They Don't Know About Us: Third Year Part 9

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Chapter 9:

"Remember!" Professor Snape announced to the Slytherin students as everyone gathered for their field trip at the Clock Tower Courtyard. "These visits to Hogsmeade Villiage are a privilege," he gets a few more permission forms. "Should your behavior reflect poorly on the school in any way, that shall not be extended again."

"Here you go, Professor," Princess Phoneix smiles, offering her form.

"Awe, yes, Miss Emberson," he says, seeing his favorite female student. "Are things between you and Malfoy alright?"

"Not really, sir," she sighs sadly. "I am still upset about him agreeing to the worse fate for Buckbeak."

"He will come around eventually," her uncle figure says softly while placing a hand on her shoulder. "Will Leith be accompanying you to Hogsmeade?"

"As a matter a fact, he is!" the young princess smiles again when the little firedrake appears on her shoulder. "He's excited to check it out," she giggles while Leith squeals a little.

"That's good to hear. Now, go and enjoy yourselves. I'll you both soon later."

"See you soon, Professor."

They both follow the rest of the students onto the train towards the nearby village of Hogsmeade. The young magical creature princess purposely avoids anyone because she doesn't want to be with anyone else other than her beloved son.

Princess Phoenix and Leith enter Hogsmeade Village for the first time and are immediately enchanted by its beauty. "Wow," she whispers through her big smile. "Let's go explore everywhere, Leith," she smiles at her firedrake.

Leith growls happily while sitting on her shoulder.

She holds her hands together as the young princess walks gracefully towards the busy shops.

Draco watches her from afar with pain in his icy eyes. He knows that what he has done will forever affect his princess's heart, but the young Malfoy knows he needs to figure out something to win her heart again. "You two go on without me," Malfoy tells his Slytherin friends. "I will find you guys later."

Goyle and Crabbe were about to ask why, but Draco had already left before they could even question.

The secret princess and her flying lizard explore the new territory with wonder - very brilliant and beautiful. One shop, in particular, catches their attention. It was Honeydukes. It's a sweet shop. "Do you want something sweet to eat?" Princess Phoenix asked.

Leith nods his head.

When they were about to enter the shop, someone very familiar unexpectedly came over to their side. "Phoenix," Draco speaks softly, looking at her with his gray eyes softened at a glance. He opens the door like a gentleman. "Princess," a soft smile curls on his lips.

Princess Phoenix nods her head without returning the smile and enters.

Sweets of all kinds greet the trio. Different colours as well. There are many to choose from, and the gray/black-haired princess doesn't know what to choose.

"Hello, and welcome to the Honeydukes," someone from behind the counter greets them with a smile.

"Thank you, do you have Calutron Cakes?" the secret princess smiles.

"Yes, we do."

"We will have seven of them," Draco tells the worker with a smile, paying.

Surprised, the girl with the flying lizard stares back at the young Malfoy.

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