Chapter 16 part 2. One Last Chance to Come Together.

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Princess Delamore’s Story:

Her eyes glossed in tears, over looking the mutilated body of Sir. Bruce, her loyal hand to The Thrown. His Sword lay in the middle of his chest, and down his sternum, to his armor around his lower abdomen. His grip was tight but though, was held by lifeless hands.  “ Your Service to My Royal Family’s honor will not go in vain!” Said The Princess while she leaned over his body.  Medical drones and a Coroner came into the room to run autopsy test and to clean up and prepare the body for future funeral services. She left the room and made her way to the War room. Down the long corridors she came up to a statue of her father King Arthur Jameson Henry Delamore, the final blood line of the Kingship. “ I won’t let you down Father,” she said as she matured herself and walked Into the War room. “ Attention!” Yelled Clauds Frangar as he and Nole and Leon; the third son of The King of Germany all stood heal toe and turned to Salute Princess Delamore as she walked into the room. Nadia Vildinbarg , the Gail of Helgrid Civilization stood next to them all with a legion behind them. “ My Lady, Queenshire is home to us, we live here and share this land together, loosing not only our host but, friend, and ally Sir . Bruce.” “We’re here to stand with you and retake the lower cities.” Said Clauds Frangar as he looked with sincerity.
“Thank you, I do appreciate you all, now we need to know where and why the chaos got so out of control and who’s behind the push!” said The Princess as She drew up a map from the flash com projector and out came images from all the cameras in the areas of the lower city. Every screen displayed violent images as people trashed the lower city and crime was every where. “ Q7 Intel came in from a street informant of The Shine and Red Russia to be the influencers of today’s riot outbreak.” “ He says Marax and Baal were spotted at a local pool house bar, making conversations with some Red Russian Cultsmen.” “ What ever were against it just killed my most trusted soldier, I cannot afford to lose anyone else!” Commanded The Princess looking around a room of people ready to risk their lives to save Queenshire and restore its Order.
“Q7 Intel has been working on a location of where these Shine Cultsmen maybe!” “ Well have to do sweep routines of the building left standing, there all supposed to be evacuated or no longer in occupation,” said the Princess as to Q7 Intel Agents came in with updated reports on the location.  “ You won’t even have to look, we got high human thermal readings in building C784 its an old bomb shelter out of ability to hold a heavy attack.” Said the Intel Agent as she handed a tablet displaying a 3d reading of their enemies to The Princess. “ Okay each of us will bring seven men with us to the target location.” Commanded Princess Delamore while she began to draw up strategic battle plans. “We’ll surround the building by two blocks in a full 360 angle, my team will enter the building first and secure any hostages and apprehend any Shine the attempt to escape with a full circle around them we should be able to arrest whoever we can.” “ The Shine won’t go down without a fight, their reckless, and nasty in battle depending their ranking officers!” said the Q7 Intel Agent. She looked nervous as if afraid to share fully what she knew. “ What are you holding back what we can’t already see?!” Asked Clauds Frangar as he and Nadia looked at her with suspicions. “ The Cultsmen’s Magjcs are powerful, the can do evil in such little motion, be very careful!” warned the Intel Agent as she walked away. “ Everyone listen up, I will not have you die today, you are Hero’s, Soldiers of Queenshire and Soon A stronghold will create itself within all of us, and we will rise together!” Yelled The Princess in inspiration. “ Here, Here, Long Live Queenshire, and Hail The Crown of King Arthur Jameson Henry Delamore, and Long Live our Lady Princess Delamore!” said  Clauds Frangar as he raised his Sword. “ Hail!” Yelled The Princess, “ Hail!” Yelled the Crowd of men and women ready to prepare for battle.
They where waiting for assembly to the War Air Crafts as The Princess was in a conversation with a man she had met long ago, a man that knew her Father and was apart of Icon In Arha Civilization in the northernwest hemisphere.  Her father spoke great words of him she remembered and knew he seemed suitable to be of assistance.  Clauds Frangar was just walking up to them interrupting their talk, “ My Lady Delamore I ask is today the day we Introduced our new power upon The Shine today?!” Clauds began as he was very Interested in seeing it. “ The Zuse Fire will not be used today, the need for us to early expose our upper hand to our enemy right now Is not.” She replied shutting down his request and pressing on over to a crowd of Knights armoring up.
Boarding the docking ramp to the War Air Craft The Princess looked back to her Cousin Annette standing their quietly watching the AirCraft lift up into the sky and her last and only family fly away again to the lower cities, now to achieve vengeance.
As they flew over building roof tops and scaled the high sky The Princess looked below to the lower cities as smoke drew tall clouds in the sky and the smell of metal burning could fill a nose within five miles.  “ This is bad!” She said to herself glancing out the window of the craft. A small but possibly deadly battle was going to tale place all in the name of Sir. Bruce.

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