30. Cody's 6th Birthday

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Discipline: Adam/Chloe (M/F) Threat

Today Cody's having a birthday party for his 6th birthday. His birthday was on Thursday and it's now Saturday. Amanda and Dave's parents will be attending and Mark, Skylar's dad, will be attending.

It's now noon and everyone is staring to show up. Dave's parents, Byron and Susie, showed up first. Then a few minutes later Amanda's parents, Dennis and Patricia, showed up. Then lastly Skylar's dad, Mark, showed up. Even though Mark hasn't spent a lot of time with Cody he's part of the family now.

Cody was going to have a separate party for his friends. Lexi would be coming to that party since they had been getting closer. Amanda and Jennifer, Lexi's mom, were both very happy about it.

Once everyone had showed up they started the party. Amanda had told anyone who wanted to swim to bring their swimsuits since they had a pool. Once the party started everyone got food and sat outside since Dave and Amanda sat up tables outside.

Amanda helped Cody get his food since he's only six years old. Once he got his food he went outside and sat next to Skylar.

"Hi kiddo." Skylar smiles. Cody gives Skylar a big toothy grin. Skylar smiles at how happy he is. Cody goes to eat and frowns. "What's wrong buddy?" Skylar asks. "Mommy gave me veggies." Cody frowns. "Oh. They're good for you, you should eat them. They'll make you nice and strong too." Skylar tells Cody. "Strong?" Cody asks. Skylar nods her head. Cody debates but decides to eat the carrots.

Amanda walks out after getting her food and sees Cody sitting next to Skylar. Then Amanda sees Cody eating carrots. Amanda comes up behind Skylar. "What did you do to get him to eat those?" Amanda questions. "I just told them they would make him strong and he tried one." Skylar says. "Wow." Amanda laughs. "It may be because I said it because he's seemed attached to me recently." Skylar says. Amanda nods and smiles. Skylar is happy Cody has been attached to her, it makes her happy.

A few minutes later Kennan comes out with plates for him and Skylar. "Thanks." Skylar says smiling at him. "Of course." Kennan smiles. Amanda sat down next to Cody and Dave sat down next to her. Then both sets of grandparents sat across from all of them.

"Have you been well behaved since you came down to our house Cody?" Dennis asks Cody. "Dennis, it's his birthday, drop it." Patricia says. "It's just a question." Dennis says not seeing the big deal. Dennis turns back to his grandson. "Yes grandpa." Cody says kicking his legs nervously. "Good." Dennis says and continues to eat. Skylar smiles down at him and Cody smiles back.

"How have you been dear?" Susie asks Skylar. "I've been good. I went to my last doctor's appointment and everything was well." Skylar says. "That's good news!" Susie smiles. Dennis smiles at Skylar. Even though Dennis wasn't happy with how it happened, he's happy for his grandson and going to be daughter-in-law now.

Adam, Christine, Chloe, and Juliet are sitting at a separate table. Chloe and Juliet have been getting better along recently. Adam, Christine, Dave, and Amanda are all very thankful for that.

Meanwhile at there table Chloe and Juliet were talking about people at school. "Girls it's not nice to talk bad about people." Adam warns. "Dad, we're not!" Chloe says and rolls her eyes. Juliet opens her eyes wide at the way Chloe just talked to her dad. "Excuse me?" Adam asks. Chloe doesn't answer just looks down. "I don't think you want me to spank you here, in front of everyone at your cousins birthday party." Adam whisper yells. "No sir." Chloe says.

After everyone had finished eating it was time for Cody to open his presents. Everyone brought him a present but Dave and Amanda got him a few extra. Everyone cleaned up their plates, which were just thrown away. Then they all sat back down while Cody opened his presents.

Cody opened all his presents and was very thankful for all of them. He made sure to say thank you to everyone. Then Amanda served a chocolate cake for everyone. Cody requested a chocolate cake because it was his favorite. Everyone sat backdown and enjoyed chocolate cake.

After they had cake everyone started slowly leaving. Mark left first, then Adam, Christine and Chloe. The grandparents stuck around for a little though.

"I hope you had a good birthday party." Byron tells Cody. "Yes grandpa I did!" Cody smiles and hugs Byron. Byron and Susie say goodbye to everyone after talking to Cody.

Then Dennis and Patricia talk with Cody a few minutes before leaving. After everyone has left Cody goes into the kitchen where his parents are. "Thank you mommy and daddy!" Cody says and smiles. "You're welcome buddy, I hope you enjoyed it." Dave says. "I did! It was really fun!" Cody smiles. Amanda smiles down at her youngest son, happy he had a good party.

(A/N) I hope you enjoyed this chapter! The next chapter will have a spanking. It probably won't be up for a few weeks, sorry about that! Please comment and vote!
-Naz <3

Word Count: 888 Words

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