9. Babysitting

627 9 2

Prompt Idea: harson62

Discipline: Juliet/Cody (F/M) Hand | Dave/Skylar (M/F) Hand, Belt | Amanda/Juliet (F/F) Hand, Belt | Dave/Juliet (M/F) Hand, Belt

Tonight Amanda and Dave are taking Kennan to something at school. Juliet and Skylar have been asked to watch Cody. They have to be at the school around 6:00 p.m. so they have to leave around 5:30 p.m.

Skylar arrived at the house and Kennan welcomes her in. "I wish we could hangout tonight." Kennan says hugging Skylar. "Me too." She says smiling up at him. Kennan leads Skylar up to his room for a few minutes before he leaves. "But.. your birthday is coming up soon. Maybe we can do something." She says giving him a smile. Kennan's parents told him not to do it, but Skylar's been asking him. He still hasn't made his mind up yet. "We could.. I still haven't decided." Kennan says oookinh down. Skylar rubs his shoulder. "That's fine! Take your time!" Skylar says smiling at him. "Kennan time to go!" Dave yells up the stairs. Kennan and Skylar go downstairs. "We'll see you guys in a few hours. Be good Cody!" Dave says warning his youngest. "I always am Daddy!" Cody says smiling. Dave laughs and them three head to the school.

"Are you hungry Cody?" Juliet asks. "Mhm!" Cody says nodding. "Would you like Mac and Cheese?" Juliet asks. Cody shakes his head no. "Hmm..Pizza?" Cody shakes his head again. "How about Chicken Nuggets?" Skylar suggests. Cody jumps up and down shaking his head at a hundred miles an hour. "Okay, I'll take that as a yes calm down!" Skylar says laughing.

Skylar helps Cody get into his chair while Juliet starts heating up the food. Juliet is making chicken nuggets for Cody and Skylar is going to make mac and cheese for them. Once the food is done they all sit down. Juliet gives Cody his food, while Skylar brings over there food. "I don't want this anymore." Cody says trying to get out of his seat. "I already made it, now eat!" Juliet says. "NO!" Cody says banging his fists on the table. Skylar looks at Juliet suprised. "I said eat!" Juliet yells at Cody. "NO!" Cody yells and whacks his plate off the table. As soon as it hits the floor he realizes what he did. The plate broke and it's all over the floor. Skylar gets up and grabs the broom so Cody and Juliet don't step on the broken pieces. Cody is crying very hard, scared. Juliet picks him up and rocks him. "Hey, you're okay!" She says rubbing his back. After calming him down Juliet lets him go play while they eat.

After dinner they clean up and go into the living room so they can watch Cody while they eat. Scarlet and Juliet are talking when Juliet feels something hit her leg. "Ouch!" She lets out. "Cody! Why would you do that!" Cody just looks away and continues playing. Juliet sighs and continues talking to Skylar.

About 10 minutes later Cody throws another block but it hits Skylar. "Cody! That's it!" Juliet says. She gets up quickly and grabs Cody. Juliet gives Cody ten smacks.


"Juliet!" Skylar yells. Juliet let's go and Cody runs up to his room. "What!" Juliet yells rolling her eyes. "I thought your parents said you couldn't spank him!" Juliet says. "So what!" Juliet says rolling her eyes. Skylar turns on her heel and goes upstairs to comfort Cody.

A few minutes later Skylar comes back down to get a snack for Cody since he never had dinner. Juliet walks in after Skylar. "Hey, I-I'm sorry." Juliet says. "You should be!" Skylar says. "I was apologizing! Why are you being such a bitch!" Juliet yells pushing Skylar. Once Skylar regains her balance she pushes her back. Skylar and Juliet are pushing and hitting each other. A few seconds later. Dave, Amanda, and Kennan walk in. Dave instantly hears and sees the fight. He quickly rushes over and grabs Juliet. Kennan sees what's going on and grabs Skylar. "You're dead to me!" Juliet screams at Skylar out of anger. Dave instantly sees Skylar's face fall. Skylar pulls out of Kennan's grip and rubs to the bathroom. Kennan runs after her. "Upstairs mine and your mother's room now!" Dave yells.

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