They Don't Know About Us: Third Year Part 12

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Chapter 12:

The beautiful rain falls on umbrellas as the students watch the Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. Everyone cheers when Scarlet (Gryffindor) and Canary-Yellow (Hufflepuff) begin the match up into the air. Twin bludgers fire skyward, and the match is on.

Harry rises through the mist with his robes snapping in the wind. Beaters crisscross his path as a bludger passes, then rockets straight towards him. Luckily, he dodges, watching the bludger shatter the broom of the Hufflepuff beater. The beater then goes into a spiral, vanishing into the mist.

Ron, who stands next to Hermione and shares an umbrella, squints upward when the platers little more than streaking blurs from their vantage.

A stitch of lightning struck the tail of Angelina Johnson's broom. It bursts into flames, causing her to fall to the pitch.

Potter flies fearlessly while searching for the snitch as the bludgers pass through the clouds above him and the chases flit in and out of view. A Ravenclaw girl loses her black umbrella, and it sails through the heavy air. The umbrella picks up speed rotation. He dodges and turns to watch it disappear into the clouds. Something glimmering catches his attention. It's the Snitch! He quickly chases it through the dark masses until he can't be seen anymore.

Meanwhile, Princess Phoenix walks along the rain-covered grass with a smile while holding on to a large, black umbrella. This is her kind of weather as Leith is flying a little ahead of his mother. He is enjoying the weather: no studies, no classes, just the young princess with her faithful companion. Suddenly, something stops her in her tracks. A slight wind breeze moves the medium-length gray/black hair from her shoulder. Everyone and everything around Princess Phoenix seems to go slow.

"Sirius Black....." a ghostly voice speaks from behind the Slytherin girl.

"What?" she asked herself, a little confused.

Leith hears his mother whisper something in confusion. He turns around to see her standing almost still, and he whimpers while crawling over.

She looks down at her firedrake with her face still covered with confusion. Princess Pheonix then turns her head behind her as if something is calling for her.

The forest creatures see their princess, clad in a long-sleeved black top in moons and suns with a long black layered skirt, walking towards a different location, almost in a trance. Her bare pale feet walk through the grounds towards the area of the Quidditch pitch. Princess Phoenix's ears focus more than her eyes. She soon finds herself at the stadium's highest tower?

Leith even knows that they are not allowed to be this close to the tower during a match or practice. So, they get closer without being seen.

Something dark is nearby, waiting for the magical creature princess. Oh, no! She knows that presence from anywhere!

Harry senses something and quickly heads towards the tower.

The firedrake looks up to the thick layers of mist and sees the Gryffindor Quidditch Seeker flies directly towards the princess, but behind him are two figures - Dementors. At first, he growls at him, but the creature knows Harry could save them at this moment.

Princess Phoenix betrays the umbrella and raises them towards Potter.

He extends his arm out for her and Leith, and in a split second, he takes them up on his broom, flying away. Her hands grip his robes tightly as the arm tightens its grip around the girl and creature. She has her legs dangling on one side.

More dementors are on their tail, chasing them! A scream escapes Princess Phoenix's lips in complete terror, and she, for the first time in her entire life, is scared to death.

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