They Don't Know About Us: Third Year Part 14

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Chapter 14:

Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle are a nearby location, calming themselves down from the fear. Princess Phoenix noticed them first. "Leith, let's go see how they are doing," she tells her companion and walks towards the Slytherin boys. "Are you gentlemen alright?" she asked, appearing before them.

"What just happened?!" Draco asked, shocked.

"It was a magical creature called a "Trickster" which they will be mischievous whenever they like," she simply explains, holding back her laughter, without mentioning Potter. "Say, I'll treat you three to sweet from Honeydukes and drinks at the Three Broomsticks," the young princess smiles warmly.

"Yes, please!" Crabbe and Goyle smiled, agreeing immediately.

"Nope!" Draco disagrees quickly after. "It's the man's job to treat the lady to sweets and drinks."

"I don't mind, really," Princess Phoenix smiles again. "Besides, I have a little money left for drinks and sweets. Come on, gentlemen."

Even though Princess Phoenix is still on the fence about Draco, she wants to be at least okay with the young Malfoy.

Draco carries her bags again as she leads the Slytherin gang towards Three Broomsticks Inn for the yummy drinks. Along the way, the young Malfoy walks next to his princess. He was kind to carry her bags and walk close to her. Her lips curl into a smile as she secretly watches him being a gentleman.

Leith flew around for a bit before landing on his mother's head, enjoying the warmth coming from the gray/black locks of hair.

At the Inn, Princess Phoenix four warm Butterbeers and Dragon's Milk which she was about to pay for, but Draco pays before she can. Some of the professors from Hogwarts are there as well, possibly taking a break from the daily schooling responsibilities. One of which was Mabuz, the student-professor from Care of Magical Creatures class, at a table with the professors over some drinks.

He notices the young princess and gives her a smirking wink.

She feels her ears warming at the sight as she smiles back and waves.

Draco notices this as well. He glares at the older male and walks in front of his princess, blocking the student professor's view of her.

At the table, Princess Phoenix's bags are on one side of the table as Leith drinks some warm Dragon's milk in his bowl. Crabbe and Goyle sit across from Princess Phoenix and Draco.

While taking a sip of her warm drink, the young Slytherin girl sees a curvy woman on the other side of the room. "There's Madam Rosmerta," she points out with a smirk. "I hear that Weasley fancies her."

"Does he know now?" Draco smirks back in response.

Her sharp ear picks up the conversation with the elders.

"I trust business is good?" Cornelius Fudge asked Madam Rosmerta.

"It'd be better if the Ministry wasn't sending Dementors into my pub every other night," she tells him firmly.

"We have a killer on the loose," he explained.

"Sirius Black? In Hogsmeade! And what would bring him here?"

"Harry Potter."

"Harry Potter!"

Princess Phoenix narrows her eyes, causing worry and concern in Draco. Something about Harry Potter doesn't seem to settle right in her mind, not just because he practically saved her life in the First Year. She straightens up a little once the young princess sees Fudge leading both Madam Rosmerta and Professor McGonagall inside of a room.

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