10. Kennan's 17th Birthday

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Discipline: Dave/Cody (M/M) Hand | Amanda/Cody (F/M) Hairbrush

Today is Kennan's 17th birthday. There is going to be a big family party. Dave and Amanda's parents will be there, and Skylar is also coming. Kennan gets up and gets ready. Once he's ready he goes down stairs and sees his mom decorated for the party.

"Hi mama." Kennan says hugging his mom. "Hi bud. Happy birthday!" Amanda says. "Thank you. The house looks very nice!" Kennan compliments. "Thank you! Is Skylar coming over earlier than your grandparents?" Amanda asks. "I don't think so." Kennan says, Amanda nods. "I was wondering.. could she spend the night?" Kennan asks. "That's fine. But!" Amanda starts. Kennan smiles that she said yes. "One of you sleeps on your bedroom floor!" Amanda says sternly. "Yes ma'am." Kennan says. "Can you go get your siblings?" Amanda asks. Kennan nods and goes upstairs to get Juliet and Cody.

It's almost time for everyone to arrive. Dave just got home with the birthday cake. "Where's the birthday boy?" Dave asks as Amanda is finishing up the food. "He's upstairs getting-." Amanda is interrupted by fighting. "Stop touching my plushies!" Juliet yells. "But I want it!" Cody pouts. "I thought we wouldn't have to deal with this today!" Amanda says annoyed. "I'll go up! You've already done enough!" Dave says rubbing her arm.

"What is going on up here!" Dave asks sternly. Juliet and Cody both try to explain at the same time. "Shush!" They both look down scared. "Kennan please explain." Dave says. "Mom asked me to come get them and they were up here fighting. I think Cody took this from her." Kennan says holding up Juliet's bear but the head was slightly coming off. Dave grabbed it and inspected it. "Did you do this Cody?" Dave asks. "Y-Yes daddy." Cody says, his lip starting to quiver. "Let's go young man!" Dave says grabbing Cody's arm. "Nooo Daddy!" Cody cries trying to pull away. Dave takes Cody downstairs into the kitchen where Amanda is. Dave sits the bear on the counter and sits Cody in the timeout chair. "No I don't want a timeout!" Cody says kicking his legs. "You will stay there unless you want a spanking!" Dave says and Cody turns back around.
"Did he do this?" Amanda asks. "Yes, he stole it and took the head off. I told her we'd fix it." Dave explains. Amanda takes it and puts it in there room so it's safe.

All of the food is ready and sitting out. There is going to be a birthday lunch and then presents and cake. Amanda's parents are the first to show up. The front door is open so they can just walk in. Dave hears the door open. "Hello Mrs. Watson!" Dave says welcoming in Amanda's parents. "Please dear, call me Patricia." Amanda's mom says. "Yes ma'am." He says hugging her. "Hello Mr. Watson." Dave says shaking his hand. "Hello son how are you?" Amanda's dad asks. "Good sir. Thank you for asking." Dave says. Amanda's father has always been a very strict man. He used to be in the army so he is very strict. "All the food is set out we're just waiting for a few more people." Dave says. Amanda walks out in a very pretty dress and her hair curled. "Hi mom." Amanda says hugging her mom. She does the same to her father. "I'll go grab the kids." Dave says.

A few minutes later Dave comes down with all three kids. Everyone is here now Skylar and Dave's parents, Byron and Susie. Kennan hugs both sets of grandparents and hugs Skylar too. Everyone went into the kitchen to get their food. "Happy birthday handsome." Skylar says and kisses Kennan. "Thank you." He says smiling. "Shall we go get food." Kennan asks. Skylar nods and they go get food.

Once they reach the table there's no seats next to each other. "It's okay i'll sit next to your grandma." Skylar says. "We can have Cody move." Amanda says. "Nooo I don't wanna move!" Cody yells. "Cody! Inside voice!" Dave scolds. "It's okay, I can sit down here Mrs. Emerson." Skylar tells Amanda.

