21. Grandma & Grandpa's House

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Discipline: Dennis/Juliet (M/F) Hand

Tonight Dave and Amanda are going on a date. They haven't been on one in a while. They've been very busy with the kids. But Dennis and Patricia, Dave's parents, offered to watch the kids. Technically Kennan, Skylar, and Juliet could all watch Cody. But Dave and Amanda thought it would be a good idea for the kids to spend time with their grandparent's.

"Kids, you ready?" Dave yells. Cody comes down first, dragging his overnight bag. Then Kennan and Skylar come down. Kennan carries both the bags even though Skylar said she could carry hers.

It takes Juliet another ten minutes to come downstairs. "What took you so long? Everyone else came down ten minutes ago." Dave says slightly annoyed. "I was getting ready." Juliet says rolling her eyes. "You should have been ready by now, you knew what time we were leaving." Dave says crossing his arms. "Well I didn't feel like it." Juliet says. "I suggest you don't have that tone with your grandfather or you will be in for a very sore butt." Dave says shaking his head. Juliet huffs and goes outside. "Kids please go get in." Dave tells Kennan, Skylar, and Cody. "Kennan, please help Cody." Amanda says.

"Why is she always having an attitude with me." Dave sighs. Amanda rubs his arm comforting him. "It's gonna be okay. She's a teenager, it's what they do." Amanda says. "Yeah, but Kennan doesn't." Dave says. "He used to. He's matured a lot, he's going to be a dad soon." Amanda says. "I still can't believe we're going to be grandparents already." Dave says. "Me too." Amanda smiles at him. Dave takes Amanda's hand and they go to the mini van.

After about ten minutes in the car they arrived at Dennis and Patricia's house. Amanda helps Cody out and gets his bag for him. 'He must have packed a lot of toys'. Amanda thinks to herself. Amanda knocks on the door. Patricia answers it a few moments later. "Hi dear!" Patricia says hugging Amanda. "Hello mom." Amanda smiles. "Please come in." Patricia says welcoming everyone in.

Patricia leads everyone into the living room. Cody instantly sits down and starts playing with his toys. "So they're spending the night, I presume?" Patricia asks. "Yes, if that's okay." Dave says. "Of course it is." Patricia smiles. "Let me go grab your father." Patricia tells Amanda.

A few minutes later Patricia comes back with Dennis. "Hi sweetie." Dennis says. "Hi dad." Amanda says hugging him. "We should be off, we need to make our reservation." Dave says. "Okay, have fun!" Patricia smiles. The kids went to put there things in the guest room. "Just warning you, Juliet has had a terrible attitude. If she needs her butt lit up don't hesitate." Dave says. "Alright." Patricia laughs. Dave and Amanda say goodbye to the kids and head out.

"Dinner will be ready in a little bit." Patricia tells the kids. They all nod their heads. "Would you like help?" Skylar asks. "No thank you dear, please rest." Patricia smiles. "Oh alright." Skylar says sitting down. Kennan sits down next to her and they watch what's on tv.

"Kennan, Juliet, can you set the table for your grandmother?" Dennis asks. "Yes sir." Kennan says telling Skylar he'll be back. "No." Juliet says bluntly. "Excuse me?" Dennis asks. "I can help." Skylar tells Dennis. "No it's okay. I asked Juliet." Dennis says. "Juliet, go!" Dennis says loosing patience. "I said no!" Juliet yells continuing on her phone. Dennis having enough of Juliet's attitude. He gets up grabs her phone. Then he grabs her by the ear and puts her in the corner. "OUCH MY EAR!" Juliet yells. "Stay there until I tell you to move, and hands on your head, young lady!" Dennis says.

Dennis walks into the kitchen to see Patricia with a concerning face. "What happened?" Patricia asks. Dennis puts Juliet's phone on the counter. "I asked her to come set the table and she refused. She's lost her phone privileges. Dave's right she definitely has an attitude." Dennis says. "We can talk with her after dinner. She should know better than this." Patricia says shaking her head. "Dinners almost ready, have the kids wash up please." Patricia says. "Alright dear." Dennis smiles.

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