37. Cousins in Trouble

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Discipline: Dave/Juliet (M/F) Hand & Belt | Adam/Chloe (M/F) Hand & Belt

Tonight Chloe is coming over to Dave and Amanda's to have a sleepover with Juliet. Juliet and Chloe have been begging their parents for weeks. But with Chloe being grounded after the incident at the family dinner she wasn't allowed to. But now she's finally ungrounded so she's coming over tonight.

It's about an hour until Chloe arrives and Adam and Christine are going to stay for a few hours to hangout with Dave and Amanda. Dave heads upstairs to make sure Juliet is ready and has her room cleaned like she promised.

Dave knocks on Juliet's door and a few seconds later Juliet opens it. "Hi dad." Juliet says. "Just wanted to see if you cleaned your room, like I asked you too." Dave says. "I-I was about to do it." Juliet says putting her head down. "I asked you to do it last night and you still haven't done it? Maybe I should cancel Chloe coming over." Dave says sternly crossing his arms. "No dad! I'll clean it!" Juliet begs.

Skylar peeks outside the nursery after hearing Juliet and Dave. Juliet's room is diagonal from the nursery so it's not hard to see. Skylar hears Dave scold Juliet. "If it's not done in a half hour I'm canceling and you're going across my knee." Dave declares. Skylar shivers at his tone, being have been in that place many times before.

"Okay.." Juliet says. "Excuse me?" Dave says knowing Juliet knows what to say. "Yes sir, I'll get it cleaned." Juliet says. "Good. I love you honey." Dave says. "Love you too."

Juliet goes back into her room and Skylar tries to go back into the nursery, but Dave sees her first. "Skylar, were you listening?" Dave asks. Skylar swallows the lump in her throat. "Yes sir, sorry. I heard the scolding and wanted to see what happened." Skylar admits. "That's alright, I understand where you're coming from." Dave says. Skylar nods. "How are the babies?" Dave asks. "Good, they sleep a lot during the day." Skylar says. Dave laughs. "How ironic."

Dave heads back downstairs after talking to Skylar. He enters the living room where he left Amanda. "Everything go okay up there?" Amanda asks. Dave gives her a look and sighs, sitting down. Dave explains what happened. "She still didn't have her room cleaned?" Amanda asks. "Yep." Dave says, sighing.

"Should have whooped her for it, she knows better." Amanda says shaking her head. Dave's surprised by his wife's words, usually she's the less strict one. "I know, I know." Amanda says laughing. Dave smiles at her and kisses her.

A few minutes later Dave's cell phone rings. He pulls it out of his pocket and looks at the caller ID. "It's your brother." Dave tells Amanda. Amanda makes a puzzled face.

Dave: Hello?

Adam: Hey! Just wanted to make sure we're still on.

Dave: As long as Juliet gets her room cleaned, she hasn't been listening today.

Adam: I know the feeling. Chloe's lucky she hasn't gotten her butt whooped today.

Dave: Well I'll check she's got it cleaned and let you know.

Adam: Sounds good!

"What'd he say?" Amanda asks. "Wanted to make sure we're still on for today. I'm gonna go make sure Juliet's room is cleaned." Dave says. Amanda nods.

Dave heads up to Juliet's room and knocks on the door. Juliet opens it and Dave can see her room is clean. "Just wanted to make sure your room was clean." Dave tells his daughter. "Yes sir, I did." Juliet says.

"Just so you know your Uncle Adam called me and wanted to make sure they could still come over. But he said your cousin has been close to a whooping herself so I would advise you two to behave." Dave tells his daughter. "Yes sir." Juliet says. "Good, they should be here any minute." Dave tells his daughter. They both head downstairs and wait.

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