Chapter 28

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Park Chanyeol

We were standing still, facing each other. I was out of breath just by the mere act of looking at her. She was so beautiful, and it was nearly unbearable.

"Sunhee, I have something to tell you," I said in a weak voice as I fiddled with my fingers.

She nodded her head slowly as a response.

"I know it hasn't been long, and I know that these feelings aren't right, but I think I love you. Like, really, really love you. You might think I'm crazy, but I think I've been head over heels for you since I first met you. I know that you like someone who isn't me, but please, just give me one chance to prove you that I'm worthy of you. Let me love you."

She stared at me with shocked eyes and a slightly agape mouth. "Chanyeol, what are you saying?"

"I'm pathetically in love you."

She gulped, but then a smile made its way across her face. "I love you, too," she began, resting a hand on my face.

"But I love Minseok even more."

I woke up in the middle of the night, panting heavily. That stupid sentence kept repeating in my mind.

But I love Minseok even more.

That dream felt so real, and I felt my stomach ache. "Fuck." I covered my face with my hands and let out a deep sigh. "Stupid dream."


The next few days went by as per usual, we went to fan-sign events and other different promotions, such as those of clothing brands we were the face of and so on. This wasn't as tiring as preparing for a comeback, but boy, was it exhausting.

The company was already preparing new material for our next album, which was most likely going to be an EP by the looks of it, rather than a full length album. New songs, new choreographies, new tour dates, etc.

This meant that I would have even less spare time than I already had, which also meant that I wouldn't be able to see Sunhee as much. But hey, since it was to be released by the beginning of 2016, I still had some time to enjoy with her in between concerts.

Anyway, with all these events and interviews, I didn't really have much time to think about her, or spend with her, although I did spare some. I had to look after her eating.

Neither did Minseok, although he spent most of our time together talking about her. I still hadn't talked to him about my feelings, but I only found myself falling deeper into the pits of love.

By the way, I might have lied. I thought about her for about 70% of the day, the other 30% been wasted on work thoughts. I couldn't get her out of my mind, no matter how hard I tried. I didn't know if people realized how thoughtful I was, but since I zoned out most of the time, everyone probably did.

I felt like a high schooler all over again, crushing over a girl.

"Hyung, how about we go out for dinner tonight?" Jongdae asked Minseok with a wide grin on his face. "I'll pay." He nudged his arm.

Minseok chuckled lightly, nudging Jongdae, as well. "I'd love to, but I want to visit Sunhee." He pouted and batted his eyelashes as he stared at Chen.

"Umin hyung," I said, deciding to butt in. "Spend some time with Jongdae. I'll make sure to take good care of Sunhee tonight."

"But I miss her already."

I smiled falsely at him. "But you can visit her tomorrow."

"So are you coming with me?" Jongdae asked with hopeful eyes.

Minseok finally gave in, nodding his head slightly. "Alright." He stood up and got ready to leave, with Chen following behind him. "By the way, Chanyeol, I have something to talk to you about, so I'll be visiting you soon. Take care of my Sunhee and make sure she has a healthy dinner. Good night."

I was so curious as to what he had to talk to me about, but I decided to bury that want to know and concentrate on what was important. I dialed Baekhyun's number and told him to stop by my flat.

A few seconds later, a knock echoed throughout the house. Once I opened the door for him to step in, he immediately took a hold of my wrist and dragged me over to my room, where he locked us in. He pushed me over to the bed and paced around the room.

"So I've done my research. There are several factors that'll tell you whether a girl likes you or not." He smiled evilly and sat on the swirl chair. "Let's start with the basic ones. A girl being shy around you, for example, her having a nervous voice, her not being able to look straight into your eyes, her laughing instead of talking most of the time because she's afraid she'll mess up, and her laughing even at your stupidest jokes, are all signs that she might like you."

I nodded, getting comfortable on the bed. "Go on."

"Okay, so check out for those. You also have to look out for random displays of affection, hugs and so. Take notice of 'accidental' touches, but don't think that her not touching you means that she does not like you. Some girls are not as fond of skinship. Still, she might punch you or flick your forehead, this might be her way of trying to get closer to you without anyone noticing." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "Stop teasing and continue."

"Right. Also, observe the way in which she looks at you. If you notice her staring at you for a long time and when you turn to look at her, she quickly looks away, then this might also mean that she feels something for you. Not necessarily, but most likely." He sighed, almost out of breath from all the talking. "Might as well look at her lips. If she touches or bites her lips every so often, then she probably likes you a lot."

"I think I'm the one who's constantly doing that when I'm with her." I chuckled and shook my head. "I'm sorry, please continue," I said when I noticed Baekhyun looking at me with narrowed eyes.

"Uh, finally, watch out for the little things she does for you. If she's always there to help you when you need her, then she might like you. It could also mean that she's a very good friend, but if you add it up to any of the other signs I've already mentioned, then it means she does."

"Okay. So what do I do after I look out for these?"

He smiled and nodded his head slowly. He kept a firm eye contact with me before speaking. "You tell her how you feel."

I nearly choked on air. "I-I have to?"

"Yes, you idiot. Gosh, who would've thought that the ever so confident Park Chanyeol is afraid of confessing his feelings to a girl?" He rolled his eyes. "You just let her into your feelings, and if she rejects you, then just get over it and continue being friends with her."

"You make it sound so easy..."

"Because I'm sure that the feelings are mutual, I'm making it sound so simple. Now, you go and find out whether she likes you or not." He smiled and gave me a thumbs up.

I smiled slightly, but it was quickly replaced with a frown. "I still haven't told Minseok."

Baekhyun sighed deeply and nodded. "You have to do that by tomorrow. Promise me that you will."

"Alright," I said as I raked a hand through my hair.


yep, i got all that from wikihow.

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