Chapter 17. Everyone, Training Stations!

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Ethan’s Story:

 It was obvious he had no idea what, or where he was, but it came apparent, that even in the loft people heard of a guy, in the nude, and without a name, was arrested in the court yard of the Trigog Building. He stood on the landing floor of the loft, looking back at very distinct and yet unique looking people staring back at him. “ Hello, welcome to the Trigog, I’m Mara,” said a robed girl with a jewel embedded in her forehead. “ You must be the mystery guy, everyone’s been talking about?!” Asked Mara while she, and Razor stepped up to him on the landing of the loft. He was shocked at the sight of the AI Sandra Org Cyborg, standing so close to him, “ What’s the matter, never seen a Cyborg before?!” Asked Mara teasing while Razor looked at him, and scuffed at him. Razor walked off to his chamber giving him another mug look, while others of the loft came up to greet him. “ I’m Commander Ghost I’m mainly stationed at Conell Delta Space!” He said reaching out his hand to shake the new guys hand. “ Don’t mind Razor, he’s not open to a lot of people, but give it time and he’ll come around. “ What is this place?!” He asked as another member of the loft walked up. “ This is Icon’s most powerfull weapon, The Trigog- Fort Nova.” Said Rose introducing herself and giving him complete eye contact.  “ The Trigog?!” He asked as he took a look around. “ If High Guard Creeg didn’t tell you, your in the best Icon Military Base there is, anyone carring Arourian Power is brought here to train, and build our Arourian Power to its best potential,” Claimed Rose, interested in him it seemed. He finally made his way to the lounge while a projector screen of television displayed itself out of a small device. The small crowd gathered around to watch a news segment coming on. “ Thank you, and Welcome back to The Stanley Global.”  “I’m Susan Rogers with the story.” Announced the Anchor Women “More out rage continues as peace rallies and protesters conform outside New Dock Cathedral, all wondering, why?!” The image left the TV studio as an image of a reporter appeared.  “Were going to the ground with Greg Cline to get the story!” Alerted Susan, as her co- worker Greg came into view. “ Yes, it was only four days ago that our sister civilization, New Dock was under an attack that still needs answers!” Stated the reporter, walking around the rubble and mayhem of the bombing of The Cathedral in the downtown area. The camera view came out to a full scale size, as the site of Icon Police blocked off areas with caution tape. Icon Soldiers patrolled around, and many Icon officials stood around examining everything. “ Bomb units are now putting together pieces of the explosives used to kill Doctor Thorne a lead Scientist at Icon Labs.” Announced the Reporter. “ Looking further Icon Bomb specialists are trying to see if the Bomb that was detonated in New Dock Civilization has any link to Yemen and The Arab Order.” “ Given, The Arab Order denounced any claims of the bombing, as leaders of The Order are pointing their finger, at The Shine!” Described the reporter while the camera zoomed out again to the large devastation. “ I can bet you any money it was The Shine!” Claimed Spider, as he and Gage came into the lounge, watching the projection display more of the news segment. “Spider, The Shine are more focused on rebuilding Red Russia right now!” Scolded Gage as he held a plate of food and sat in the open couch space next to Rose.

Ethan couldn’t help but feel connected some strange way to the bombing of New Dock. He couldn’t remember a thing though, nothing came to memory as he tried to think of something that could bring him back to himself.  Again nothing, but as he watched The Stanley Global news segment, deep down he knew something wasn’t too far off.

A bit later Ethan found himself in his quarters. He was given a big comfy bed, and nightstand. A desk next to a giant bay window that looked out to a magical landscape of endless fantasy. Walking up to his closet he opened it, and swung the door open. Hanging in a Sword Sleeve was The Sword of Xavier, the blade he used to kill the Gauntlet Bane. For a second he flashed back to the gorgeous Beast and the Angelic being that gave him the sword. He looked and saw to side by a mirror in his closest a blue colored button. Pushing it he jumped back at a projection of a man’s face popping out at him. “ Good evening, I’m Slacks your friendly closet AI!” Said a digital voice coming from the projection. “ I am in charge of all equipment and uniforms obtained by you while you’re here!” Ethan looked at the pull out racks as “Slacks” his AI gave him a run-down of the uniforms that were hanging up already. “ And in the corner storage is where your relics will go!” Instructed the AI when then came a knock at his chamber door.

“ Hey, who is it?!” Asked Ethan. “ It’s High Guard Creeg, do you have a few moments to talk?! She will asked as she pushed open the door and looked at Ethan. He sat down on the bed while she pulled a chair from the desk and faced him. “ I want to be very clear, you nor I at this point know how you got here, or why, but know that the Trigog Fort Nova is sacred!” She began while looking around the room. Turning her vision to him she said, “we need to give you a name, something fitting!” “A name?!” Asked Ethan confused as he couldn’t even think of the name he was given from birth. “ Yes a name, I can’t have you walking about the Trigog with out a proper name and as you are officially a pupil here, you must put yourself in with your surroundings.” Commanded High Guard Creeg, looking at  Ethan with a smile. “ Tomorrow we start training you!” “ I noticed The Sword of Xavier hanging up in your Armory, so you’ve slayed The Gauntlet Bane?!” She asked in wonder. “ I remember killing The beast, and seeing an Angelic Creature who gave me the sword!” Claimed Ethan, looking back at Creeg. “With a kill like that, I feel your potential and purpose here is more valuable than I thought!”

Creeg seemed content in a way. The anomaly of a stranger brought to her so randomly, was like The Alphamen intended  this fate.

“ Breakfast is at zero- seven hundred hours, and after is your first day of training!” Announced Creeg while the metal on her uniform glimmered in the light of the hallway as she stepped closer to the door.

Ethan took a good look at her, cape to armor, armor to weapon, weapon to her face. She was beautiful, yet knowing she was very strong and was in charge or command of the platoon. She seemed generally nice! Creeg said goodnight closing the door, as darkness crept into the room. Ethan curled up in his blanket, exhausted from such a day. He closed one eye, yawning deeply, then both eyes closed and sleep came instantly to him.

Drifting off to sleep he was beginning to dream, that was going to unfold into a complete nightmare.

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