Netflix Binge Watching.. My type of good time

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Anyone else loves to sit in threes comfort of your bed alone and just binge watch some random show you got hooked on after one episode ??

Well I do, Netflix traps ya girl at least twice a summer break.. That's how I got into Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf, The Originals etc.. O watch a lot of shows lol

The worst moment though is when you get hungry in the middle of a good episode. You wanna find out what gonna happen but your stomach growling so you pause it. You head towards the kitchen only to find out that your mother has company, you look like a damn bum with sweatpants on and ya headscarf still on lmao. It's too late to back out cause they already saw you and the company is one of those judgy types that be like " you only came out of the room to eat?? Hmm.. Children these days."

So you gotta sit ya happy ass down and entertain this conversation even though all you wanna do is watch ya show and get some leftover pizza. I'm sitting here waiting for company to leave right now y'all and I'm getting hungrier by the second. And normally I wouldn't care cause I'll throw some shade that will get this particular company to leave and be gone for a while.

But some people it's best to just let them be and show them they don't get under ya skin so I'm doing it this way for a change.

Last update on TFC y'all went ham in those comments bruh.. Like I wasn't expecting that. I'm kinda agg too though like I just reread Chapter 29 of the first book and I'm kind of in my feelings cause that hospital scene before Rocky came in was too damn sweet. I love #Chevyn man, they so bomb. Sometimes I forget that I created them and be like "where this stuff come from" and "why the author gotta do this to them"

But then I remember my vision for them and how I wanna create a good book so I suck it up & get to typing up some chaos.

A Cup of Tee' and a lil' dash of honeyWhere stories live. Discover now