17. Dad's Mad

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Discipline: Byron/Dave (M/M) Belt | Amanda/Dave (F/M) Hand

Tonight Amanda is going out to dinner with a few friends. She hasn't gone out with her friends in a while. She's leaving as soon as Dave gets home from work.

Amanda is just finishing up dinner for the kids and Dave when he arrives home. As soon as he gets home he slams his brief case on the floor. Amanda jumps not expecting the loud bang. "What is going on?" Amanda asks. "Nothing. It was just a hard day at work." Dave says frustrated. "Do you want me to stay in tonight?" Amanda asks. Dave shakes his head no and heads into there bedroom. Amanda sighs. She gets dinner set on the table and calls the kids down.

"Dave. Are you coming?" Amanda yells for her husband. "Yeah, hold on!" He shouts. "I have to be going but behave please." Amanda tells the kids. Amanda knows Dave has a short temper when he's stressed. "Yes ma'am." They all say. Dave comes out just as she's grabbing her purse and keys. "I love you." Amanda says kissing Dave. "Love you too, have fun." Dave says smiling at her.

Dave sits at the table, ready to eat his dinner. Dave asks all the kids about there day and are in good conversation till everyone is done.

"Cody, I'd like you to help Juliet clean up tonight." Dave tells him. "I don't want to!" Cody says kicking his legs. "I didn't ask if you want to. Do as your told." Dave says shaking his head. "No!" Cody yells. "Cody." Kennan tries. "Stay out of this Kennan!" Dave yells. Juliet looks at her father scared. "Go up to your room you're getting a spanking!" Dave yells at Cody. Cody runs up to his room crying. Kennan goes after him to comfort him and Skylar helps Juliet with the dishes. Dave goes down into the basement to watch a football game.

"I'm scared Skylar." Juliet says starting to cry. "I know. It's going to be okay." Skylar says as she hugs a crying Juliet. Kennan comes down a minute later. "Is Cody alright?" Skylar asks. "Yeah, I got him to calm down and he's playing now." Kennan says. "Should we call your mom, your dad seemed really angry." Skylar says. Kennan thinks for a minute. "I'll call my grandparents." Kennan says and goes to grab his phone. Skylar and Juliet finish up the dishes and go into the living room with Kennan. Kennan dials his grandfathers number.

Byron: Hello?

Kennan: Hi grandpa, it's Kennan.

Byron: Hey! Everything alright?

Kennan: Actually no. Dad is really upset. He would never do anything to hurt us but he's really mad.

Byron: Alright we'll be right over.

Kennan: Thank you

Kennan hangs up with his grandpa. "He said they'll be right over." Kennan tells Skylar and Juliet. It should only take them five minutes to arrive since they live right down the road.

A few minutes later Dave comes upstairs. At the same time Cody is coming downstairs. Cody comes down to Kennan. "Will you play with me?" Cody asks him. "Sure buddy, let's go." Kennan says taking Cody's hand. Dave walks into the living room. "Stay down here, so I can keep an eye on you." Dave says. Juliet thought it almost felt like an angry tone. "Why? It's not like you're staying up here!" Kennan asks. "Because I said so!" Dave booms. Cody starts crying again. "I'll take him upstairs." Skylar tells Kennan. "I told everyone to stay down here!" Dave yells. Then Juliet starts crying from all the yelling.

Then Byron and Susie knock on the door. "Juliet answer the door, now!" Dave yells at a crying Juliet. Ignoring the fact she's crying. "Can you not see she's balling her eyes out?" Kennan yells at his father. Byron and Susie hear the yelling and let themselves in. "Let your selves in why don't you." Dave says throwing his hands up. "Excuse me?" Byron asks. "Come on kids let's go up stairs." Susie says leading Kennan, Skylar, Juliet, and Cody upstairs.

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