"It's nice to meet you Skylar!" Patricia says. "Nice to meet you too ma'am." Skylar says smiling at her. Each of the grandparents say hi to Skylar. "The food is wonderful!" Kennan says to his mom. "Thank you honey." She says smiling. Everyone participates in conversation while they eat. After eating they clean up their dishes. It's now time for presents. "This one is from Skylar." Kennan says. He unwraps it and it's a brown teddy bear with clothes similar to what Kennan wears. "I saw it and it made me think of you!" Skylar says smiling. "I love it, thank you!" Skylar smiles glad he liked it. Kennan opens the presents from his parents, and both grandparents. Kennan grabs his last gift and sits it in front of him. "From mom and dad." He says and smiles at them. He starts unwrapping it. Cody grabs the paper and tries to help. "Cody, Stop! It's your brother's birthday!" Dave scolds. "I wanna help!" Cody says pouting. Patricia gets up and takes Cody out of the room.

"What going on with you today?" Patricia asks as she sits Cody on the couch. Cody doesn't answer he just looks down at his hands. "Cody." Patricia says to get his attention. "Are you jealous because Kennan is getting all the attention?" She asks him. He slowly nods his head. "I know it's hard when your brother's getting all the attention. But when it comes your birthday you will get the attention. Understand?" Patricia asks. "Yes mimi." Cody says. "Alright let's go back in but you are to apologize to your brother." She tells Cody. "No!" Cody says and crosses his arms. "Excuse me?" She can be very stern when she needs to be. Cody backs down and follows Patricia back into the dining room.

"Kennan, Cody has something to say to you." Kennan finished unwrapping presents so they were cleaning up everything and bringing the cake in. Kennan looks over at Cody waiting for him to talk. "I'm sorry." Cody says. "It's okay." Kennan says and hugs Cody.

"Are we ready for cake?" Amanda asks. She cuts everybody a piece. "I want that piece mommy!" Cody whines. "That's Kennans piece, now eat yours!" Amanda says. Cody has been having a brat attitude recently and it's getting worse. He's only five, almost six. She's worried how bad it will be when he becomes a teenager. "I want that piece!" Cody yells and hits the table. "Cody! That is enough young man!" Amanda's dad says. He's been biting his tongue but Cody has been acting like a brat all day. Cody looks up surprised and quiets down. You don't want to be on the receiving end of Mr. Watson's hand. They all enjoy their cake. After that the grandparents leave. Kennan thanks them for the presents and for coming.

"Cody we need to have a talk little boy." Dave says as he and Amanda take Cody up to his room. "My mom said you can spend the night!" Kennan tells Skylar. "Yay!" She says smiling. "I've been thinking about the thing, wanna go up to my room?" Kennan says and Skylar instantly starts pulling Kennan upstairs. I think we all know what happened next which will lead to serious consequences.

Dave and Amanda are not happy with Cody's behavior today. Dave and Amanda had Cody sit on the bed so they could talk to him. They make sure he knew why his behavior was unacceptable. He promised to not do it again. He was definitely still being punished. "Come here bud, you're getting twenty with my hand and ten with your mother's hairbrush." Dave tells Cody. "Yes daddy." Cody says as he slowly walks over to Dave. Dave takes Cody across his lap and takes down his pants and undies.


"OW DADDY!" Cody cries. "You're okay buddy. We're halfway there."


"OWIE!" Cody cries kicking his feet. "Shh you're okay." Dave says. Dave pulls Cody into his lap and rocks him to calm him down. "You have ten more then it's over." Dave says as he switches places with Amanda. "I'm starting Cody. You're doing so good!" She tells him rubbing his back.


"OW MOMMY! PLEASE NO MORE!" Cody cries. "We're half way there." This is the hardest punishment Cody has gotten so it's hard for him.


He received the last five smacks and is crying hard. Dave sits next to Amanda on the bed. Amanda picks him up and rocks him to calm him down. After a few minutes he falls fast asleep. Dave and Amanda change him and put him to bed.

"That was amazing!" Skylar says to Kennan. Kennan smiles at her, kissing her. "We should probably get dressed before your parents come in here." They both get changed and a few minutes later Dave and Amanda come in. They both say goodnight to the two of them. "Remember one of you sleeps on the floor." Amanda says. "Yes ma'am." Skylar says. "Good night you two." Dave says and they head to bed.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please comment and vote!
-Naz <3

Word Count: 1,587 Words

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