27. Date Night

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Discipline: Adam/Juliet (M/F) Hand | Christine/Chloe (F/F) Talk of Punishment

Tonight Dave and Amanda are having a date night. They haven't had one in a while because they've been busy with Kennan and Skylar. All the kids are going to spend the night at Adam and Christine's. It's been a few weeks since they moved, they're finally all in and settled.

"I'm going to go drop the kids off then we can head that way." Dave tells Amanda as she's getting ready. "Sounds good." Amanda says. Dave kisses Amanda before he leaves.

Dave makes his way upstairs to hear Kennan and Skylar arguing in there room.

"Why are you being like this!" Kennan yells at Skylar. "Oh excuse me for being pregnant!" Skylar yells back. "It's not my fucking fault!" Skylar adds. Kennan rolls his eyes at her.

Skylar is over half way pregnant so her hormones are getting worse and worse. Kennan is pretty mature for his age but he's a still a teenage boy. Skylar's still a teenager too but she's more mature.

Dave knocks on the door after hearing the yelling. Kennan opens the door to see who it is. "What's this yelling about?" Dave asks. "Nothing dad, it's fine." Kennan says sighing. "Excuse me?" Dave asks. Dave lets himself in and sees a very distraught Skylar. "Honey, what's wrong?" Dave asks. "Nothing. We just had a disagreement." Skylar says. "Okay, well we're about to leave so get ready." Dave tells them.

Dave leaves the room to tell Juliet and help Cody. "Skylar, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have talked to you like that." Kennan says. Skylar looks up at him. "I'm sorry I keep acting like this. I'll try and do better." Kennan says. "Thank you." Skylar says and pulls him into a hug. "I love you Sky." Kennan smiles. Skylar smiles back at him and kisses him. "Let me help you with your shoes."

Kennan carries his and Skylar's bags out to the car while she grabs her purse. Dave comes out with Cody and his bag. Juliet still hadn't came out yet though.

"Why is she always the last one." Dave sighs. Dave gets out of the car to go get Juliet. When he gets up to the door he hears yelling.

"You're not wearing that! That is too inappropriate and your uncle will have a cow." Amanda scolds. "Go change now!" Amanda tells her. "But!" Juliet tries. "Nope go. I don't even know where you got that shirt in the first place." Amanda says shaking her head. Juliet stomps up to her room and slams the door shut.

Dave walks up to Amanda after Juliet went upstairs. Dave brings Amanda into a hug and rubs her back. "It's going to be okay. She's just going through a rebellious phase." Dave says.

After a few minutes Juliet comes downstairs with a sweatshirt on. "You better not have that shirt on under that sweatshirt young lady." Dave scolds. "I don't!" Juliet yells. "You need to get that attitude in check, i'm sick of it." Dave scolds. "Now apologize to your mother so we can leave."

Juliet sighs and walks over to Amanda. "I'm sorry." Juliet says not the most meaningful but Dave will take it. "I love you and I'll see you tomorrow sweetheart." Amanda says and hugs Juliet.

Once they've arrived at Adam and Christine's everyone gets out. Dave helps Cody get out of the car. Kennan helps with Skylar's bag again.

Christine meets them at the door and opens it for them. "Come in." Christine smiles. Christine notices the upset look on Juliet's face.

"Hey guys!" Adam says coming into the living room. They all say hi to Adam. "We made up the guest room for Kennan and Skylar. Then we have these two couches that can turn into a bed for Juliet and Cody." Adam says. "Great! Thanks a lot, we appreciate this." Dave says. "Why don't you kids go play outside while we talk to your dad." Christine tells the kids.

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