Opening Story

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The Earth's Awakening:

If you're watching this holographic video clip, maybe that means there's still hope for the human race! That The Dawn's of Light, great divines that ascended from the sky would not undermine, that there was still good will left on this Earth. I still recall the bright lights- like a supernova, that lit the sky's of all the Earth, delivering a message from The Alphamen, or Ruler of Men as they claimed upon their arrival. Instead of expected violent storms, sounds of war, and terrifying plagues, The Great Dawn gave us a message of warning of evil, and hate. Destruction, and doom. Letting us know of a power that would leap from the darkness, and the plans it had.
This message put strong fear into our hearts, not knowing what power was more superior than Icon. A multi- tycoon billion dollar industry that owned everything. From the craft- vehicles you drove to the clothing you wore Icon was its main manufacturer. After World War Three the Earth was in parallel. It's landscapes had drastically changed from the heavy bombings the planet had impacted during the war.
Released from underground bunkers, awakened from a hyper sleep state in Bio- Chambers, or cryostasis, were millions of wealthy and Middle-class citizens of the old planet. Released into a now highly advanced roboticly interactive world. People awoke to a completely new existence. During their sleep, after the war had passed another industry Sandra Org. An A.I. based company, rebuilt two major civilizations in the northwest hemisphere. Arah Father City- which was considered the capital civilization of the New America, and Solumn Guard a sister civilization that was built over the eastern sea board of the continent. As Arah was more inland of the continent.
The Dawn floated above Arah for days and days as people couldn't tell what they would do next. Then like a giant spark of lightening, a bolt of energy crashed into the center of the civilization, shaking the ground and sending massive pulses of Light and energy everywhere. "We have a gift for the very few of you!" said one of The Divines as it's Armor, spiritually but also physically flashed In the pupils of our eyes and we saw power beam from The Great Beings in the sky full of colors and lights we could not comprehend.
The energy disperse across every street of the civilization only entering and invoking it's Angelicness in people seemed worth of its manifestation. " Those who receive this power will know what to do with it, as we call this energy Arourain Power!" "The Alphamen has given you balance, for He watches you all, always." Claimed The Divines, swaying in an Angelic glow back, and forth.
Their wings sprawled from between their shoulder blades stretched as long as their arms and legs. They were covered in colorful cloth and ribbons, golden armor with rare jewels in- crested in its blessed metal. Their hair was long and curls fell from each strand, dancing in the waves of energy around them. Large golden bells appeared in the sky, ringing loudly as to alarm The Great Divines, that soon was time to go. As they left the Divines gave us their names, Gia: The Divine of Angelic Light. Galathia: The Divine of Angelic Strength. Ethunis: The Divine of Second Heaven. And Nam: The Divine of The Cosmos.
When they left it gave us true hope, and a new belief, even though we didn't know the evil that lurked out there. People could sense something incredible. Like a new sense tapped into, Aurorian Power seemed to have its own field of frequency. Intensifying all our senses and in- heightening our emotions and igniting our feelings, triggering the power to release from it's host.
Icon was intrigued in this Angelic display of power, as many scientists and lab technician scrambled to come up with a way to remake and manipulate the energy of The Dawn Divines, for years failing too. Until one day, my father Nicholas Thorn; a scientist at Icon Towers put together a blueprint of a portal gate. It was designed to draw Angelic energy into it's self, and flex the atmosphere around it to bend and eventually pushing open a hole in the air, to possibly walk into another dimension.
Icon sought great interest in my father's work, offering loads of money unimaginable to invent what they called a Phantom Portal.
Blindly he did so, with the advanced technology and unending project budget, my father had finally built The New Machiena. The President of Icon, and his investors approached my father all looking with greed, and malice. "Nicholas Thorn, if this demonstration goes well, and we have results today, tomorrow I will make you the world's most gifted genius of The Today's!" proclaimed The President boasting to his crowd of investors. "Sir. With all do respect, the Phantom Portal isn't fully stable yet, and further trials are needed to assure that we aren't traveling out of measurement!" Replied my father, as he had seemed concerned about something but couldn't place it. "Ahh, never mind all that today, these investors want to see their money in good uses!" With an uncertain outcome my father turned on the future war machine. The room got quiet, as rushes of energy pushed everyone around. The Phantom Portal was glowing as sparks flew out from its doorway. Electricity currents jumped everywhere as a sonic sound could be heard.
The Machiena looked ghostly but also mesmerizing as a liquid like wall formed along the brims of the doorway. The President was very impressed as he walked up to the portal wall of the gate and stuck his hand and arm into the warp-like gateway.
"Mr. Rosthwind the Gate isnt prepared to leap!" Yelled my father while the investors looked spooked of the Machiena's capabilities. Just then The President yelled in pain and horror. "Shut it down!" yelled another lab technician as security and other scientists tried to help release The President. As his arm came out, it was covered in blood that leaked from a deep bite mark. "What the fuck did that?!" asked a lab technician as he pealed back The Presidents sleeve. Mr. Rosthwind laughed devilishly. Looking my father in the eyes. "Nicholas Thorn you've done it!" Said The President. "Sir, your arm?!" Asked my father confused. "All success has a price!" He replied as a medical hover gurney came in with two surgical units. As he was lifted on to the gurney he looked at his investors all who clapped in cheer for Icon's newest inhumane achievement.
