Chapter 16. part 1. A Need to Find Something.

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Ethan’s Story:

He awoke in a field of old statues, and stoned replicas of God’s  before. Looking upwards to the sky, he saw the galaxies, and tree branches that touched the edges of his eye lids as he gasped to the oxygen of the New Universe he was just spit into. Breathing in, he sat up and looked around the new environment. He was in a field of pink tip oat stalks that waved in the wind, trails of pink dust floated around, as the sound of nature filled the air. The sky had two sun’s glowing within the breaks of clouds that parted the galaxies above in the sky higher above. Trees and brush lined the fields as to boarder something bigger, but he wasn’t sure. Walking though the pink oat stalks he approached the trees, and saw peered though. He saw in the far distant a huge building in the shape of a triangle. “What, where am I?!” He asked himself. He was nervous but in his heart he could feel something pulling him towards the triangular building. Walking though the wooded groove of brush and trees, his clothes caught and ripped, at the branches and sticks till they had become shredded. Making it to the clearing of the edge he was in awe to his eyes. He had found what was thought impossible, yet, infront of him was the Trigog Building. He saw in the large lawns people in Angelic armor training in multiple stations while instructors educated them. Some danced in tactical sword play as others shot guns and cannon rounds at targets from various distances. As he made his way though, he saw more people training in different stations around the triangular building. People were climbing though a ropes course as slowly everyone around him stopped doing there exercises and stared at him, his clothes were nearly gone completely as he stood in the buff nude and stared back in shock and yet embarrassed. Breaking the highly awkward silence, what seemed to be a higher ranking person came up to him and looked him up and down. “Who are you?!” Asked the man looking at him smug and stern, possibly judging him. Thinking a bit, he looked in his head, but couldn’t think of his own name. Then thinking deeper he couldn’t think of anything. Every actual memory he had was gone. “ What the fuck?!” He said to himself, looking around as if in his mind for an answer. “ Well?!” Asked the man again looking impatient.  “ I, I really don’t remember?!” He said to the man before him. “ What do you mean, you don’t know?!” Asked the man now irritated. He thought hard again but as before, nothing came to him. “ Your standing in the universe’s most highly militarized Icon compound and practically in a birthday suit, and you strange sir do not know your name.” Opening and loudly shouted the man before him. He looked to half smirks, smiles and gossip of nothing but words to his “practically nude” presence before at least eighty people if not more. “ If we can not have your name, and you unfortunately do not remember your name, then you are considered a potential spy, and are under arrest.” Stated the man before him as armored guards came up and place him under arrest.  “ hopefully you can think hard what your doing here, and give us an answer that is possibly worth your life!” Said the man, as he was taken away by the guards.
While being escorted through the back halls of the building, he took his time to place his eyes on old paintings and statues that lined the corridors of the building.  Standing in a doorway, was a women dressed in high Angelic armor just leaving on her way. “ Well whats this?!” She asked politely, as she looked up at him, while he looked so out of it, and confused. “ Guards, stop!” She said as they turned around. “ Why is this Acculight under arrest?!” She asked concerned. “My Lady Creeg, High Guard, this young man was found outside  the compost, walking the yards of the Guild.” “He’s said to be a potential spy, Sargent Grimbur order us to escort him to the Custody Chambers for interrogation!” Said the guards, while they looked puzzled to Creeg’s face expression. “ Most spies, don’t just use the front door, and come unclothed to their enemies territory, do they?!” Asked High Guard Creeg with sarcasm.  Both Guards looked back n forth to each other then back at their superior who commanded them to release him from his handcuffs and said,” Tell Sargent Grimbur this man is being now placed under my custody, what is your name young man?!” She Asked as he looked up to her. “ He doesn’t know?” Said the Guard, as Creeg looked even herself now a bit suspicious of him. “ So you have no entire idea who you are, or what your name is then, she asked fully as if she’d read for a lie in his voice when he spoke next. “ I truly don’t know, nor have any idea as to  where I am!” He said honestly. She looked at him, sizing him out then she said, “I must bring this before our Guild Masters but maybe we can find a place for you here, buy first we must see if you hold The Arourian Power!” Said High Guard Creeg as she signaled him to follow her. Walking past a laundry bin she found a small fit t shirt n shorts and gave them to him. He looked at her awkwardly and at first refused to ware the dirty clothes, “ If you think your walking through out this place with nothing on, you have me highly mistaken!” She said laughing a bit.
They we’re walking around the center of the building of the building as a hallway of more students passed by saying their respects to High Guard Creeg as she swifted by with him behind. “I’m going to take to the Lofts on the west of the building a new unit platoon just got comfy there, all brand new to each other, and this place. I figure if your just as fresh as them, you’ll fit in just fine.
They came to an elevator to the west lofts and up they went to have him introduced to the new crew. He was bothered in his mind though. He honestly forgot everything and nothing was bringing him back to what happened but in his heart he could feel things that nothing that painful could be that forgotten so instantly. Unless it was for truly a good reason.

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