They Don't Know About Us: Third-Year Part 3

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Chapter 3:

The following day, as soon as Draco runs through the magical wall for Platform 9 ¾, he begins looking around for his best friend. Same as always, there's hardly an empty compartment.

Soon later, the young Malfoy finally finds her but quickly notices something different about her. "Princess Phoenix?" he asked with his eyes widened.

Princess Phoenix turns her head from reading her latest Quibbler edition. Her black/grey hair falls to the middle of her back with loose waves. The dark grey eyes are piercing as wickedness clouded over as two arched dark eyebrows complete the wickedness in her eyes. A few places of her heart-shaped face are a little bit paler as well, and her long, dark lashes are curled up. "Hello, Draco," Phoenix greets him softly, blushing a little at her best friend's new look.

Draco blushes a little at her new look as well. "You look....different," he comments.

"I'm always different," she tells him.

"You're beautiful," the young Malfoy thinks to himself.

"How were your summer holidays, Draco?" Princess Phoenix asked softly, blushing a little.

"F-Fine," he stutters a little.

A silence laced over them. Malfoy sits next to Emberson on the seat as they stare into each other's eyes, almost with hearts in them.

"Did Mummy and Daddy put an amortentia in my drink this morning?" the secret princess thinks to herself as she continues staring into the silvery eyes of the young Malfoy.

Draco slowly leans in closer towards her face while gently puckering his lips and eyes half-closed. Princess Phoenix has her eyes almost closed with her lips puckered as well.

Just as their lips are about to meet, Goyle and Crabbe burst through the door as if the Slytherin boys were running away from something or someone. "Malfoy!" they both screamed, closing the door behind them.

"Goyle! Crabbe! What is wrong with you both?" Draco's not happy that they interrupted the perfect moment with the princess.

"It's Parkinson!" they both freaked out then let out a yelp when Parkinson arrived with her gang of Slytherin females.

Princess Phoenix's and Leith's eyes widen at the amount of makeup that the teenage girls have on their faces. It's quite frightening.

"Draky! There you are!" Pansy happily screams from the other side of the door. She's trying to get inside, but Gregory and Vincent are struggling to keep it closed.

The young princess wiggles her fingers and magically closes the door completely, locking it and closing the windows. "What has happened?" she asked her shocked friends.

"Parkinson saw us and immediately asked for Malfoy," Goyle answers.

Draco groans, annoyed. "Can she take a hint that I'm not interested in her?" he asked, leaning back.

"Unfortunately, it's more common than you think," Emberson sighs. "There are some girls that will take their innocent crush to an obsession."

"Are you one of them?" her best friend surprises her as he turns his head at her.

Her eyes widened a bit at his question, but she understood it once the emotion in his eyes explained why he asked. "I am not because I always give the person respect and space that they need," Princess Phoenix explains her point of view of having a crush. "Especially when there's a possibility that they wouldn't have an interest in me." She places a hand on her faithful companion and pets him.

They Don't Know About Us: Third YearWhere stories live. Discover now