29. Last Doctors Appointment

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Discipline: None

There will be no discipline in this chapter but it's Skylar's last doctors appointment. I have decided to make Mark and Skylar's last name Kennedy.

It's currently five thirty at night and everyone is about to sit down for dinner. Skylar has her last doctor's appointment tomorrow.

Everyone has now sat down for dinner, they are having chicken and corn along with a couple fruits. "Is it just you two going tomorrow?" Dave asks. "I was thinking about inviting my dad so he could see them before they're born." Skylar says looking at Kennan. Kennan nods his head smiling at her. "That's a great idea!" Amanda adds in.

After dinner Juliet helps her mom clean up dinner. While Dave goes to give Cody a bath and get him ready for bed. Skylar and Kennan go up to there room. Once they get upstairs Skylar lays down. "Should I call your dad for you?" Kennan asks. "I'll do it in a bit." Skylar says, her eyes starting to hurt from the tiredness. "Sky your gonna fall asleep just let me do it." Kennan says nicely. "Okay." Skylar says as she yawns and slowly falls asleep.

Kennan gets on his phone and dials Skylar's dad's phone number.

Mark: Hello?

Kennan: Hi sir, it's Kennan.

Mark: Oh Hello! How are you?

Kennan: I'm pretty good, and you sir?

Mark: I'm pretty good myself. Is there a reason you're calling? Is Skylar okay?"

Kennan: Oh yes she's fine! She was pretty tired so she wanted me to call you. Her last doctor's appointment is tomorrow morning and she wanted you to come.

Mark: Oh I'd love to! What time is it?

Kennan: It's at noon.

Mark: I'll be there.

After that they end the conversation. Kennan grabs some clothes and goes to shower before going to bed. After Cody's bath Dave gets him in pajamas and puts him to bed. After doing the dishes Juliet goes up to her room to draw.

Next Morning
8:00 a.m.

The next morning Kennan wakes up to Skylar next to him still sleeping. Kennan gets up, showers and gets dressed. Then Kennan wakes up Skylar.

"Sky. Babe." Kennan says trying to wake her up. After a few moments she's awake. "What time is it?" Skylar asks as she yawns. "It's eight thirty, i figured you would want to get up a few hours before we left." Kennan says. Skylar nods and starts getting up.

After Skylar is done getting ready, Kennan helps her get downstairs. Amanda made breakfast for everyone, pancakes with a side of fruit and sausage.

After breakfast Skylar goes up to rest until they have to leave. "So are you leaving in about two hours?" Dave asks Kennan. "That's the plan." Kennan says to his dad. "Alright, and is Mark meeting you there?" Dave asks. Kennan nods.

11:50 a.m.
Doctor's Office

Kennan and Skylar arrive to the doctor's office. When they get inside Mark is already there. "I'll get you checked in, go sit by your dad." Kennan says to Skylar. "Thanks." Skylar smiles.

Skylar sits next to her dad, him helping her. "How have you been sweetheart?" Mark asks. "I've been okay, had a few nauseous days." Skylar says. Mark nods. "I remember your mom was pretty nauseous during her pregnancy with you." Mark says. Skylar nods a little sadly. "I'm sorry she isn't here with you." Mark says sympathetically. "It's okay, I'm just glad you're here." Skylar smiles.

Kennan sits down next to Skylar after checking in. "Got you all checked in. You should be called any minute." Kennan tells Skylar. Skylar nods at him. "Hello Kennan." Mark says. "Hello sir, how are you?" Kennan asks. "I've been good, and you don't have to call me sir. I'm a very informal person." Mark says. "Okay sir. I mean Mark." Kennan chuckles. Skylar smiles at him.

"Skylar Kennedy!" A nurse says opening a door. Kennan stands up and helps Skylar to the room. Mark follows right behind them.

The nurse leads them into the room. Kennan helps Skylar get sat on the table. "The doctor will be with you in a few minutes." The nurse says. "Alright, thank you." Kennan says. "Are you all comfortable?" Kennan asks. "Yes. Thank you." Skylar smiles up at Kennan.

A few minutes later the doctor comes in. She sanitizes her hands then sits down next to Skylar. "How are you doing?" The doctor asks. "I've been pretty good just some nausea here and there." Skylar says. "Alright, that's expected." The doctor says. "Let's do the ultrasound." The doctor says prepping the things for it.

"This will be cold so prepare yourself." The doctor says. The doctor moves it around, seeing the babies. "They seem very healthy and look like they're kicking a bit. Have you experienced kicking?" The doctor asks. "Yes lots." Skylar says.

After a few more minutes of the ultrasound the doctor cleans Skylar's stomach. "So your due date is in about two months so I'll see you then and here's the ultrasound picture." The doctor says and gives Skylar a smile. "Thank you." Skylar says.

After saying goodbye they head out to the car. "Thank you for coming dad, it meant a lot." Skylar says and hugs her dad. "Of course honey." Mark says. "And this is for you!" Skylar smiles. "Oh, are you sure?" Mark asks. "Yes." Skylar smiles. "Thank you honey." Mark says. "Well I'll see you soon and I love you." Mark says smiling at his daughter. "Love you too dad."

Kennan and Skylar say goodbye to Mark and then get in there car. "Ready to go home?" Kennan asks. "Definitely." Skylar says.

(A/N) Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I know it's pretty short there should be another one up soon! Please vote and comment!

Word Count: 973 Words

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