Chapter 6. Rulers of Queenshire

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Princess Delamore's Story:

She was on her way to Royal Court, passing the halls of Buckingham with grace. “ My Lady Delamore, you looked troubled today, what is the matter madam?!” Asked her Royal High Guard and counselor and Hand to The Throne of Europe Sir. Bruce as he came up making his morning acquaintance with her in the early sun hour. “ I could not sleep well, I had a terrible dream!” She said looking worried but off into a haze. Outside the doors of The Royal Court they stopped and waited to be altered in. “ Now introducing Lady Delamore young Heir to the Throne of Queenshire,” Announced a man In the Court sitting next to two women typing in word after word into a small keypad and monitor as Court proceeded. “Surely we’ll have aid in the West Lacks of Norway soon!” Asked Nadia Vildinbarg The Gail of Helgrid, a medium size civilization in Northern Sweden that presses through Northern Finland and back south of Norway.
“ My people send messages of their failure to hold the walls defense from The Jin Network, ascending Zorbu Drone attacks every other day to our cities of Helgrid.” She was concerned for her country asking her ally across of her levitating podium to Clauds Frangar, asking him to send his country again to Helgrid Civilization to assist them in battle. Clauds Frangar was one of three son’s of The  German King, who rules the enormous City Mutta. “Es tut mir leid, meine Truppen sind zu wertvoll und können nicht noch einmal für die Mauern Ihres Landes geopfert werden.” (“I'm sorry, my troops are too valuable and can not be sacrificed again for your country's walls.”) Said Clauds looking to move his focuses elsewhere.
The Gail looked weak at the mercy of her disappointment, as another young man spoke out. 
Meine Dame von Helgrid, ich Nole von Deutschland, werde Ihnen jedoch mit meiner Armee helfen, Ihre Zivilisation zu schützen!”
(“My Lady of Helgrid, I Nole of Germany, will However assist you with my army to protect your civilization!”) He stood up and bowed to her as his podium lifted into the air. Nadia looked at this man as he smiled delighted to meet her. The Gail seemed pleased as she bowed back. “ Thank You Nole Dane of Germany!” She said, as she could see the gentleman had interest in her. To further discussions, Leon a French Prince lifted his podium up to The Court who all looked at him, he wore a long cape to his armor and his sword holster- empty, sat next to him on a strap. 
“Sur notre satellite en orbite Icon Paris, nous avons repéré plusieurs images d'un homme qui constitue une menace sérieuse et est connu comme terroriste Roke.  Leader du groupe Shine.”
(“On our Icon Paris orbit Satellite we spotted multiple images of a man that’s a serious threat and known terrorist, Roke. Leader of The Shine Group.” He began giving information to the Court of Roke’s high list of crimes and dishonorable record, as every person either knew of him of dealt with him un pleased with his way of life. Princess Delamore knew Roke, yet it had been years since she’d seen him and even could barely make out the resemblance of him since he was young.  A picture of him popped up on a holographic flash- com.
“Roke est connu pour rassembler de petits groupes de personnes en groupes anti-émeutes compacts, mais notre drone espion a capturé Roke à une autre échelle que nous n'avons jamais vue auparavant.”
(“Roke is known for gathering small groups of people into compact riot groups, but our spy drone captured Roke on a different scale than we’ve ever seen before.”)
Admitted Leon while holographic pictures came up of Roke and Lord Hawk, and the demons but where glitched in and out of the entire photo log. “Roke is building an army, and I would think it’s pointed at Queenshire,” said The Princess as the feeling of war crept back into her head. “ I beg to differ your grace!” Said a familiar voice from off to the side of the room. “The Nexus assumes Roke is headed to The Kolaborahole – waiting to open its power he intends to use against the world.” Announced the Lady again as she and her levitating podium meet the eyes of everyone in the room. “ For those who do not know me I am High Guard Creeg, a commanding officer of Icon Fort Nova, or known as the Trigog Building!” Her uniform was Angelic, her armor cuffed tight to her body while straps fluttered at her collar, and her cape flapped lightly back in forth in the light of the dim room. “ High Guard Creeg, what brings you to Queenshire on such abrupt times?!” Asked Sir. Bruce while he and other Royal Guard’s muttered words of unsure, and worry looking at the sight of High Guard Creeg in her mighty presence. “ I’ve come to inform you of Evil that moves in the day and doesn’t sleep at night. Even my own flesh and blood is missing, the last I had heard he was assisting a Dawnling creature escape Icon Labs, taking him into some type of realm not known. The room was quiet, as people looked back and forth, to each other and to High Guard Creeg now loading chips into a holographic projector that spat out images of thousands of peoples faces, giving bio stats next to them. “ These people before us all are all Icon data recorded documentations of Men and women right now carrying or hosting The Angelic wave frequency the Four Angelic Divines, sent bye The Alphamen.” Began Creeg while people of The room drew in close, spectating and observing the people’s pictures glitching in and out of projection. “ Icon and The Trigog are making it an interest to gather new recruitment, and build Fort Nova up into a strong Super Power.” She Claimed as the crowd of people before her looked interested in understanding more. “ If we advance our selves with this new Angelic tool, we can conquer evil as it right now is manifesting against us.” “High Guard Creeg, if your asking Queenshire and it’s council to push your request to Rise Fort Nova we must consider the High Nexus of Cresicon to provide assurance to us that this Angelic energy be modified and held with restrictions!” Announced Sir. Bruce from his podium as the sway of head guided from one person to another. “ I understand the safety involved with transforming humans into super beings, but if not the time to protect our selves from far great chaos, then to sit and wait for something else to crush us again.” Protested High Guard Creeg as she and Sir. Bruce seemed to be at a debate, and of the same interest. “ Grant me The Rise of Fort Nova your grace, and I will build Soldiers and Warriors!” Claimed Creeg as she floated to the middle of the floor. “ All say YES, to Rise of Fort Nova, asked the Royal Court Judge waving his pendulum up. “ Yes!” shouted the people of The Court. Creeg looked to her surrounding as she spotted Princess Delamore next to her council. The room was loud, as congregation of Fort Nova began to process amounts them.

