Chapter 3: When We Reached the Stars.

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When we Reached The Stars.

Razor's Story:

“Alpha, Tango, Charlie, 1-3-9.,” you've missed your first window, we're rerouting your position,” said Icon Space Command through the overhead PA. system in the Space Craft. “ We only have fourteen hours of oxygen left!” Announced Razor, a Sandra Org Artificial humanoid Machiena. He had human skin, brown and smooth, built muscle connected to robotic material. White and black smooth frame of a human body, and a cyborg stronger than ten men, was Razor. Silent mostly, he just waited to be given a directive or answer to a command. He looked over to Ghost, High Guard Commander Of Space Craft I 4291 Alexandra or The Alexandra; a high powered War vessel, but small, and hard to detect or penetrate. Ghost was looking out the pod window, down out to Earth below. Over viewing the Earth he looked up to Razor walking over to him. “ Sir, if we miss our next window, we will only have a thirty- six percent chance that we will make it!” said Razor making his exhale only partially needing air every so often. “ I’m sure our next window will open up, why don’t you check the fuel injectors and auto tubes, to see if well make our drop without destroying the engine?! Asked Ghost as he turned with a smile to Razor, appreciating his loyalty. Razor went his way to the engine tank of the Space Craft, taking in instant analog through his left eye, where a tiny lens drew data in before him. “ Razor, it’s Dotch, hang in there, we’re going to enter an asteroid zone!” He announced though the PA. system while Razor looked for a place to secure himself. “ Okay, ready, here it comes!” Yelled Dotch from the intercom immediately a giant force pushed past The Alexandra, and sent the ship unstable. Razor ducked himself under a shelving unit. The ship spun very fast in a spiraling velocity that had no control, in the zero gravity atmosphere.

Looking out a small window Razor could see a large trail of stars surfing past them in orbit. Some stars damaged the ship as it spun out of orbital pull. “ Drop the throttle belt and press heavy on the thrusters, to push us forward back into orbit, we’re going to have to breach the Earth, and land in the northern hemisphere while we still have that!” Instructed High Guard Commander, now frustrated. Razor studied the ships damaged parts through an upload data base pass through the hard drive part of his brain. “ High Commander, our chances of survival are at fifteen percent at this rate.” Announced Razor now making his way with a fire extinguisher to the drop door. Ghost could see Razor opening an inner lock door while getting his atmosphere suit on. “Icon Special Agent Razor, what on Earth are you doing?!” He asked eagerly. “Saving our asses if we enter back into the atmosphere to early!” Replied Razor then punching the door open button he was sucked our into space miles above the atmosphere of Earth. As stars blasted past him Through his helmet reflected the beauty of space. Star after star after planet. Focusing back in He maneuvered back to the Alexandra, being to re line with orbit and drop into the planet. Fire spread large opening into the spacecraft as debris shred away. Razor summoned two Drone bots to come inspect and re-patch the ships damaged parts. As they did quickly Razor seemed set, and made his way back to the drop door. Punching the button he expected the door to open immediately, but it was jammed. “ Agent Razor return into cargo, the ship is ready to reenter atmosphere.” Commanded Ghost. Razor, not moved much by the threat tried the punch button again. The door didn’t budge as heat and scorching hot temperatures started to approach the spacecraft.

Punching the button one last time the outer lock door opened up instantly.  Inhaling, Razor jumped into the inner lock door; closing the outer lock door immediately. Stepping back he exhaled and turned around to Dotch, the engineer of the Alexandra and some crew men who cheered The Sandra Org’s success. “ You saved the ship!” cheered a crew men.  “ We still have to land it though,” said Razor walking past them proudly. Making back to the Captains Dock, he looked out a pod window and saw trees beyond forest life everywhere. Running up to the Captain, steering the ship, trying to keep above the tree line. He looked at Razor now scanning for open sites to drop the ship. “ Icon outer zone Control, state your disruption of air space law twenty three!” Asked a command tower Ten clicks away from the spacecraft now getting closer to earth. “ Enter atmosphere under Emergency landing. Code 456.” Responded Ghost,  as he turned to Razor still hoping he found some area of open space yet. “ It’s all trees and forest, we’re going too crash either way!” Announced Razor now looking up at Ghost. “Secure yourself for a crash landing, may day may day Alexandra to Icon Air Support.” Sounded Ghost,  through the communication logger. As they enter crew harnessed in for crash I’m pact, Razor took in one more large breath. In hailing he looked out the pod window, and saw tops of trees lining up within seconds. Ex hailing the loudest clash of branches snapping and metal being torn apart collided with a giant thud.

