14. Halloween

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Prompt Idea: Ready2XPLR

Discipline: Dave/Cody (M/M) Time Out

Today is Halloween. Later tonight Dave and Amanda are going to take Cody trick or treating. Kennan, Skylar, and Juliet are going to stay back and hand out candy. Dave and Amanda are at the store getting candy. Kennan and Skylar are setting decorations up outside the house. Juliet is on a ladder stringing lights. It's a small ladder so she's not very high up. Cody is outside running around, he promised to stay in the yard. He had a halloween party today so he's very hyper.

Cody is running around holding his airplane in the air. As he's running he accidentally bumps the latter. "Ah!" Juliet yells as she steadies herself. She slowly climbs down. "Cody I almost fell!" Juliet yells at him. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" Kennan looks over at the situation. "Are you okay?" Kennan asks her. "Yeah I almost fell." Juliet says. "Be more careful bud." Kennan tells him. Cody nods and continues playing. Juliet gets back on the latter and continues hanging lights.

Cody continues running around the yard. He isn't watching where he's going and bumps into the ladder again but harder. This knocks Juliet off balance and she falls to the ground. "OW!" Juliet yells. Skylar and Kennan run over to her. "Are you okay Juliet?" Skylar asks. "It hurts!" Skylar cries. "Come on stand up." Kennan says helping her. "Does it feel broken?" He asks. "No just sore." She says. "Alright, come on let's go get some ice." Skylar says helping her inside. Skylar grabs some ice for Juliet and has her sit on the couch. She gets her a glass of water as well. "I'm gonna go back outside but if you need anything holler." Skylar says. "Okay thank you." Juliet says.

Skylar walks outside as Kennan is scolding Cody. "I thought I told you to be careful!" Kennan scolds. "You did." Cody says looking down. "I think you need a timeout." Kennan says grabbing his hand. "Nooo. Please Kennan!" Cody begs. "Come on." Kennan says starting to pick up Cody. Dave and Amanda arrive back at the house. They see Kennan and Cody. "Kennan what's wrong?" Amanda asks walking up to them. Kennan explains what happened. "Come on little boy." Dave says grabbing Cody's hand. "Daddy I'm sorry!" Cody cries. "Is she okay?" Amanda asks. "I think so. She said it just feels sore, I gave her some ice." Skylar says. "Thank you honey." Amanda says going into the house.

Skylar walks up to Kennan and hugs him. "You're going to be an amazing father." Skylar says smiling at him. "And you will be an amazing mother." He says giving her a kiss. "I've been thinking about something. Are we going to spank our kid?" Skylar asks. "It's definitely something to consider. I think probably." Kennan tells her. "I agree." She says hugging him again. "We can talk about it when we get to that point." Kennan says. "Alright, let's finish decorating." She says smiling. He smiles back.

"You are going to stay in this corner for five minutes Cody." Dave says putting him in the corner. "Yes daddy." Cody says sniffling.

Dave walks over to Juliet and sits next to her. "How are you feeling sweet heart?" Dave asks. "Sore but I think i'll be alright." Juliet says giving a half smile. "Just keep icing it." Dave says rubbing her back. "Dad, you don't need to punish Cody, I'm okay." Juliet says. "I appreciate that but he should know better." Dave says. "But he was just hyper dad, it's okay." Juliet says. "Juliet it's not up to you." Dave says getting up. Juliet sighs. "Come on Cody. Me, you, and your mom are going to have a talk." Dave says grabbing Cody out of the corner.

They go into the kitchen and sit Cody in a chair. "I'm sorry daddy! I didn't mean to!" Cody says kicking his legs. "I know buddy." Dave says rubbing his arm. "Dave." Amanda says bringing him to the side. "I think we should let him off this one time." Amanda says. Dave looks at his wife suprised. She usually never lets the kids get away with stuff. "It's halloween and it was just an accident. He realizes he needed to be more careful." Amanda says. Dave sighs. "Alright just this one time." He says. She smiles at him.

"Cody we're deciding to let you off this one time." Cody looks up at his parents surprised. "Thank you!" He says getting up and hugging both of his parents. "Alright go play till it's time to start getting ready, carefully!" Dave says giving him a small smack to get the message through.

"That boy is going to be so much trouble in a few years." Dave says chuckling. Amanda laughs. "That's for sure. "We'll also have another little troublemaker on our hands." She says smiling. "I love our family." Dave says kissing her.

Happy Halloween everyone! Hope you enjoy this short chapter! Do you think Cody should have been spanked for what he did? Please comment and vote! Leave any suggestions please!
-Naz <3

Word Count: 866 Words

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