his much but it basically documents the hellfire that the country had her under when all she was trying to do was tell the truth about a man who was being considered and tailored for a job that is all about making decisions based on merit, integrity, honor, morals, and the law.

The trial that Congress placed her through almost had me in tears because that all white elderly male panel was simply victim shaming and blaming Anita constantly trying to see if something in her story would change or if she would get tripped up over her words, confused or something but none of it ever happened. I applaud Ms. Anita Hill because if I was in that room let alone the one on trial I would have spazzed and lost my wits but this woman carried herself with a pride and intelligence that not even all of those senators could shake.

Literally ya'll one of those men had the nerve to ask this woman "Are you a woman scorned?" with a straight face like it was nothing. I was would been like "No, sir. I am woman whose simply stating the truth that you and your associates on the panel clearly aren't capable of understanding simply because your ignorance."

They repeatedly tried to get her to recall her statement that she'd given before explaining the acts of sexual harassment that occurred to her as if none of them read the her statement before coming to question her. The term pubic hair was thrown around continuously as they asked her the same act of sexual harassment over and over for nine hours.

9 Hours!! Man, 9 long as hours they had this woman on trial and still didn't get to the bottom of the issue. They even had her to a polygraph test to see if she was lying and the test proven she was telling the truth and then after the tester stood in front of the panel proved that she was telling the truth about the acts of sexual harassment, the panel turned around and asked her was she stating that Clarence Thomas had not sexual harassed her??

It was like watching paint dry and a woman's needs and word be completely ignored because she hadn't come forward with the claim while she working under Clarence Thomas in the EEOC.

Anita Hill had like four witnesses that testified and said that she'd complained about Clarence Thomas' behavior to them before while she was working only for the panel to ask those witnesses was Anita known for basically inappropriate and unmoral behavior?? My thing was that it wasn't her behavior that was in question he was Clarence Thomas'. Anyway though the witnesses shut that question down by saying they would have expected Anita to be the one nominated to the Supreme Court instead of accusing her inappropriate behavior.  One black male witness said that he described his behavior as militant compared to hers as he was basically a boring corporate lawyer.

Later down the line, the next day the same panel questioned Clarence Thomas and be played the race card ya'll lol. He said that accusing him of this type of behavior was nothing more than an high-tech lynching of a black men trying to succeed in his country. Basically he said the "man" or in this case the woman was trying to drag him down. He said the acts she accused him of were nothing but false stereotypes that have been used against black men for centuries such as their penis size and aggressive nature. The crazy thing was that no one questioned him on it. All of those white men both Republican and Democrat didn't touch that remark when if these days if someone hastags #BlackLivesMatter then every individual who isn't POC has something to say. They all just sat there and let him say whatever that was on his mind.

Crazy how the Republicans were the ones constantly trying to trip up Anita with irrelevant questions were the same party that was tailoring Clarence Thomas to be appointed to the Supreme Court for the exact opposite reasons that people think having a black man as Supreme Court Justice should be a good thing. My political science professor  last semester had us to learn each Supreme Court Justice who they were appointed by and where did they stand politically. The one thing he said about Clarence Thomas was that if it had anything to do with civil rights of any kind that he voted against it no matter what. So one could say he was like *cough cough* Uncle Ruckus in a way.

I believed Anita's story before the polygraph results were revealed cause she didn't gain one thing from telling her truth. If anything opening her mouth did nothing but cause problems for her because even after the trial was over. People tried to get her fired from being a law professor at a university in Oklahoma,they tried to get her dean fired cause he wouldn't let her go, they tried to get the law school closed, and her even grandparents had to uproot their lives some another state because some group of white men had threatened their lives because of Anita.

It was just so hard to swallow that the panel had Anita to take a polygraph test to determine whether or not she was telling the truth and then once it came back that she was, nothing was still done and none of them showed any support in believing her. It was the classic  victim shaming that we still see today especially with the Bill Cosby situation going on.

Ya'll should watch the documentary about this strong black woman.. And Next documentary I'm thinking about watching is the Nina Simone one that everyone is raving about.

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