Pregnant - Kise x Reader

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You have been married to Kise for two years. You are now preparing the dinner for him after a week without seen him because of his job. He is a pilot. You keep making dinner and suddenly you stroke your belly "I hope he would not get mad at me..." you say sadly.

Yes, you are pregnant from like a bit more of a week. You didn't want to tell him by phone so you have thought on telling him today, but you are afraid he would get angry and don't want the child this earlier, since having the baby means he has to fly less time abroad.

After a while, Kise enters your apartment "I'm home~!"

You flinch "H-Hi Ryouta! I-I'm in the kitchen" you say removing your hand from your belly and continue cooking.

As he comes to the kitchen he gently hugs you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder.

You smile slightly but tense your body "S-So, how was your week?"

It was kind of hard but I'm glad I'm here now" he kisses your neck.

"Yeah, I missed you..." you say stroking his hair but not looking at him.

"I've missed you more (y/n)chi~" he chuckles.

You chuckle a bit but still with fear in the eyes and peck his cheek "Then... what about you have a shower meanwhile I finish your favourite dinner?"

"You seem weird today... Something happened?"

"Oh no! Of course not" you chuckle lightly "I'm just tired from work"

"Then you should rest!" he says with determination.

"Ryouta I'm ok" you say turning to him and trying to fake your most convincing smile "You should go to have a relaxing shower and I'll finish the dinner, and there's nothing more to discuss" you say and peck his lips.

He sighs "Ok (y/n)chi~"

You turn to continue cooking and sigh when he went out "I don't know how to tell you..." you think to yourself finishing cooking.

After some time Kise comes back to the kitchen wile drying his hair with a towel. You look up at him and smile chuckling a bit while some tears appear in the edge of your eyes.

He smiles widely to you and stops as he come closer "What's wrong?" he gently strokes your cheek.

"Oh!" you wipe the tears away "It's because of the onions of the salad haha" you look up at him smiling "It's ok, let's eat"

He looks worried at you "Is that true?"

"Yes of course! Come on let's eat, it's your favourite!" you grab his hand and make him sit and you sit in front of him.

He smiles to you carefully "Ok..."

You start eating in silence.

"Why are you so quiet? You're scaring me~" Kise asks.

You yelp a bit "Oh it's nothing, i-it has been so long that I've been having dinner by myself that I forgot to talk haha" you answer nervously and continue eating.

"You're not telling me something... I can see that (y/n)chi..."

"J-Just finish your dinner..." you low your head covering your face with your hair.

"Why don't you trust me? I love you and I don't know what's bothering you but I'll help if I can" he says looking at you with concern.

"R-Ryouta... let's j-just talk after dinner... ok?" you say containing your tears.

"No! (y/n)! Don't do this! I'm worried about you!" he quickly stands up and kneels next to your chair gently taking your hand in his.

"R-Ryouta..." you look down at yours and his hand, both with your engagement rings and tears start to stream down your cheeks "I... I have to tell you something..."

He stands up and pushes your chair from the table "Don't cry (y/n)chi~" he lifts you up making you sit on his lap and wipes your tears away.

You try to contain the tears "P-Please... listen t-to me... b-because... what I'm going to tell you is r-really important... and i-it's going to change our lives... one way or another..." you say the last word with a cracking voice from fear.

"Whatever it is you don't have to worry. I'm with you" he places his forehead on yours.

"I... I'm pregnant..." you say whispering looking down at your hands.

Kise looks at you with surprised expression for a while and later a wide smile appears on is face "(y/n)chi! That's... That's WONDERFUL!" he lifts your face up "(y/n)! We're going to have a baby!" he laughs as he squeezes you tightly.

"R-Ryouta" you chuckle a bit smiling and hugging him back "I-I can't breathe..."

"I'M SORRY!" he lets you go "Are you ok?"

"Y-Yeah..." you try to catch your breath "But... you sure you aren't mad at me..?"

"Why would I? This is such an amazing thing!!" he chuckles "OMG! This is going to be the most beautiful kid on earth!"

You wide your eyes then giggle at his excited expression "But, having the kid means... you have to fly less abroad..." you say carefully while stroking your belly.

"It doesn't matter (y/n)chi! I'll do anything for you two!!" he smiles and pulls you into a kiss.

You smile into the kiss "Thank you... I hope the kid have your soft hair and gentle heart" you say smiling at him while stroking his hair.

"Hmm~ I hope he'll look just like you" he kisses your nose "Then it would really be the most beautiful kid on earth"


Here you have this dork! Hope you liked it!! ^^

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