They Don't Know About Us: Third Year Part 19

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Chapter 19:

Later on that night, Princess Phoenix watches her little firedrake sleeping peacefully into a slumber. She struggles with a thought in mind as her dusty eyes wander over towards her desk. The present from Mabuz stares back at the young magical creature princess through the gentle darkness.

She was curious about the mysterious gift. Never have a present will make different emotions run around in her mind. Confusion and curiosity were the domenic ones. The magical creature princess is confused of why Mabuz instructed her to open it right at midnight, yet she's curious about what's inside.

Princess Phoenix gently gets out of bed for the gift. The moment when her barefeet touch the floor, her body suddenly doesn't become her control. It was as if the gift casted a spell onto her. Soon the pale feet takes the princess to the desk. Strong, yet small hands pick up the present as eyes linger onto the wrapping paper. Fingers soon unwrap the gift to show a box used for small jewelry.

The lid is removed. A pair of beautiful earrings stare back at the young magical creature princess. A three-tire drop silver earrings with three different shades of green gemstones, a perfect piece of jewelry for a Slytherin. She has this sudden desire to place them on, but fought it due to it being late at night. But the earrings are so beautiful, no, no, Princess Phoenix. It is very late, you must get some sleep.

The raven/gray-haired princess places down her gift before turning around. She carefully gets into the covers, not wanting to wake her son. Soon later, Princess Phoenix finds herself drifting into dreamland.....or maybe a vision.

The Grand Hall is beautifully decorated as a Winter Wonderland theme. Many students were either apired together or stayed by themselves. The same goes for the professors and staff.

Princess Phoenix feels a familiar touch in her hands. She walks in a line with four other couples towards the center of the room. Eyes are on them. They young princess finally turns to her handsome blond partner.

He smiles at her with such love and admiration embedded within his silvery eyes. The gentleman clad in black and white dress robes position themselves at one area o the large center where he loves his hand down her arm to hold her pale hand lovily against the silver rings. He bows in respect while still holding her hand.

She too curties in respect. Their eyes meet as he kisses her hand, making her blush and smile. Matching bracelets show proudly on their wrists.

The couple gets into position for a formal dance. Music begins playing and couples begin to dance. All of her focus is on the young man she's dancing with. He doesn't care about anyone else, just the most beautiful creature he has ever seen.

Dancing becomes a dream coming true. At one point, she smiles more shyly as Princess Phoenix places the side of her head on his strong chest. It surprises the taller boy, but he relaxes and places his hand on top of her head. A smile curls on his pale lips, knowing Princess Phoenix is mean to be his and only his.

Her eyes widen in shock as she gasps, waking up from the vision. "Draco?" Princess Phoenix whispers. "Are you the one meant to be my future king?" She turns ot the side as the covers move up to her chin.

Leith still sleeps peacefully in his own dream as his sleeping body snuggles more into the warm blanket.

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