Chapter 13

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Park Chanyeol

I felt all happy inside when I received her response. Don't think wrongly, it was only because she still thought of me as the best. I was still over Minseok, although she liked him. Did that bros before hos thing apply on us? Sorry, hyung.

The next day, I woke up full of energy. I exited my room, yawning, and made my way to the kitchen, where I prepared myself some breakfast. When I went to the living room, I realized that some of the guys were here, as well.

"Hey," I said as I sat on the couch.

They all said hi, too. Most of them were minding their own business, paying attention to their phones or whatever breakfast Kyungsoo made for them. Minseok was the only one who sat thoughtful beside me.

"So, Minseok hyung, how did your date go?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows. When I noticed a blush rise to his face, I said, "Don't be shy," and smirked.

"Hey, Park Chanyeol!" he exclaimed as he playfully glared at me. "I, uh, had a good time," he said in the lowest voice I had ever heard him use. So much for trying to keep on the 'older tough member' act.

"What was that? I couldn't quite catch it," I said in a teasing manner.

Minseok just rolled his eyes and looked away. Then, he looked back at me. "We actually had a good time. It went better than I had expected."

"I heard that you kissed her forehead," I said as I ate my sandwich. "I'll just say this once, do not think about hurting her. If you're not planning on befriending her or dating her, then don't get her hopes high, please."

"You care so much," I heard him whisper in kind of an annoyed tone, but I knew it wasn't meant for me to hear. "Don't worry. I don't mean to do her harm."

"Good." I chewed some more. "Another thing, don't even think about kissing the girl for the sake of it. Try that when you have met her well and are sure about your feelings."

He groaned. "I should be the one telling you those things," he said, clearly annoyed.

"Someone's moody. Is there something wrong?" Baek asked, butting into our conversation.

"I'm alright," he said before getting up and exiting the apartment.

There was something troubling him, and only God knew what that was. I considered asking him once I had taken a shower.

"Hyung," I said loudly as I rang the doorbell and knocked on the door. "Open up."

Finally, he decided to open the door. "Is there anything you need?"

"What's bothering you?" I asked as I let myself in.

Minseok sighed and followed me into the living room. "Nothing's wrong," he said with a small smile on his face. "I'm just thinking things through."

"But hyung, I thought you liked her?"

"It's not that I don't. I just think that there's so much at risk. I guess I... I am kind of afraid." He looked at me with sincere eyes.

"Stop overthinking so hard and have fun for once. Do it for me," I said as I pouted. "I assure you that, even if things don't work out between the two of you, you'll have fun for the time being."

"I guess you're right."

"When am I not?" I smirked. "Anyway, I'll be going now. I have someone to meet today."

"Bye, Chanyeollie," he said as he waved.

"Bye, hyung."

I made my way out of the building and directly into a cab, which took me to her house. Once I was outside the gates, I rang the bell and was greeted by the doorman, who already knew me from past visits.

"Please, step in, Mr. Park," he said once the door was open.

I bowed and thanked him, then approached the main entrance. I was greeted by one of the maids, who led me to one of the living rooms. There, I patiently waited for Sunnie to come down.

"Channie!" she screamed from behind me, and I turned around, facing her. She was still wearing her pyjamas. What a cute girl.

I stood up and approached her. "My child," I said, smiling cheekily at her.

"Hey, stop it with the mocking," she said, glaring at me.

I only laughed before engulfing her into a hug. I wrapped my arms tightly around her small frame and smiled when her fruity scent hit my nose. I felt so comfortable and at ease when I hugged her.

After a few seconds, we stepped away from each other, and she just smiled at me. "What do you want to do today?" she asked, running a hand through her brown dyed hair.

"I don't know," I said, taking a seat once again. "We could just stay here."

"Yeah, that'd be good. Do you want to come upstairs?"

I was somewhat unsure of going in her room. What if her parents did not approve of me going in there? I scratched the back of my neck. "Why don't we go elsewhere? Your room certainly does not sound like the best place for us two to be in."

She laughed. "It's alright, really. My parents aren't even here," she said with a small frown. "Let's go."

So the rest of the day basically consisted in the two of us talking crap, her telling me everything about the date, us planning what we'd do for the rest of the week and eating random stuff one of the maids brought us. It probably sounds boring, and I'm certain it would've been if the person hadn't been her. We just had a good time together all the time.

We were currently talking about her college life, when she asked, "Oppa, is there anything you'd like right now? A snack? A drink?"

That really did catch me off guard. Oppa... She had never called me oppa. It sounded funny.

I laughed. "I'm alright. Are you hungry?"

She shifted slightly uncomfortably on her bed. Hm? "No... Let's just continue watching the drama from where we left off, okay?"

"Alright," I said as I nodded.

So we continued watching this drama we had started watching in one of my prior visits. It was about this guy and this girl who ran into each other once and then met again in college. The story basically goes on like that. Girl likes boy, boy likes someone else, girl feels sad, but can't do anything about it other than deny her feelings, etc. Her grandfather is insane and likes to push her into playing gayageum, which is a traditional instrument here in Korea. The guy is more of a rocker.

After, I don't even know, three hours of watching drama, I felt a weight on my shoulder. We were currently sitting on her bed, lying back on the headboard, with our legs spread out and the laptop on one of hers and one of mine.

When I turned to look at her, she looked up at me. I thought she had fallen asleep, but she was just getting comfortable. I rested my head over hers and played the next episode.

When it was by the 47th minute, I heard a deep breath. I looked at her, and she was sound asleep. Oh, so beautiful.

I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. Seriously, this girl just falls asleep anywhere, in the most uncomfortable positions. I closed the laptop and carefully got off the bed as I held her in my arms. Then, I lifted the covers and tucked her in. She moved in her sleep, but thankfully, she didn't wake up.

I kissed her forehead before exiting the room and heading back to my own place.


Wow! Love me right is freaking amazing, and the video is, as well. I have been so excited for the entire day that I couldn't even concentrate on studying, haha.

Since I liked the song so much, I decided to add it on chapter 7, when they went to the night club and Chanyeol danced for her(because the story is supposed to take place somewhere in July). Just imagine him grinning and dancing like in the video. Hahahaha, what a guy


Let Me Love You [EXO Chanyeol]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