My father never seemed the same after that day. It's like he realized what evil he had created. The world's newest threat The Phantom Portal!
As Icon continued to expand in its power, it set alarm to other super powers to rise up from the ashes of war. In the Far Easter continent merged a Great Power called Mecha Soul. Isis and other Dark Gehad forces lost control of the land after World War Three, creating slaves, famine, and debt. Arah made a peaceful treaty with Mecha Soul, giving The Arab People a second chance to rebuild. They called it The New Arab Order. In condition to the treaty: Icon would fund housing, food, and clothing in exchange for The Arab People to be micro-chipped for tracking, by Icon's Government.
Over vacant cities buried in sand and ruin buildings, Mecha Soul turned the desert wasteland into a giant Metropolis Oasis. It was called The New Babylon. Tall palm trees stood next to high fine architecture while flowers, and waterfalls, exotic animals and colorful lifeforms blended into the scene. It was perfect but as perfect as it was much more darkness would soon join this new utopia.
Mecha Soul temples and synagogues, had found new prayer. It was called Yishad; a deep meditation prayer that channeled them to transform into super humanoid creatures, making them stronger, quick, and incredibly hard to kill.
With this new secret of ability people one by one slowly began to rise up against The Arab Order, claiming that with this new prayer, would change everything for their people.
And That Icon would pay.
Three cities made up The Arab Order. Maul: The City of The Sun God Amahd was a civilization built pointing East to The Sun. Shaher: The City of Slaves built south of Maul. And Mecha Asad the City of Gold built on a giant mountain to overlook the other cities. Mecha Asad was the Holy place of the three civilizations, it offered counsel to the other populations. Guidance, as it saw Yishad as a sin, and disliked the spiritual practices as shape-shifting, as it entirely was.
In between civilizations were rule outskirts. The terrain varied from watery marshes, and wet forests to dinged rough ground, and lonely desert crossings. Within those voids were small settlements. Some with a solar regeneration station, food stores and emergency kit units. As the service was A.I. only. People traveling between civilizations would make places like these a quick stop. As it was convenient sometimes would draw the wrong attention.
Around these areas lurked Lepers, undead, infected by radiation; and overcome by demonic entities. Lepers were highly deadly, unable to make any rational sense. Lepers would attack on instinct, raging like a mad cow, with staggered movements. Their eyes pitch black, skin pealed, and boiled, cracked, and chipped. When they opened their mouth howling sounds as deep as oblivion would spit out. While razor sharp teeth met a disfigured face and mutilated body. These half demon once human creatures only thought to do evil. Extermination teams throughout Icon have been sending in Icon 6 units to terminate the invasive species which have been drawing closer and closer to civilization throughout the years.
The largest civilization The Queen Shire/ European Courtship was by far the most elegantly rebuilt city. It was built over, and leveled on the top of Quiet London, the old city and stretched as far around the entire Atlantic coast line from the English shore to the rest of Europe. The architecture was imprinted in time that had past the Earth. Where old buildings came up out of the surface of the water. Moss running up the side of old buildings. Giant statues of the old world still stood, some where missing stone in their face. Covered up mostly with interactive billboards or spray paint. The City had 6 levels. an outer city where most common people lived. While reaching further into Queen Shire the more important the building was the more wealthy or needed that person was. In the third city from the center was the housing of all Royal Families of Europe, and very wealthy people. In the third city we're great buildings of all sizes, mostly governmental or financial institutions. In the second city closest to the central city, was The Grand Castle of Buckingham. And The Court of Duke! A Supreme Court building, dealing with reinventing the law, and high offense cases, gave Queen Shire a great measure of respect to its ruling. The civilization though was in a time of revolution, as the less unfortunate began to riot in large mobs of people, setting stores pon fire, and even bombing important federal buildings.
The last King of Queen Shire, King Delamore; The Last direct Descendant of the Crown of Elizabeth had been killed by an assailant. Roke an evil Leader of Red Russia and The Shine. The Shine Military was a highly evil and ambitious cult organization focused on one thing. Over throwing the entire planet. Condemning the human fate, and corrupting powers meant to support Good Will. Roke was dark, even sick, as he had a vital plan forming to unleash on The Earth. None of it intended to do anything but destroy what life was left.
Luckily for The Queen Shire. King Delamore had a daughter. She was young, and smart. You could see courage in her eyes, and as she talked, she spoke stern in counsel, and knew how to be coy at a time of wise rulings in Royal Court.
She knew her seat on the thrown was dangerous, leaving her father's ruling to his Ninth fu advisor and right hand man, Sir Bruce; Royal Knight and server of the Royal Family. He was granted a term of rule for three years, while The Princess began her Royal Grooming to the throne. The Princess had always been in true trust with Sir Bruce. He had looked after her closely his whole life, advising and mentoring her.
