They Don't Know About Us: Third Part Part 13

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Chapter 13:

Leith and Princess Phoenix are sleeping peacefully for the remaining moments of their slumber. Everything seems peaceful until a figure appears in the wing. It's Mabuz Burrough.

He stands at the side of the bed while staring down at Sleeping Beauty. Long, slender fingers run themselves in a strand of grey/black hair. "Salazar would be proud that at least one of us is still pure, cousin," Mabuz thinks to himself, glaring at her. "Although," a smirks curls on his face, "you are stunning. Maybe I will play with you longer. You do make a perfect little doll." The handsome raven-haired male licks his lips at the thought of Princess Phoenix being his personal doll. "See you around, doll," he whispers before kissing her cheek.

After two months of mentally tiring homework, school, and her royal responsibilities for the magical creatures, Princess Phoenix can feel the weather colder as the Winter Holidays are drawing closer. Usually, she will be happy that her birthday and favorite holiday are coming, but Draco would be around for the special time. The young princess is still unsure about crush?

Slytherin winter clothing covers Princess Phoenix's body as she goes through the thick layer of snow. Some of the magical creatures sleep for the winter, while others are playing/enjoying the snow. She sees one of the mother wolves laying down on a rock, watching her pup playing together.

"Greetings, Mira," Princess Phoenix smiles while sitting next to her. "How are you?"

"Greetings, your highness," she greets back, smiling. "I'm doing fine."

"That is good. Your pups seem healthy and active," the young princess noted while turning to them.

"Oh, yes, they are." The mother wolf turns her head to the pups. "The mixture of dragon milk and berries that you fed me with while I was expecting them has made them healthy and active, which I am very glad."

Her pregnancy with the five pups was a rather difficult one.

The gray/black-haired princess thought of doing something for the young wolf since she and now her pups mean the world to her as every magical creature does. The mixture was something that came to Princess Phoenix as a strike of lightning. "Like I said before," she chuckles, "I refuse to let any creature die without it being from natural causes."

From a distance, Draco walks closer to the trees of the forest. He, too, is wearing the Slytherin winter clothes as he sees Princess Phoenix talking with a mother wolf and how happy she looks. Words from his mother's letter echo in his mind.

"Dear Draco,

Trust is indeed broken, but sometimes it won't last forever. I can tell you you've been in love with Phoenix for the longest time. Give her some time to think about your friendship. Having her think about you and the situation will help Phoenix understand what's best for her.

Now, I am not saying to avoid her altogether, which I know it will break you if you do. Always there for the young lady if she needs help with anything, but never push her for anything. I hope this will help you, my son.


Your mother."

"You will make someone very happy for being their queen," the wolf mother softly growls.

"Yea," Princess Phoenix's voice trails off, thinking of Draco Malfoy and maybe even Mabuz. "Well, I need to check on the others," she stands. "See you later?"

"See you later, Princess Phoenix."

Draco watches from afar, ensuring his princess is safe and sound.

The young Slytherin girl is so grateful to have this trip to the Village because she's in depressed need of school supplies. Leith crawls on the ground and, at one point, looks up to see his mother holding arms full of school stuff that she shopped for while walking along the snow-covered main street. Fog scatters through the street.

"Hey, Leith, I'm in the mood for some warm butterbeer," Princess Phoenix comments with a smile, noticing how cold it is. "Let's go get something warm to drink."

Leith growls happily at the idea.

That's when they see the silhouette of the Shrieking Shack comes into view through the beautifully gloomy weather. Ron and Hermione stand before it stiffly.

"Let's go check them out," she smirks at her companion, who also nods wickedly. Princess Phoenix and Leith sneak up behind them and comment, "It's meant to be the most haunted building in Britain."

Her voice startles the two gratefully.

"Hermione mentioned that twice," Weasley noted.

"Should we move a bit closer?" Granger asked.

"Wow, you two are terrified of something so beautiful!" Emberson giggles.

"Beautiful?!" they both asked, almost yelling at the Slytherin, surprised.

Just then, voices echo as three figures appear over the rise, almost like phantoms in the mist. Oh, nothing to worry about because it's Draco with Crabbe and Goyle.

"Well, well, look who's here," Malfoy smirks, looking at the three. "Phoenix is showing Weasley and Granger possibly her dream home?" That makes her smirk back. "Seems a bit grand for you, Weasel-Bee. Don't your family all sleep in one room?"

"Shut your mouth, Malfoy," Ron glares.

"Hey, easy now, Weasley," the secret princess steps in. "Draco is just playing around. This time nothing overly insane."

"Yea, I'm just playing around," he repeats her words. "Oh, Phoenix, do you need help with your shopping bags?" Draco asked, noticing the bags in her arms.

"As a matter of fact, I do need help," she shrugs her shoulders. "I didn't realize these bags are heavy for me to carry for a long while." Draco takes her bags like a young gentleman. "Thank you, Draco."

"Anything for the Slytherin princess," he smiles back, making her heart skip a beat before turning back to Crabbe and Goyle. "Boys, I think we will have to teach Weasel-Bee to respect his superiors."

"Hope you don't mean yourself," Hermione harshly chuckles.

That makes him look at her with disgust. "How dare you speak to you-" Princess Phoenix glares at him, knowing what he is going to say. "Granger," Draco corrects himself, but a snowball hits him roughly. "Who did that?!" Malfoy yells at everyone.

Leith and Princess Phoenix shake their heads, confused as well.

Hermione and Ron look at each other uneasily.

"Well, don't just stand there!" he tells his gang.

The Slytherin boys start towards the Gryffindors, but their knees go out, falling headfirst into the snow.

Surprised when Draco begins backing away, the magical creature princess watches, almost scared, eying the mist. "Wait a minute; there's something out here - ahhhhhh!" His ski mask gets pulled over his eyes, causing him to go out of control. It caused him to drop his princess's bags onto the snow as he stumbles away, with Crabbe and Goyle joining him.

Princess Phoenix drops down to the snow, grabbing her stuff that was flown out of the bags and panicking a little with Leith's help. Laughter is heard.....very familiar laughter.

"Potter?" she asked, standing up with her stuff in her arms again.

An Invisibility Cloak drops to reveal a grinning glasses-wearing Gryffindor.

"That was not......Bloody Hell, Harry!" Ron grins. "Funny!"

Emberson smirks, shaking her head. "You are one mental person, Potter."

"But it made you smirk," he smirks at her, revealing more of himself. "The Twins gave me the Marauder's Map."

"Why am I not surprised?" she smirks more, closing her eyes. "I need to finish up my shopping. See you back at school." The secret princess and firedrake walk away from the Gryffindors with the sounds of a snowball fight in the distance.

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