Later that day Princess Delamore was in her Quarters getting ready for The Beacon Ceremony; the lighting of a torch called Zeus Fire signaling that soon the Country’s Great Queenshire and Civilizations were starting to form a strong hold that would drive back any enemy, or entities, that became a threat to The New Europe.
“ My Lady, High Guard Creeg is here to see you!” Announced a servant house maid, as she guided Creeg through the door and into the Quarters of Princess Delamore. Old paintings from artists long ago hung on the walls of her golden God- like utopia right within the Castle. Pink Silk curtains brushed next to colorful plants, while vines and flowers grew all around. “ You said nothing in Court today, is everything okay my lady?!” Asked High Guard Creeg while she stepped closer to the Princess. “ I’m well High Guard Creeg, and happy for your victory in Court against Sir. Bruce”  admitted The Princess with a humble smile on her face. She turned around to her friend and grabbed her hands gently.  “My friend it has been so, very long,” she laughed as her heart felt good to be in her presence. “ Your smile is good to see, I missed how tall you’ve gotten,” said High Guard Creeg admiring her friend. They sat down next to a large window that had a massive view of Queenshire and all her Glory. Craft Vehicles flew off in distance of the Castle as the both glanced at the royalish- future architecture as well.
“ What brings you here to Queenshire again High Guard Creeg,” asked Delamore as she lifted up a cup of hot tea and sipped lightly.
“ As I mentioned before in Court my brother Dash has disappeared over three weeks ago from Icon Labs, freeing a Dawnling from Icon Custody.” Began Creeg as the Princess looked at Creeg with compassion.  “ Your Brother Dash is different than any Icon Soldier I know! “ Complimented The Princess as She continued to listen to Creeg. “He was taken bye the Dawnling, said High Guard Revin, they say he just vanished, without a trace.” Claimed High Guard Creeg. “ I’m sorry Creeg, how can I help you find him?” asked Delamore as she saw the worry in Creeg as she thought of her little brother. “Annette, my cousin- has been practicing with her Arourian Power, summoning Wilts of Light, to pass messages to these Angels within the spirit world around her power.” “ Maybe she can send an Angel through the spirit realm to find him.” Said The Princess, while she waved a servant girl over to send for her cousin Annette. Creeg seemed pleased and hopped Annette would help.
Annette was in the study, reading up on Light magic’s and holy remedies, when she was interrupted bye a servant maid, “My Lady Annette, your audience is needed with The Princess and High Guard Creeg immediately.
Annette, still in her work looked up and shook her head in response. She wore a beautiful dress with ribbons that dropped to the  side of her and slid to the floor covered in papers and books, text books ad religious materials that even though messy, set a vibration of knowledge in the room. “ Tell my dear cousin to wait, right now  I’m close to decoding the text in this book from Egyptian archive.” Said Annette, as she continued to work. “ My Lady said it was a matter that could nor wait, please madam,” pushed the servant maid, now wanting to hurry back. Annette put her book down and got up from her seat. She stretched herself out as she’d been sitting for hours at the same spot. “ Well if High Guard Creeg is here, then something serious is going on,” she said to her self, taking off to The Princess and Creeg immediately!

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