Chapter 1. The Dawn's Light

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Icon Angelic Phantom

Chapter One: The Dawn

Dash's Story:

“It had been years, since I’ve seen lights like that in the Sky!” said Agent Dash holding a high powered Machiena 86 Sniper rifle scope up to his eye sight. “ What is it Agent Dash, is it The Divines again?!” Asked Agent Arch impatient and eager to know. “ Well?” Asked Agent Arch as he finally stepped onto the high platform landing of the shorter skyscraper rooftop. The two Icon Soldiers were on a mission to locate Angelic energy, and remove or stop Dawnlings; offspring of The Divines, spiritual creatures from manifesting Aurorian Power. “Dawnlings!” “A swarm of them, my life form monitor is flashing around 30 Dawnlings or more are up there perched,” announced Dash laughing as he looked over to Arch. They were one building over and bout 60 feet below their reaching target. “How do you suppose we’re getting over there? “Asked Arch looking up at the target location. “Fly!” said Dash transforming himself from Human to An Arourian Icon Warrior. For Dash and Arch we’re receivers of Aurorian Power, days after The Divines left Earth years ago. Wings c burst out of Dash’s, and Arch’s back as their bodies took even more masculine shape. As they slowly flew up to the next building, they summoned Holy Armor around themselves as they reached The Dawn who seemed to be floating in pods of each other, eyes closed as they seemed to just peacefully exist. “ Their Sleeping!” Said Arch walking up to Dash looking at them in suspense and interest. They had golden bodies with beautiful colored feathers, as they looked like prehistoric birds. “They’re magnificent!” said a voice in Dash’s ear-piece. “High Guard Revin, were close to the target, ready to administer sedative one in target A. For a second they had forgotten their task. To capture a Dawn and bring it into Icon Head Labs for advanced vital and bio testing.

Arch pulled out a nine mil hand gun as he loaded a sedative dart into the magazine clip, while he tip-toed closer to them. “ Ready?” Asked Dash as he held his rifle close finger on the trigger. Arch was in seconds of a shot as a loud craft plane flew past, its engines making a blasting, loud noise for sure to awaken these resting beasts. Dash looked around as pairs of eyes stared at him and Arch both at a pause. Reacting, Arch shot at the Dawn piercing it deep in the side under the cuff of its bright wing. “ Run Arch, head to the edge of the building now!” instructed Dash while flocks of Dawnling gusted up into the air spiraling about in the sky. Casting magic's at The Icon Soldiers. “ Sir., we hit the target, the bird should be down soon, send in back up Air Support.” Requested Dash beginning to run to the edge of the building. Dash and Arch both jumped from the high roof, wings again whipping out of nowhere as they plunged to the sky below in free fall. The Dawn above. Flustered, and angry, all swarmed down towards Dash, and Arch like a cloud of hornets. In Dash’s head he could hear The Dawn read his mind as they continued to free fall story after story. Dash Snapped into a vengeful mode and summoned his Sword Canith. A lethal, strong weapon, forged in Second Heaven. It’s blade could cut massive wounds in soft creatures such as the Dawnling. “We only need one of you bastards!” shouted Arch firing heavy ammunition at the Dawn watching some die and drop from the sky to the ground way below. Pulling up from free fall, Dash turned upward and bolted back to the upward sky. His sword gutting out every threatening creature around him. Blood fell from the wounded creatures dripping on to the building next to them, slowly blood ran down from gravities pull.

A few hollow tip rounds at the closest Dawn only to fall instantly to the ground. As the fight continued and the wait for the Dawn with the sedative to pass out was not easy.

The sound of Icon Air Support was getting closer. Dash and Arch were finishing off a few other Dawn resting or hiding away from them on lower rooftops as the fight had been taken to aircraft traffic level. People could see Arch and Dash cutting the flesh of The Dawn as they killed several more before the arrival of Icon Air Support. “ Icon Air Support 33802 coming in hot!” Said another voice in Dash’s ear-piece. It was General Ream, Icon's most iconic Soldier! “General Ream, it is a good day to hear from someone of your stature.” “Sir.” Complimented Dash as he could relax finally, letting the Generals Air Ship fire its Tech 50 caliber Machiena at any remaining Dawnling threats. Dash and Arch covered in blood and sweating from battle returned their bodies back to their human self. As they got into an assisting Air-Ship that covered them as of Dawn appeared. “ They're not letting up!” Shouted Dash, as he saw an Icon Air-Craft lift in A Dawn creature from the rooftops, heading it to a lab for research.

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