Chapter 18

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Park Chanyeol

"Channie," she slurred, staring at the ceiling.


"Do you ever feel lonely?"

I thought about it for a second. "Not really, I mean, these eight guys are always-"

"I said lonely, not alone." She corrected.

"Well, I guess we all do sometimes. Do you?" I asked as I stroked her silky smooth hair.

A smile made its way across her complexion. "So much that it physically hurts me sometimes."

I gulped, not knowing what to say or what to do. I then cleared my throat awkwardly.

"But ever since we became friends, I don't know, I feel less lonely. You're always there, making me laugh and smile. I forget about the rest of the world when I'm with you. I guess that's why I appreciate you so much." She pinched my cheeks and grinned.

I couldn't help but chuckle. "Likewise." She looked at me, and I sent her a wink. "I hope Minseok can make you feel that way someday, too."

"Maybe he will."

After a while of conversing and staring into each other's eyes and the ceiling, she fell asleep in my lap. I didn't know what to do. She looked so peaceful. I didn't have it in me to wake her up... not when she looked so heavenly. I decided to just let her sleep on my bed that night. I mean, it was already 11 anyhow.

After placing her on my bed and tucking her in, I took one of the spare pillows and tried to get comfortable on the floor. It was nearly impossible, but I did it for her sake.

I stared off into space, thinking about the events that took place on that day. Eventually, I wandered off to the first day that I met her. I overthought for a few minutes and finally reached a deduction.

I realized that the reason why I was feeling some sense of jealousy was because...


Well, she was my best friend, and I didn't want her to pay me less attention.

After coming to that conclusion, which actually made me feel happy and relieved, I fell asleep on the hard floor.


Kim Sunhee

I slowly opened my eyes, trying to adjust to the lighting that entered the window. My head hurt like a bitch. Once my view was fully open, I realized that I wasn't in my room. I gasped, but then realized that I was in Chanyeol's room. And that just made me gasp harder. I blushed at the thought of accidentally falling asleep in his house.

When I looked to my right, I saw him lying on the floor with nothing but a pillow under his head. He must've slept so uncomfortably... I suddenly felt some sort of guilt. Still, he looked so tranquil, and the sight was rather pleasant. What a beautiful person.

I didn't want to wake him up, but I couldn't stand to see him sleeping on the cold, hard floor. "Channie," I said in a low tone as I shook him. "Park Chanyeol."

I kept on shaking him, until he groaned and slowly peeled his eyes open. He scowled at me, and I only laughed. "Get your ass off the floor and to the bed. I bet you slept uncomfortably."

He moaned and rolled to the other side. "Nah, I'll just get up now." He finally got on his feet and rubbed his eyes. "How was your sleep?" he asked, opening the door.

"You should've woken me up." I pouted.

He ruffled his hair and fixed his eyes on the wall behind me. "I couldn't. Waking people up is something cruel, and as you already know, I'm not a cruel person."

"Sure thing..."

"What was that?" he asked as he opened the door and let me step out first.

I snickered. "I just said that I know, because you're so kind."

He rolled his eyes as we walked to the kitchen, where Kyungsoo was cooking something and Jongin was sitting on one of the dining table chairs, eating some cereal. When we both stepped in, they looked at us, and just when they were about to say hi, their eyes fell on me, then on Chanyeol.

Kyungsoo's eyes were wider than usual-and trust me, that's very wide, and Jongin nearly spat the cereal out.

"Wha- why- did you sleep over?" Jongin asked, after swallowing the contents in his mouth and drinking some water.

"Yes," Chanyeol said, taking a seat next to him. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't mention anything to Minseok."

"What are flatmates for?" Jongin asked, smiling kindly, I think, at me.

"Are you hungry, Sunhee?" Kyungsoo asked, motioning toward the breakfast he was preparing.

All of a sudden, I felt nauseous. Memories of all the food I ate the previous night crossed my mind. I knew I shouldn't have eaten so much, but I just couldn't reject the dinner after he went out and bought it. I tried to avoid eating, but he made me.

I gulped so loud that I thought all of them heard. "No, but thank you."

"Are you sure?" Chan asked. "Kyungsoo can cook enough for all of us."

"I'm sure. I'm not the type of person to have breakfast." I smiled awkwardly at my dearest friend. "I should probably call my driver. It's already 11. I'm sure Aihye is waiting for me."

"Alright, you do that. I'll just wait for some food here."

I stepped into the balcony and dialed Hwanchul's number. As soon as he picked it up and we both greeted each other, I requested for him to pick me up. He immediately agreed and said he'd be there as soon as possible. I thanked him and we hung up.

Hwanchul and Aihye were both like family to me. They had been working for us since I was pretty young. They both kept me company since my parents were never around.

After a while of waiting, Hwanchul finally arrived. I bid farewell to the guys and quickly made my way to the elevator. My stomach was killing me. When the elevator finally arrived, the doors slid open, revealing a guy in a cap and a mask.

"Sunhee, what brings you here?" he asked, taking his mask off to reveal his flawless face. His eyes landed on the clothes I was wearing, which were the same as on the previous day, and they widened slightly. "Did you stay over last night?"

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