Finally everything came to a stop and nothing but the sound of heavy breathing and groaning could be heard aside of wild life within the ripped openings of the spacecraft. 

The Spacecraft was heavily damaged, with electrical cords and dim, flashing lights, next to branches, and brush that intertwined into open areas of the spacecraft letting them truly know; they were on ground. Looking up from his seat , and mangled harness Razor felt like parts of him were unresponsive to his back up data feed. Summoning his Drone Bot, he had the robot go and check for survivors around the ship. Coughing as he awoke the captain was in rough shape. He was pinned back against a frame, with a heavy branch holding his body down. Razor sent another Drone Bot to the Captain to start removing the large branch off of him immediately. Razor got up, and went over to the Captain and grabbed the remaining branch off his body. “ Thank you Razor!” Said The Captain as he was helped to his feet. A Drone Bot flew up to them reporting the lose five crew men, leaving a hand full of people left to make it till Icon Support arrived.  Dotch came up from a hole in the flooring looking unsure. “Were in the Northern Hemisphere but from what the signal tower picked us up on in free fall down, was an Icon Outpost station from North Grey Land, or Dead Canada!” Announced Dotch. “ So Icon won’t be here for days then,” asked a crew man as only four others still remained. “ It means we need to find anything from the ship that’s salvageable quickly, and get headed towards that Icon Outpost Tower as soon as we can.” Said Ghost as he let settle the fact that they needed to move fast. As soon as night fall would be lepers among them.

Ghost Story:

They marched the rough terrain, with them a 38 arp Drone, one new mission’s toy of Icon’s, that took surveillance of  yards in front of them as well had a; three- sixty mount  automatic machiena cannon. Blasting scorching hot laser blasts at enemies without end.

Dodging over fallen trees and scaling landscapes, steep and yet breath taking. The wooded, mountain rocky edge was refreshing to see. Mostly only seeing space. “ We should pass through this field, keep with the tree line and stay low.” Commanded Ghost while he lead the team closer and closer to the Icon watch tower, but night fall would soon be upon them. And that meant a higher risk and lower chance of survival.

“ Lest rest on the other side of this Grove, rest and set up for shelter tonight.” Instructed Ghost b as he pressed throught the high grass and wet marshland in-between the low bowl valleys. “ Ghost was to quiet, over looking his team ever so often, while he over watched the landscape step by step riffle in hand, as he ventured further into the wilderness with them.

Finally at a stop, they set up camp with tarps and stakes, setting up surveillance drones weaponized and mounted, ready to deal with any foreign unfriendly that would appear. “ Razor take two others with you and gather wood,” Instructed Ghost. Razor just done with his tarp and spike. Waved for two other crew men to follow him into the brush. Most of the trees where dead, brush and bark lay torn half off the branches and stumps. “ What do you think killed these trees?! Asked a crew men. Razor took his lens in his eye and examined the inside of the trees.

Razor looked shocked as he saw each tree was full of wood grubs eating away at the wood. “ We can burn these trees, they are infested with pledge 17,” said Razor, as he punched a combination of numbers into a Drones panel bored and within seconds the drown shaped its self into a chain saw.

Ghost could hear The sawing of would from the camp site as he and the other two men continued to set up camp. The Sun was heading down to rest but the sky was starting to light up with stars, as for just a second the irony of them just in space not even a day ago, to now stranded out in the wilderness with a sky full of diamonds.


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