Chapter 4. Thelonious: Tillers of the Earth

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Roke's Story:

"Zdravstvuy Verbovka lyudey v Novuyu Russkuyu Armiyu. YA Roke chlen Krasnoy Rossii i komanduyushchiy Krasnoy Armiyey."

("Hello recruiting people of The New Russian Army. I am Roke, a Table Member of the Red Russia, and Commander of The Red Russian Army."), he announced as a massive crowd of volunteers to his cause came with guns, and supplies to his rally. Roke was a very corrupted soul. Dark and yet In his eyes you could see his pain and hurt. He fed off of it like a fuel, and in doing so, he led himself to utter chaos and mayhem. With his voice he lead a defeated torn country to regroup as World War Three dropped the once super power to its knees, weak and unable to revive. So they thought, but as Roke and other Russians came together, their reunion was now for a reason of revenge. " Nas podavlyali i tolkali, taper' my dolzhny podnyat sya i sil'neye dat ' otpor tem kto podavlyayet Nas."

("We have been suppressed, and pushed. Now we must rise and push back harder at those, who suppress us!") , Continued Roke as he raised his hand into a fist and yelled," Strike Hard!" Allowing the crowd to follow in action and words.

Roke Continued to congregate with his new comrades as a Red Mage, or Russian Cults- man came up to him urgently with news. Roke was pulled from the crowd as he turned to The Red Mage. " Have you come to tell me he's here then?!" Asked Roke, to her while she looked at him back with dark will in her eyes. " He is, Lord Hawk has awaken, and demands to speak with you!" Announced the Red Mage while her cult ship came out of giant tents in celebration of their summon. " Take me to him," Commanded Roke.

Roke stepped passed the golden Curtains that held back the freezing air of Russia, as he walked past pillars engraved markings and blood ran down from the sides of them. Past tables of Gold, were sacrifices of humans, whether in their will to be sacrificed or not was not his concern. He could smell the stench of sulfur acid and feel the inferno heat coming from behind a blood soaked curtain. Stepping forward waving the curtain around him he entered the presences of three High Demons of Hell. Izahzale; Prince of Wind, Baal; Hunter of Good men, and Marix; The Shapeshifting Demon. Roke was not worried or in fear as he knew the evil he laid out before him. " Privet, Young Lord Roke!" Said Marix, along time acquainted almost friend to him. "We have come to you, with our offering of aid and assistance to rebuilding Red Russia." Announced Marix, her body in the figure of women, her face of a lion, and her feet of goat, walked like Faun and spoke as if she engulfed flames while she did. Roke looked to Baal, who bowed in a sense of Honor, for He truly had risen the fire that belonged in Hell. " We are here to see you open the Kolaborahole, and aid you against the Arch Angelic Samael; The Venom One." Continued Marix as yet Roke was still waiting. " Is there something you feel off Lord Roke?!" Asked Baal as he could see into the minds of man and in-between the Heavens and Earth. " I summoned Lord Hawk, he is the one I truly asked to be sent here!" Snouted Roke about to continue he was interrupted by an evil Growl. " Then Lord Hawk you shall receive," shouted the beast from them. Roke bowed immediately to his higher heir and stood before him in a full solute and strict position. " Lord Hawk, if I am to ask, I am to ask the instructions of my father Lord Rage, The Furor of Russia," Began Roke as he stood high, showing no fear to the Evil faces before him. " Roke, your father expects of you, highly!" " To say anything now would be peril, as you have simple cults men, and war hungry refugees out side this tent." " But to show you as you move around this wretched planet would be for the sake of our success." Explained Lord Hawk picking up a leg of one of the sacrifices and biting into it. Roke was thrilled at his accomplishments not only to summon three powerful demons but his new mentor and evil commissioner Lord Hawk.

Roke Continued to consult his crowd of demons, and Lord Hawk as they stood around a War table and planed their attack on The Arch Angelic Samael; Guardian Angel of The far Northern Gate to Hell.

" You will need to draw the Angelic out, and stall it for time, pulling farther away from the gate barrier." Instructed Hawk, " I will make my way to the gate and break the Holy Barrier around the doorway." " Baal, you will keep the Dominion Angelic from posing any threat to stop my magic." He continued, looking over to Marix. Marix pulled from her cuff a small blade that held a trinket like cage at the end of it by a string. " This artifacts has the power to possess and trap Angelic souls, sealing them away for eternity under a sigil called Enthore; or end of lighting." He continued on " Izahzale will stab Samael with the blade" Said Lord Hawk as he then looked to Roke. Roke looked at him in a grim face. " Roke you've brought together over ten thousand men to join you in today's attack." " I will cast a magic that will invoke our will in them." Announced Lord Hawk ready enough to lead the large fleet to the edge of the World. The Kolaborahole.

Within hours Roke got fully dressed in his Sun Soldiers uniform; red metal armor molded and plated around his body with large gold bracers and heavy leather gauntlet gloves. His cape was black with a yellow sun emblem on it to represent The Shine- or Sun Soldiers pride. Around that armor attached was technology, a scanning devices for seeking enemies, a shoulder mounted laser gun on his left side, and attached to his sword handle were encrusted magic jewels that had mighty powers in them. He looked at his fleet all toe to toe in similar uniform. He stood on a platform next to Marix, Baal, and Izahzale as Lord Hawk walked about the evil army casting his hate and cruelty into each man that stood before them. Segodnya Vecherom my zakhvatim mir. I izmenit' nashe sushchestvovaniye, pomoshch ada sleduyet za nami v ogon', i vse Zhe my ne sgorim."

(" Tonight we take over the world. And reshape our existences, the aid of Hell follows us into the fire and we will not burn!") Shouted Roke raising his father's Sword into the air. His entire fleet bowed to it, humble to serve its purpose, and willing to die for the Shine! Roke looked amongst his Legion of men fully doomed or marked dead and stewed in an evil peace. His eyes bewildering and filling with the same rage as his father Lord Rage. " We march at dawn, tonight we party with the dead. The crowd of evil cheered loudly as it was very last bits of Roke as a Human now beginning his lead into becoming a Demi God.

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