40. End of an Era

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Discipline: Kennan/Skylar (M/F) Hand

(A/N): This will be the last chapter of this book, but don't worry there will be a second book coming out very soon. It will follow mainly Kennan, Skylar, Elliot, and Eden but we will still see everyone else.

Today everyone is just hanging out at home today since it's the Saturday after they got back from Dennis' mother's house. They got home late last night so everyone is just chilling.

Kennan and Skylar are laying down in there bed, watching a movie. The babies were just fed and are napping now. Skylar snuggles closer into Kennan and lays into his chest. "You okay Sky?" Kennan asks. "Yeah, I guess." Skylar sighs. Kennan pauses the T.V. and sits up looking at Skylar. "What's wrong?" Kennan asks. "I don't know.." Skylar says looking down. "Tell me what's wrong." Kennan says.

"I've just been feeling really stressed lately over nothing. I feel like a spanking might help.." Skylar says hesitantly. "Are you sure?" Kennan asks. Skylar nods. "Alright, I will do it if you're a hundred percent sure." Kennan says. "Yes Kennan, I'm sure." Skylar says. "Alright stand up for me." Kennan says. Skylar stands in front of Kennan, nervously.

"Tell me why you're about to be spanked." Kennan says. Skylar feels humiliated being treated like this, but she asked for this. "Because I've been stressed and overwhelmed..sir." Skylar says. The sir just came out, Skylar didn't even mean to say it. "That's right, I'm going to spank you to get you calmed down." Kennan says rubbing her back.

Kennan starts taking down Skylar's pajama pants down to her ankles. Then Kennan brings Skylar over his knee. Skylar squirms a bit, feeling weird over Kennan's lap.

"Alright, I'm starting, are you ready Sky?" Kennan asks. "Yes sir." Skylar says. Kennan starts the spanking off with five hard smacks. Kennan doesn't feel like he needs to lecture since this is to get her feelings out.


Skylar kicks her legs slightly, trying not to squirm. Then Kennan places the next five smacks right in a row.


Kennan continues spanking, just wanting to get this over with. He feels bad for Skylar but knows this is what she wanted and needs to help her.


"OUCH!" Skylar cries out at how many spanks were just delivered. "Shh, you're okay Sky." Kennan says comforting her. "I-I'm sorry!" Skylar cries. "Honey, you have nothing to be sorry for this isn't a punishment." Kennan says rubbing Skylar's back. Skylar nods her head, trying to calm down. "I'm going to give you ten more then it will be over." Kennan says. "Yes sir."


Kennan immediately picks up Skylar and cuddles her. "Shh, you're okay Sky." Kennan says as Skylar cries into him. "Thank you Kennan." Skylar says smiling at him. Afterwards they lay in bed, continuing there movie.

Meanwhile downstairs Dave and Amanda are watching T.V. in the living room. A few minutes later they hear a knock at the front door. Amanda gets up to answer the door while Dave pauses the T.V.

Amanda opens it and is surprised to see Chloe. "Hi honey, please come in." Amanda says. "Hi Aunt Amanda." Chloe smiles. "I was wondering if me and Juliet could hangout?" Chloe asks. "I'm sorry, she's still grounded." Amanda says. Amanda can see the disappointment on her nieces face. "Could we just hangout where you guys can still see us?" Chloe asks hopefully.

"I'm sorry, we don't allow our kids to hangout with anyone while they're grounded." Amanda explains. "Oh, but when will she be ungrounded?" Chloe asks. "Next Monday, as long as she behaves." Amanda says. Chloe nods and sighs. "Alright, thank you." Chloe says and walks back home.

"She was really disappointed." Amanda tells Dave. "I know, I could hear it in her voice." Dave says. "I feel bad she's been grounded so long, but she keeps misbehaving." Amanda says. "I know honey." Dave says.

Meanwhile at Adam & Christine's house. Chloe had just gotten back home. Adam and Christine were sitting in the living room watching a show they watch every week. "She's still grounded?" Adam asks. Chloe nods sadly and goes up to her room. "I figured she was." Adam tells Christine.  "She's been grounded for a while hasn't she?" Christine asks. "Yeah, Dave told me she was going to be ungrounded a month ago for the Cody thing, but she keeps misbehaving." Adam tells his wife. Christine nods and they go back to watching there show.

Up in Chloe's room she sighs as she lays down in her bed. She hasn't been here that long so she doesn't really have any friends, and wanted to hangout with her cousin. She decides on just watching a movie to pass time.

This is the end of an era for the Emerson family. Skylar, Kennan, and the twins will be moving out soon. But Dave and Amanda have a surprise for Kennan and Skylar.

(A/N): I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the end of this book! I will have the first chapter for the next book up very soon! Please comment ideas for my next book! Please comment and vote, thank you!
-Naz <3

Word Count: 913 Words

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