19. Playdate

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Discipline: Jennifer/Lexi (F/F) Talk of punishment

Today Cody's friend is coming over for a playdate. They're going to be playing for a few hours and have lunch then it will be over. Dave took Kennan, Skylar, and Juliet over to his parents for the day while Cody's friend is over.

"Cody! Your friend is here!" Amanda yells. "He'll be down any minute." Cody comes running down the stairs. "No running young man!" Amanda scolds. "Sorry mommy!" Cody apologizes. "Hi Lexi! Let's go play!" Cody says excitedly jumping up and down. Amanda laughs to herself.

Lexi's mom, Jennifer follows Amanda into the kitchen. "Would you like some tea?" Amanda asks. "That would be perfect thank you." Amanda pours them both a cup of tea and brings it over to the table. "Thank you." Amanda smiles at her. "I'm so glad Lexi made a friend. She's not a social butterfly." Jennifer says. "Me too. It's good for them to have friends at a young age." Jennifer nods her head agreeing.

Cody's Bedroom

"That's my toy!" Cody yells pulling it out of Lexi's hand. "I wanna play with it!" Lexi pouts. "Don't touch my toys!" Cody yells. Lexi's lip starts quivering and she starts crying. Cody and Lexi are only five almost six so the reaction was understandable.

A few moments later the moms come up hearing all the commotion. "What is going on up here?" Amanda asks. "Lexi, what's wrong?" Amanda asks concerned. Jennifer goes to her daughter and picks her up. "Cody, explain now." Amanda warns. "No!" Cody yells continuing to play with his toys. Amanda sighs. Unfortunately he has the temper of his father, Amanda thinks to herself.

"Now, or me and you will go have a talk little boy. I don't care that you have a friend over." Amanda says sternly. "I didn't want to share my toys." Cody says quietly. Amanda shakes her head. "You will share your toys! Now, any more problems and you know the consequences." Amanda scolds. "Yes mommy." Cody says. Jennifer sits Lexi down and the moms go downstairs. "I'm sorry Lexi, this is my favorite toy." Cody apologizes. "It's okay. What if we play cars?" Lexi suggests. Cody nods his head smiling.


"Sorry about that. He's very protective over his toys." Amanda laughs. "It's alright." Jennifer smiles. "I apologize if i'm pushing your boundaries." That gets Amanda's attention. "How do you punish your kids?" Jennifer asks. "It's a bit old fashioned but it's the way me and my husband were punished. We spank our kids." Amanda says. "I see. I was punished the same way. I didn't want to do it with Lexi but she's been having bad tantrums, i'm almost to that point." Jennifer laughs. "Yeah that's what happened with my oldest and then we just did it with all the kids." Amanda says. "Want more tea?" Amanda asks. "Yes please."

Emerson Senior Residence

"Hi mama." Dave says as he hugs his mom. "Hi dear. Come in, come in." Patricia says. "It's nice to see you all." Patricia says. Patricia brings them into the living room. "Where's grandpa?" Juliet asks. "I'm sorry dear, he had some errands to run today." Patricia says. "How are you doing Skylar, dear?" Patricia asks. "I'm good ma'am. Ready for the baby to come out." Skylar laughs. "I'm sure. How many more months?" Patricia asks. "Five." Skylar says smiling at Kennan. "Wow, almost half way there." Skylar nods her head smiling.

Emerson Residence

"I'm going to start getting lunch ready." Amanda tells Jennifer. "Oh I can help!" Jennifer says. "Thank you, I appreciate that." Amanda says smiling. They are making chicken nuggets with some strawberries on the side. "So where are your other kids?" Jennifer asks. "With my husband at his parent's house." Amanda says. "That's nice." Jennifer smiles. "Do you have any other kids?" Amanda asks. "Nope. It's just me and Lexi." Jennifer says. Amanda nods her head smiling. She wanted to ask more questions but figured another time.

As they were finishing up the food they heard yelling and a loud bang. They both look at each other alarmed and run upstairs.

"What happened?" Amanda asks as she enters Cody's room. "Lexi was mad I took this car and she pushed my track over!" Cody cries. "Lexi Ann!" Jennifer scolds as she walks to her daughter. "You're in big trouble!" Jennifer tells her. "No mommy! I'm sorry!" Lexi cries. Jennifer takes Lexi out of the room. "Are you okay?" Amanda asks Cody. "Yes mommy." Cody sniffles. "Let's pick this up." Amanda says putting the track up. She then helps Cody clean up his toys. "Let's go get some lunch." She says smiling at him. He gives her a big toothy grin back.

When they get downstairs Amanda sees Jennifer had put Lexi in a corner. "Go ahead and sit, it's almost ready." Amanda tells Cody.

"You okay?" Amanda asks Jennifer. "Yeah just wish she would behave." Jennifer sighs. "Why don't we talk while the kids eat." Amanda suggests. Jennifer nods her head. They bring the food to the kids and let them eat. "We will be in the living room, you two better behave." Amanda warns.

Amanda and Jennifer go into the living room, sitting on the couch together. "I think you are doing a wonderful job as a mom. I don't know you super well but I can tell you are." Amanda says. "Thank you." Jennifer smiles.

"Let me tell you something. When my oldest son was around four or five, we were struggling with money. So my husband how to pick up two jobs. It was very hard on the both of us, so I was always watching my oldest son. He ended up having bad tantrums all the time because he rarely saw his dad, my husband. I ended up having to spank him because it's the only thing that would work. My parents actually suggested it. I didn't want to do it at first but it was my last choice." Amanda tells Jennifer.

"Wow. Maybe that's what Lexi needs. I don't want to but maybe it's for the best, thank you Amanda." Jennifer says hugging her. "Of course. If you ever need anything don't hesitate." Amanda says. Jennifer smiles at her. "Don't steal my food!" Cody yells. Jennifer sighs.

They go into the room and see the commotion. Cody tries to take back his chicken nuggets which ends up knocking his drink over onto the ground. The cup breaks when it hits the ground. When the cup fell it also knocked all of Lexi's food onto her lap. Both of the kids have started crying from all the noise. Jennifer picks up Lexi and takes her to the bathroom to get cleaned up. Amanda takes Cody into the living room with his food so she can clean up the mess.

A few minutes later Jennifer comes out with Lexi and sits her next to Cody. She goes into the kitchen just as Amanda finishes up. "I'm starting to think you're right." Jennifer laughs. Amanda smiles at her. "This was an eventful play date. I'm definitely going to punish her for this behavior today. I'll make sure she apologizes tomorrow at school." Jennifer says. "Sounds good. You know Cody did something too, it's okay if you don't punish her." Amanda says. "No. She needs to learn this behavior isn't okay." Jennifer says. Amanda nods. "It was nice meeting you, we'll definitely have to do this again." Amanda says. They say goodbye and have the kids say goodbye and then Jennifer and Lexi leave.

"Mommy, am I getting spanked?" Cody asks after they leave. "Not this time but you have to start sharing." Amanda says. "Okay." Cody says as he lays on his mother on the couch. "I love you Cody." Amanda says petting his hair. "I love you too mommy." Cody says as he falls asleep.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Let me know if you'd like to see more of Jennifer and Lexi! Please comment and vote!

Word Count: 1,345 Words

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