They Don't Know About Us: Third Year Part 21

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Chapter 21:

Everyone returns to Hogwarts from the holidays later on in the evening, plenty of time for the Return Feast. Princess Phoenix didn't feel any better she felt worse than earlier. Leith's concern for his mother grew as she could barely walk off the train and towards where they needed to be.

Draco sees her struggle and quickly helps her walk. He wraps an arm around her waist, pulling her close as he wraps her arm around his neck.

Princess Phoenix was initially hesitant, but being this close to the young Malfoy feels right. She feels faint a couple of times, tightening her grip on Draco.

He sees this and does something that makes her blush. Draco repositioned his arms to have his silver-ringed hands under her back and knees into bridal style. The young Malfoy smirks softly at the blush in her pale cheeks as she looks up with her eyes big in wonder. "It's okay, your highness," the blond boy whispers, "just rest your eyes, we'll be at the castle soon."

"Draco," she whispers, closing her eyes. "Thank you," Princess Phoenix rests her head against his strong chest.

"I will do anything for you, my princess," he whispers, just enough for her to hear and maybe the flying lizard as well.

When they arrive at the carriages, Draco helps Princess Phoenix and Leith into one of the carriages. He previously told Crabbe and Goyle that Malfoy wants to be alone with the secret princess along the way to the castle, hoping to get an honest conversation. But at this time, the young Malfoy just wanted to make sure the young magical creature princess is well.

He soon arrives at where all the students gather for the next place before the carriages. Draco's surprised to see a familiar tall figure in black among everyone. "Professor Snape?" the young Malfoy asked, confused to see him..

"Good evening, Mr. Malfoy," Professor Snape greets him in his usual cold tone. "I hope you enjoyed your holiday."

"Good evening, Professor Snape," Draco greets back. "It was pleasant, but I fear that Pheonix's health isn't getting better," he admits sadly while looking down at the ill princess in his arms.

"Miss Emberson did owled me about not feeling her best. I have arrived to settle her in." Professor Snape offers his arms out for Princess Phoenix.

Draco is a bit hesitant. He knew the Head of their House was someone they trusted, but he didn't like the idea of someone else taking care of his princess.

Leith whimpers a bit, gaining Malfoy's attention. The firedrake flies up to his level and growls softly, communicating.

Icy eyes widen slightly. Although his ears hear growls, in his heart, the blond can actually understand what the magical creature is saying. Draco turns his head to the sleeping princess before turning to the waiting professor. He slowly extends his arms towards Professor Snape.

Severus takes the sleeping Slytherin grey/black-haired girl with a look of concern in his eyes.

"Please take care of her," Draco whispers, almost begging. "I-I lo-" a blush warms his ears.

"I understand, Mr. Malfoy," Professor Snape interrupts him. "You and her are truly meant to be," the raven-haired professor says before turning around to make his leave.

Draco stays in his tracks as he watches the flying lizard fly around the professor clad in black. His princess lies sleeping while her body fights the illness. "I love Princess Phoenix," he thinks to himself, imagining the grey/black-haired princess, "more than anything." He soon realizes he's trailing behind and the blond boy quickly hurries to meet up with the others.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 14 ⏰

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