Only you - Moriyama x Reader

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You have started dating Moriyama for not so long. It was a bit unexpected and rushed, so you have asked him to keep it a secret for now. The truth is you don't really know why he wanted to date you and you think this isn't going to last long knowing how much he likes cute girls and to flirt with them.

Moriyama walks past you in school and looks at you hopefully "Hi (y/n)"

"H-Hi" you say lowering your head and walking faster to the other way.

He sighs looking at you and walks away as well.

You actually want to go see him at practice so you snicker to the gym carefully and peak through the door not wanting anyone to see you.

"(y/n)!" he smiles and waves to you "Come here!"

You flinch and run away from the gym not wanting the rest of the team or the girls who are watching him to see you.

All people in the gym look at Moriyama as he rushes after you "Wait!"

You don't stop and enter the library hoping he wouldn't follow you there since he should be bothering other people, what you don't expect is to find it empty.

"(y/n)!" he rushes into the library.

Your eyes widen "S-Sorry! Y-You should go to practice if you don't want Kasamatsu-san to get mad"

"Why are you ignoring me?" he takes your hands and gently kisses them.

You shiver and pull your hands away from him hiding them behind your back and turning your face from him "I-I'm not... B-But seriously you should return"

"You don't love me anymore?" he asks sadly.

Your eyes widen and you look back at him again "No! It's not that!!"

"Then come with me" he holds out his hand to you.

"Wh-Where?" you look up at him moving your hand from behind your back but not giving in already.

"I don't know... as long as you go with ne I'd go straight to hell" he smiles warmly.

You look up at his serious eyes with your wide open ones then you move your hand hesitantly to grab his lightly.

He squeezes your hand and pulls you out of the school "Go home and I'll come really quickly okay?" he smiles widely.

"U-Um... O-Ok..." you look at him confused not knowing why is he doing this but you feel fear. You are now more afraid than any moment before of losing him. He has basically throw you out of the school, or that is what you think. So you release his hand and obey him, going home with your head low.

"Don't worry I'll come back as fast as I can!!" he shouts.

You flinch hearing that and hug your body trying to calm the part of you that doesn't believe him while walking home.

He rushes to the closest jewellery store and gets you the best necklace he can afford. Later he rushes to the flower shop and buys you a bouquet of your favourite flowers.

Meanwhile you have reached your home and you're sitting on the couch trying to watch TV to forget about Moriyama, which actually is not working.

He runs to your home as fast as he can knowing what you're thinking about and rings the bell "(y/ n)!"

You hear it making you yelp and you stand up and go open the door slowly "M-Moriyama?"

He smiles widely and hold out the flowers "I know that things I'm buying are not going to show you my love but I just want you to keep the pieces of this huge love with you whenever I'm not around" he gives you the necklace in a beautiful box and smiles.

Your eyes widen looking down at the necklace then at his eyes making the tears you have been holding back run out your eyes.

He wides his eyes and he sighs "I-I'm sorry... if you don't feel the same it's okay..."

You throw yourself to his chest and hug him tightly "N-No! I... I love you so much! I... I'm sorry f-for not believe i-in your feelings!"

He smiles and hugs you back burying his face in your neck and gently kisses it.

You shiver from the feeling and smile lightly "C-Come on, let's enter home" you wipe your tears grabbing the flowers with one hand and his hand with the other pulling him in.

He closes the door behind him and lets you drag him anywhere you go.

You walk to your room and place the flowers in a vase by your window smiling "Thank you so much, they are beautiful" you smile and kiss his cheek.

He opens the box with the necklace and gently puts it around your neck. You shiver from the feeling and look down at it brushing it with your fingertips smiling.

He kisses your neck and turns you around to face him and kisses you passionately.

You hug him by his neck slowly kissing him back and when you two break the kiss you bury your flushed face in his chest gripping his shirt "M-Moriyama..."

He smiles and holds you tightly whispering sweet words about you and after each one he kisses your head.

You blush more with each one of his words and kisses making you hug him by his torso tighter "I-I think I want to stop keeping this a-as a secret..." you whisper.

"What?" he smiles widely and looks at you "A-Are you sure!?"

"Y-Yeah" you smile up at him shyly with pinkish cheeks.

He kisses your nose and drags you out of your house.

"Wh-Where are we going?" you chuckle.

"Practice is not over yet!" he chuckles "I'm going to show you to them"

"Wh-What?!" you blush "I-I'm not a th-thing you can be sh-showing around!"

"It's not that way! I just want everyone to know that I love you and that you are mine" he pecks your lips "and I'm yours of course"

You blush madly and low your head to cover it with your hair letting him drag you to school again.

When you bot reach the school he opens the door to the gym and confidently walks in holding your hand

"Where the hell have you been?!?!" Kasamatsu yells at him.

You yelp startled and hide behind Moriyama as a reflex from Kasamatsu's yell.

Moriyama chuckles and gently takes your hand "Don't scream when my girlfriend is around. She gets scared easily~"

Kasamatsu wides his eyes and chuckles "What are you trying to reach by forcing a girl to pretend to be your girlfriend?"

You flinch "Th-That's not true, I-I'm really his g-girlfriend" you say shyly while blushing and squeezing his hand nervously.

"Yeah" he smiles and hugs you tightly "Isn't she the cutest thing you've ever seen?"

Your eyes widen and you hide your flushed face in his chest "M-Moriyama, s-stop saying e-embarrassing th-things..." you whisper hugging him back lightly.

Kasamatsu's eyes widen and Kise rushes to you smiling widely "Ah~ she is cute~" he chuckles "Are you jealous senpai?" he looks at Kasamatsu.

You blush from the closeness and statement of Kise making you nuzzle closer to Moriyama.

He smiles and strokes your head while Kasamatsu hits Kise "I'm not jealous!!!!" he screams and blushes slightly.

Moriyama chuckles and whispers by your ear "I love you sweetheart" he kisses your ear and places his forehead on yours "Only you"

This one was requested by briannay I hope you like it!! ^^

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