The princess wasn't the only Royal passing the corridors of the beautiful Castle of Buckingham. The Princess had a younger cousin. The Duchess of The Crown of Henry. Annette- was a quiet person. Mostly studying Angelic history and religious material in the castle library. She had been blessed with Aurorian power's as she held it a secret from every one, but The Princess.
Their were other Royal people in Queen Shire/ CourtShip Buckingham Castle. Three royals from France. Three Lord's and a Lady of Dutchland Glory. Two Ordained King Priests of Greece. Dane The Duke of Helms England and Sarah A Noble Women, Gail of Norway.
Their positions in the world would shape soon, as they would have to make decisions on behalf of their people but also they were passionate and determined to reset the shape of what was the new future.
Though this was our future, a future of strange beings, whispers of darkness, and things unknown to unfold. It seemed that all there was, was war at every corner.
Icon knew that the world was tough, so to lighten people from fear, a man named Carl Air-Fire invented a new zero gravity sport called Air-Fire. A five on five person competition, where two people took forward positions called Shooter, and Guardian. The Shooter: responsible for making goals, while The Guardian: protected the Shooter guiding them towards the goal point. The three back positions were two Blockers: one on each side of the grid field, intercepting passes and shots from the opponent. And a Goaler: someone guarding the team goal from opponent shots and scores.
The Grid field was magnetic and used a source of zero -gravity zones allowing the player too, in places, float and maneuver around blockades, and mystery traps. The players started out just on their feet, but can upgrade to high powered blast boards. Able to hover, and float, even fly for short periods of time.
The Grid Field was very futuristic, as flashy adds and holographic figures danced in and out of the live crowd that cheered like wild savages, as their teams raged through a very physical game. The Guardian's were the key. They had the duty to collect as many energy globes, small orbs of energy able to control with special gloves that interacted with the object, able to make it bigger by collecting many and stacking them into a big ball of energy to pass to The Shooter who launches the Orb at one of two score points. Blockers: come out to intercept or apply pressure to The Shooter. Able to tackle, shove, or grapple other players. The game is won by filling up an energy gage to its full capacity with energy globes before the opponent. Arah was home to the biggest Grid Arena as three teams from were created in the Arah civilization all opposite sides of the civilization covering a color flag with a mascot to represent the region point. Falmar Knights was Carl Air- Fire's team. They known for their brutal play style, grunge attitude, as people of The Knights region Worshiped Players of the season, for insane scoring or skilled plays on The Grid. The Knights ruled the West side of the civilization. The Pegus Mar another team of the southern part of Ahra were known for their smooth play style, slick jukes, and dodges! Air shots, and killer body slams. Pegus for short was winged horse covered in golden Flowers. The mascot flag was empowering to the region. As people would chant songs in taverns of the earlier years of the game. The last team, were up in the northern region of Arah. Sug Hounds were a fierce team, with a rough play style, good acrobatics, and uses of strength to control the Grid. People that represented Sug Hounds felt entitle to win, always bragging about their barbaric players.
The game was successful, and brought millions in revenue to the organization of Air- Fire. As Solumn Guard had two teams, Queen Shire with Three. The sport was the hottest thing of the century, giving people a new entertainment to enjoy in such times.
Icon corporation, had hundreds of company buildings that were stationed globally around the world. Serving as a Law enforcement, with Icon police- low level security people; only to respond to containable conflicts throughout it's Outpost Area of Command. Science and research Departments, studying in labs usually underground most Icon buildings for breaching purposes. Office areas and briefing centers, gave opportunities to discuss threating situations, delegate tasks to Icon employees and record files of conflicts and interactions with the surrounding civilization.
With a new age of man came man's new toy of the millennium. Craft Vehicles. Hover/ and Flying Machiena that where sharp in image, as big as a small boat, and as agile and light as a plane the Vehicle had a small cargo, a drive pit with an air traffic GPS dashscreen, and a tank intended for seating co-passengers. New models came out every year, from hover cycles to blast boards, the time man flew his vehicle was here.
Icon cut out all oil usage and turned to solar and wind panel green energy. In the sky they built Solar Boost Stations are Machienas, stocked with fully energized solar panels, used to charge your craft vehicle, as well as could be installed as a back up generator panel incase of emergency.
The planet was very busy changing. 8 G was highest quality of technology around. As city skyscrapers had adds and interactive commercials play at the side of buildings. Engaging with people that walked by, offering adds of sex and porn, food and grocery needs. Or underground fighting clubs, given the right dark alley. Ahra was special at night, lights from close and afar could be seen for miles out in any direction. Giant Air balloons of many colors floated over the mid sky level of the city. Playing music and flashing colors around to the beat of each song. Buildings in Arah looked fancy, and modern as the architecture was in its most developed potential.
It was unbelievable to see a world such as this. To know the human ability survived so long and yet it was still crashing and burning. Every day that past was a day closer. Closer to the intent purpose of our existence and yet, man would surely be dead, before ever achieving to find a true meaning to stay alive.

Icon: Angelic Phantom (editing/rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now