38. Parenting is Hard

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Discipline: Kennan/ Skylar (M/F) Talk of Discipline | Dave/Juliet (M/F) Talk of Punishment | Amanda/Cody (F/M) Hand

It's been about a month since the babies have been born and they have been keeping Skylar and Kennan up a lot. It only bothered Amanda for the first week but she rarely hears them now.

It's now three in the morning and the babies are crying, loudly. Both Kennan and Skylar, sigh, then get up to check on the babies. Skylar checks on Eden and Kennan checks on Elliot. Turns out both of them needed changed and then went right back to sleep after being rocked.

Both Kennan and Skylar head back to bed after taking care of the babies. They both lay down in bed and face each other. "I didn't realize this would be worse than giving birth." Skylar jokes. Kennan smiles at her. Kennan then gives Skylar a kiss before going back to sleep.

6:00 a.m.

The next morning Skylar is woken up again by the babies crying. Skylar looks over and Kennan is sleeping through it. Skylar sighs and goes to check on the babies. When Skylar walks into the nursery Amanda is already in there.

"Hi honey, I can take care of them. I know you guys haven't got much sleep recently." Amanda says while changing Eden. "Are you sure?" Skylar asks sleepily. "I'm sure, please go sleep." Amanda says giving Skylar a small smile. "Thank you." Skylar says. Skylar then heads back to bed, hoping to get more sleep.

At around nine in the morning Skylar wakes up, sitting up in bed. Kennan's right next to her, scrolling on his phone. "Hi baby, how'd you sleep?" Kennan asks Skylar. "Pretty good. The babies woke me up at six but your mom was nice enough to take of them for us." Skylar says. "Oh, that's so nice of her." Kennan says. "Why don't we go down and get some breakfast?" Kennan suggests. "Sounds good."

Kennan and Skylar head downstairs after checking in on the babies to get some breakfast. "Hi kids." Dave says. Even though Skylar isn't his kid, it's just easier for him to say it that way. "Morning dad." Kennan says. "Good morning." Skylar says with a small smile. "Have any plans for today?" Dave asks. "I think we're just going to hang out at the house." Kennan says. Dave nods and puts some creamer into his coffee.

"Where's everybody else?" Skylar asks. "Amanda is at the grocery store, Cody's outside playing, and Juliet's in her room since she's grounded." Dave says. Skylar nods, thinking about not missing the days of being grounded. That reminds Skylar to bring up something to Kennan when they have a moment alone.

"I'm gonna head down to the den, if you need me." Dave says. "Alright dad." Kennan says looking through the fridge. "What some waffles, and I can cut some fruit?" Kennan asks. "Sure." Skylar says. "I can cut the fruit up." Skylar says. "No, it's okay." Kennan says.

Once the food is ready they each bring their plates to the table, and sit down to eat. "This looks delicious." Skylar smiles at Kennan. "Thank you." Kennan says and smiles at Skylar.

A few minutes into eating, Juliet comes down from her room. "Where's dad?" Juliet asks Kennan with a slight attitude. "In his den, but I wouldn't use that attitude with him." Kennan suggests. "Shut up Kennan!" Juliet yells and storms downstairs. Skylar widens her eyes at her outburst. Kennan sighs and continues eating. "I hope our kids don't have an attitude like that." Kennan says trying to joke. Skylar smiles at him, smirking.

Meanwhile downstairs Dave hears someone stomping down the stairs. Dave pauses the basketball game he was watching and turns around. "Dad!" Juliet yells. Dave is appalled, first she's stomping now she's yelling. "You need to lower your voice!" Dave tells his daughter. "Well, I've been trying to find you!" Juliet yells and stomps her foot. "Stop acting like a brat, before you're over my knee." Dave says. "You're just like Kennan! He said I was having an attitude!" Juliet says rolling her eyes. Dave sighs, trying to calm himself down.

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