Chapter 7. Another Connection

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Dash's Story:

Dash was hopeless, as he searched his way through the forested dimension. Wild life sprung forward at him, while branches grew flowers of multiple sizes instantly. The bewildering thought of this realm to be a tease or torcher of some sick sort. Though it had beauty it seemed to be fully of doom. He was endlessly hungry. It had seemed like weeks without food, to his truest desperation to eat, he again for what felt the thousand time thrown himself to the ground and cried and begged for mercy. As if something , or someone was watching him. Only to receive the gorgeous sounds of the wilderness around him.

He was sick of himself, reaching for his side arm to finally break down, and end himself, something different happened! A group of blue glowing Orb like butterflies came emerging out off the forest line in front of him. In his heart he heard a voice. "I am with you!" It said as the comfort to be fed, and the strength to have slept came back. Dash got up and began to follow the butterflies that had given him deep hope he was no longer alone.

As he walked, he saw infront of him a figure of a person standing down the road and in the middle of it. He first was strange to seeing someone else finally as it had felt like years. Walking slowly the butterflies continued to guide him to this mysterious person.

Finally only a few feet away from them Dash realized who it was. " You're an Angelic Phantom?!" He asked as the creature moved slowly side to side with a heavy glow of ember and fire around its humanoid figure. It's face was white with no eyes or nose, mouth or feature, above it's head was an Iffirt: or halo of blue fire burning so lightly. " I am!" Said The Angelic creature who seemed happy or even blessed to meet Dash. " It is time for you to return to your realm Dash, but before I let you travel through this portal you must be challenged." Said The Angelic Phantom as it looked into Dash's spirit and saw his entire existence. Dash could feel the energy of The Angelic Phantom creating his Angelic power into an even stronger weapon.

Wings Spaulding out of his shoulders and back glowed a heavenly white shine. As the sky of Cosmos above shifted and sigils, of Holy power could be seen. Dropping down from the sky of Cosmos, came a magnificent weapon of The Alphamen. The blade could cut deep as Dash handled the blade and saw to it it's shape. The sky reflected on its gleaming steel and had a beautiful golden handle.

" This blade is like Canith, cutting edge, slayer of beasts, but for it's true power, The Strike of the Heavens, the Angelic Divine: Nam asks of you to dual with him deep in the realm where a serpent lies waiting to shape again."

"Izahzale The Prince of Wind has been seen bye my many eye of this realm." Said The Angelic Phantom as soon the Cosmos opened and out of the sky fell, Nam the Angelic Divine. His wings embraced small moons that floated all over his white body cover in golden cloths. Olive branches brew put of his forehead as mustards leaves entangled themselves around the olive branches. He was so very beautiful as a God he looked. "To the High Holy is Good, I come to you Dash of Icon Soldier to fight with me deep in the realm of Odaya Grace." He introduced as he stepped forward to Dash in his own Angelic form. Dash bowed to his higherarchy and saw him as a God in the flesh. The Angelic Phantom waved its hands around drawing energy to create a portal around them. "I will teleport you to The Serpent's layer!" Said The Angelic Phantom while a shape drew around Nam, Dash, pulling them into an entirely different part of the dimension.

In an instant Dash was teleported to a dark area of the realm, with The Angelic Divine Nam. The trees looked rotted, while no leaves grew on them and they molded and died so very slowly. Branches and bark was pulled from the trees leading a twisted trail of a serpent slithering around. Nam walked in front of Dash leaving flowers in each foot step that glowed bright, and set a path for Dash to follow. The air was dense and as other parts of the realm held beautiful trees and birds, flowers and vines, this part was truly held under a demonic, Undertone: or wave of evil essence or presence. " The Undertone is heavy here!" said Nam as he summoned his Sword from thin air. His Sword Angel's Birth, was forged in the fires of Abraham's Guf, gleaming gold and ruby's touched to the edges of its handle as the blade was curved and thick, with minni planets that orbited around its wield. " Agent Dash draw your weapon, I sense the beast will approach us." Announced Nam as he guarded his side and with his sword in the other hand he drew fire from his palm.

