Chapter 13. The battle of The Kolaborahole.

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Roke’s Story:

His army marched through the thick cold, frost bit from the freeze of cold Red Russia clutched onto their bodies, the only thing producing a source of heat.  Lord Hawk, and Lord Roke lead the Battalion through the mountainous terrain till finally over the edge of the a cliff was The Red Temple. The Gate to the Kolaborahole; the doorway to Hell. “ priyatno  videt’, chto nasha mechta pochti sbylas’!” “ It’s good to see our dream almost true!” Said Lord Hawk as he jumped off his egmo and down to the snow and ice that crunched beneath his feet. “ Our Army has made it to the Red Tower, we will camp here and ready ourselves to open The Kolaborahole,” shouted Roke to his Legion while they looked restless as if to ignore every emotion to keep pressing though the thick tundra. “ Lord Roke, Lord Hawk, my Lord’s you have made the travel to The Red Tower, came a Red Mage out of the front gates. The Mage had long cloaked clothing with gold lace that ran throughout the seems of his robe. He held a torch and a cane as he walked up to Roke who looked down at the old Mage. “I see the plans you have, and see the choices you will make and will not stop you Lord Roke.” Claimed the Mage as other mages came out of the temple and started casting magics over the giant crowd of army men, strapped with swords and guns. “ Our Magic will aid you against Samael The Guardian of The Kolaborahole.” Swore the Mage as he drew in dark power and energy soon to fill into Roke and Hawk. Roke drew in the magical energy as his armor gleamed in the crescent moon light and the power flowed throughout him. The Mage whipped blood from a sacrifice over the foreheads of Roke and Hawk. They walked through the temple passing tall pillars, engraved with demonic glyphs, as blood dripped to pools on the floor. Candles lit the walkway, and to the door sealed tight by a sigil and seal spell. Roke walked up instantly to the seal feeling his power repell against the power of the seal on the door as a Sigil opened up as if began to become summoned. Roke could feel Samael the Archangel, the pressure of light and the weight of his sins hold him to the ground and floor. Lord Hawk summoned open the Sigil and out of the darkness came Samael The Archangel of Second Heaven.

The light shun amongst them and in it Rokes wings could be seen, black and ashy, as poison and gas released like sulfur from him. “ You are here for something I will not let you do!” Claimed Samael as he drew his Holy Staff out of the light and stepped onto the ground of the Earth. “ We are here to open the Kolaborahole up, and walk into Hell for power untouched, yet.” Announced Hawk as he drew his sword and pointed It at the angel. Instantly the sky above opened up and angels poured out of the air down to the army, as a battle began. The sound of swords clashed and guns fired a spiritual event was now in place. Samael flew up to the sky drawing magic to his Holy staff and waved a force of light out at Roke and Hawk who leaped out the way. Blood stained the walls of the temple while the fight broke out. Roke moved in and out clusters of angels and Shine men fighting, while he tried to distracted Samael and keep his focus off Lord Hawk. Samael sent another strong wave of light from his staff down crushing the stones of the temple as well as Shine men killing them Instantly.  Angels weaved in and out through the air killing soldiers of The Shine while others cast holy magic up against to door of The Kolaborahole  attempting to keep The Seal locked. Hawk was cutting angels out of the sky pulling them apart as he led a brigade of soldier with him. Fire and brimstone began to fall from the sky while the battle progressed.  Mages of The Red temple cast out magic spells at crowds of angels binding them with thorns and squeezing their bodies till they leaked blood.

Roke had finally took to the sky his wings dodging out the way of Holy magic and light arrows fired at him as he came up to Samael and uppercut him with a punch and sucker kicked him In the mid body sending  The Archangel back spitting blood out. Roke beamed up to him and stuck his sword at him. Luckily blocking the swing Samael drew in power n pulsed out a beam of light. “ Light of God,” he shouted as the light flowed up to Roke burning his flesh at instant. Roke yelled as he looked to his leg armor and shoulder armor simmering from the heat. He unlatched his upper torso armor and  dropped it to the ground as he levitate above a bloody battle below. “ Today you will fall to The Shine!” taunted Roke as he spoke over to Samael who floated over the battle bellow as well. “ Your intentions are un pure Roke, your will alone Is foul, in the name of Good I will not allow you to open this Gate.”  Shouted Samael as he lifted his staff up to the sky. A bolt of golden Lightening flashed In the sky and a giant owl came out of the sky and bombed down to the army bellow pulling Shine Soldiers up into the clouds then dropping them from up high, only to crash to the ground and die from impact.

Samael flew over to Roke as their weapons clashed hard. They fought swinging their weapons around as they danced and floated in the sky filled with golden lightening. Slash to slash, blow to blow Roke out matched Samael as he swung his blade as struck Samael in the shoulder drawing blood. Samael yelled as he wielded his sword back cutting Roke on the leg. Roke instantly had a flashback to his youth, then coming back to the moment he was hit in the face as Samael grabbed him by the neck.  Roke dropped his sword down to the ground as he was in suspension being choked out. Samael looked at Roke. “ You simple human!” Said Samael as he thought this was the end of Roke. Suddenly Rokes sword came flying into Samael’s back through his wings. He screamed In a horrible pain as Roke’s blade implied him. Samael’s grip loosened and soon Samael fell from the sky blood trailing behind. Hawk was close by casting magic and summoning Sigil Seal, soon to open. Roke drooped down fro the sky and hounded over the dead body of the Archangel. “ Looks like God doesn’t mind!” said Roke with a twisted smile then grabbing his side blade he grabbed the lifeless angel and lifted him up to the sky. Then Roke cut the wings of his body of and opened his mouth wide and devoured the angels wings, then arms, and finally ate his head and face. Blood leaked from Roke’s face as he looked to the fading battle in front of him. Angels ascended back to the sky and as they did the crescent moon in the sky turned red and gold lightening was followed by blood raining down to the red stained snow already. As the seal broke and Sigil flashed and disappeared, The Kolaborahole was open.

Hawk stopped and looked at Roke while the men of The Shine Cheered loudly. “This is it Roke, only Demi- God’s and Their Legions are allowed to enter The Gates of Hell, and if worthy, come out a True God!” Claimed Hawk as he reassembled the Army and they stomped into the Kolaborahole. Marching down the cold dark steps the Army freely walked down to the crypt of death, not knowing the sacrifices they would become, or to Lord Hawks full destination, The Throne of Canitar; The City of The Dead.

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