Chapter 25

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Park Chanyeol

"Sunhee... I love you."

"Excuse me?" Her eyes fluttered slightly.

I cleared my throat. "You heard me. I love you, my friend." I sent her a wide grin.

She giggled, and if I didn't know any better, I'd say she looked kind of relieved. "I love you, too."

"Do you want me to take you home now? Or do you want to run some errands with me today?"

She bit her lower lip. I nearly had a heatstroke. "What is it that you have to do?"

"I have a radio interview in about an hour. I was also thinking about getting a new computer."

"Well, I know I'll be bored out of my mind if I go home directly..." She sighed. "So I guess I'll come with you."

"Alright! We'll stop by your house so that you can change out of those clothes, and then, we'll head off. I'll just say that you're my makeup assistant, or something."

She laughed that pretty laugh of hers. "Okay."


After stopping by her house and picking up a makeup bag, we made our way to the radio station. On our way there, we chatted and I managed to make her laugh for real once. Two more to go.

My main intent with all this was to keep her busy, to distract her and try to make her feel better. I wanted to show her that this wouldn't change anything between us, that I was here to support her eternally.

We arrived at the station soon after, and I was instantly greeted by a great amount of fans awaiting outside in crowds. I smiled and waved at all of them as I made my way inside. I took a glance at Sunhee, who was following shortly behind me with her eyes glued to the floor. Shaking my head, I continued walking, focused on the entrance door rather than my dearest friend.

I could hear the fans asking who she was, but we both chose to ignore it. Still, I was leaning onto the excuse that she was my makeup and hair assistant. Which I never really used, but who even cares?

"Sunhee," I said once we were finally in. "Just act like you know what you're doing. I'll let you know when I need you."

She nodded her head. "Okay, Mister Chanyeol." She then bowed and took a seat.

So much for being an amazing actress/liar.

Soon after, the broadcast began. This basically consisted on me being interviewed on a radio station and it was broadcasted both as a video live stream and a radio stream. So basically everyone could see whatever went on inside. Hence why Sunhee was my makeup assistant for the day.

The interviewer cracked a few jokes and asked some questions, which I gladly answered, and then we had a song break. During these song breaks, the listeners and viewers couldn't hear anything at all other than the songs. Everything was still visible in the live stream, though, but no one could tell what we were speaking about.

I immediately called Sunhee over, and she sprinted toward me. She put some more powder on my face and fixed my hair with her hands.

"How am I doing?" I asked. I noticed that we were very close to each other, and I suddenly felt the urge to kiss her, despite the viewers and the station staff.

She smiled and gave me a thumbs up. "Amazing. I mean, I knew you were confident and talkative, but you've left me speechless. You're so natural doing everything you enjoy." She applied some more powder. "Anyway, I'll see you later. Fighting!"

"Fighting," I said in a low tone, smiling slyly to myself as I watched her walk away.

Wow, I'm so hopelessly in love with you.

Anyway, the interview continued and another song break came. Sunhee, yet again, approached me and 'fixed' my hair and makeup.

"Hey," I began speaking as Sunhee ran her hands through my hair. "I still have to make you laugh two more times." I pouted.

Without noticing, I trapped her legs in between mine. It had become some kind of habit, and since I had completely forgotten about the cameras and the people around, it sort of happened.

She flicked my forehead. "You still have time." She grinned and stuck her tongue out.

Suddenly, someone cleared their throat. "Chanyeol," the interviewer said, staring awkwardly at us two. "The song break will be over in a matter of seconds."

"Oh, okay." That's when I noticed my legs and Sunhee's. I subtly pushed her away and sent her a reassuring smile.

She made her way back to behind the crystal door and stared.

Finally, the break was over.

"So Chanyeol, we'll begin our small question segment. The questions are submitted by fans who are currently watching or listening to this stream. I'll choose questions of my interest and you can either answer or pass, which is highly not recommended." She chuckled. "Anyway, let's start."

I nodded my head slowly and smiled.

The questions went from what my current favorite song was to what I would like to do if I weren't an idol, when suddenly...

"User @MirixX9 asks: oppa, who is that girl with you? Is she your girlfriend?"

My heart stopped for a few seconds. I gulped as I felt a lump form in the back of my throat. I was probably blushing by now, and my eyes were slightly wider than usual. "Oh, uh, no." I chuckled uncomfortably. "She, as you may have already noticed, is my new makeup and hair noona, and she's here to get some training before the real deal." I smiled at the end of my lie.

Our manager is so going to murder me.

"Oh, you seemed to be close. She's pretty young and good looking," commented the interviewer.

"We've only recently met." I sent the lady a smile, which she returned.

I took a quick glance at Sunhee, who was shyly staring at the floor. I could tell she was feeling awkward to say the least, and more over, nervous.

I wanted to scream to the whole wide world that I was in love with that girl right there, but I couldn't. That could only result in disaster. Stupid troublesome feelings...

"Anyway, moving on to the next question..."



My phone broke, lol...


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