Just then a wave of Lepers came rushing at them, Nam becoming vengeful raised his sword and began hacking limb after limb of any demon around him. Dash stepped forward cutting his way through the massive wave of evil. Thrusting his wings to create space as Nam took those moments to slice at the demons and insinuate them with the Godly fire in his palm. Dash pressed forward taking his sword and diving it into the chest of a demon and stabbing others around him with his wings. He leaped with Nam into the Air and flew around the horde of evil unleashing a power of light from his chest, then he plunged to the ground and pushed the crowd of dead back letting them fly off, smacking their bodies off of the dead trees. Nam fought with spirit, striking his sword back at claws and sharp teeth, horned faces and mangled bodies. " Nam, watch out!" shouted Dash as just then he ducked a spear coming completely out of nowhere. Nam looked up at a giant serpent with legs and hands of many holding swords and magic's in each palm. " Izahzale!" Shouted Nam then the Angelic Divine leaped forward letting of a stream of fire that danced with flowers which turned to ash, as the blast drew a line killing many lepers before them. " Nam The Devine, your head will sit at my Throne, as I take this realm." Dash had never seen such an ugly beast, pushing his fear aside of the hideous creature, he bowed his head lifting his sword to a vow or an oath of duty and charged at the serpent now balancing and casting magic. Dash and Nam ducked through the mine field of casted magic rushing up to the snake as their blades collided. The power of Nam and Dash over through the best as it slithered to its side and brought its tail up and struck Nam and Dash. Throwing them back the demon laughed and taunted them. Nam looked at Dash who seemed to still have a good fight in him. The snake moved up into the dead canopy above them, while leaves fell to the ground. " I know of you Dash, The Dawnling you saved that brought you here, let me know before I killed it, that you killed the Dawn King." " Your power could be useful, I could give you anything you wanted just to use your talent." Taunted the serpent. It then dropped from the trees above and coiled its self up wrapping Dash's up with him. " Ahhhh!" Yelled Dash as his body and wings began to be squashed and crushed. Nam came up but was wiped back by the Serpent's tail. " Izahzale let him go," Yelled Nam as he got up and began to draw Holy Power. Dash yelled loudly as his body continued to be compressed. Getting closer the eyes of the Angelic Divine began to glow with pure light. " You will nor kill my friend," Claimed Nam as he drew his sword and light glowed deeply around him.

Out of thin air around him Nam summoned Dawnling from his body emerging in massive waves. The Serpent's hands casted magic's again at the flying beast that swooped at him, clawing and scratching the snake until it released Dash. Dash fell to the ground, laying with his bones crushed and broken. Nam came at the demon and began to hack the snake stunned and unable to move from the light.

"Izahzale I cast you back to the fire," said Nam as he lifted his sword and cut off the serpents head. Blood drained into a pool as the remaining demons disappeared into ash.

Dash still laying there, still and turning cold, looked up at the beautiful Galaxies of stars in the sky. The Undertone started to dissipate and the landscape started to purify.

Nam rushed up to Dash feeling sad for his friend and worried. Nam Commanded The Dawnling to merge into one energy as a giant Orb of light formed in the sky. " I promised your sister I would return you to her." Said Nam as he gently guided the Orb of light down to Dashes body. " In The name of the Alpha I give you life!" Said Nam then he pushed the Orb of light into Dash's soul. Dash yelled of pure enlightenment of Holy, yelling and laughing, as his body healed and his soul felt mended. Standing up he looked around the realm blessed Odaya Grace. " You have shown your worth of a Warrior, you fought with honor!" said Nam while he looked at Dash. " I can take you back to your world." " High Guard Creeg sent me to find you." Stated Nam as they walked to a field covered in fresh grass and wild flowers. Dash looked at Nam who seemed most impressed of his efforts. " Remember Dash, Your Arourian Power is special, harness this power and return to me and I will challenge you again.

" Thank you Nam!" He said as he closed his eyes and felt a portal draw his body into another dimension.

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