26. Aftermath of Moving Day

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Discipline: Dave/Juliet (M/F) Hand | Byron/Dave (M/M) Hand

Everyone has arrived at the house now. Patricia and Susie came over with Skylar and Cody now. The pizza's were just delivered, so everyone is getting food.

"How was your day?" Kennan asks Skylar. "It was good. I pretty much just rested, and I played with Cody a little bit." Skylar says. Kennan smiles at her. "I can't wait till we have one of our own." Skylar smiles at Kennan. Kennan holds her hands.

"Even though we're having children earlier than most people, I still can't wait." Kennan says and smiles at Skylar. Skylar leans into Kennan while he pets her hair.

After Amanda, Dave, Christine, and Adam eat they head out to the back porch.

Amanda, Dave, Christine, and Adam all head out to the back porch to talk. They all sit down at a table that's on the porch.

"So, me and Dave were thinking we could give you some pointers. Such as our rules, punishments, and what we think the severity of the punishment should be." Amanda says. "Okay, that would be great." Christine says.

"So the punishments we use are timeouts, spanking, grounding, and mouth washing. The amount of spanks and implement depends on what they did." Dave explains. Christine and Adam both nod.

"With us we had to get stricter the older our kids got. So you might have to be pretty strict with Chloe at the beginning." Amanda adds. "Alright." Adam says.

Dave and Amanda explain there rules they have. Telling them how it depends on the kid and age.

"That's basically all, do you have any questions?" Amanda asks. "I think that's all." Adam says looking at Christine. Christine nods her head. "And don't feel guilty at first, it's normal but this is what she needs." Amanda tells them.

Just as they're finishing up they hear yelling inside the house.

Chloe was in the living room watching a tv show with Cody, that he wanted to watch. Juliet comes in the room with a mean glare on her face. Skylar and Kennan were on the opposite couch. Skylar notices her face.

Juliet walks in and grabs the remote and switches the channel. "Heyyy!" Cody whines. "Juliet, we were watching that!" Chloe complains. Cody turns to Juliet with a pouty look on his face. "Turn it back on sissy!" Cody pleads. "No!" Juliet yells.

Cody doesn't like that and starts crying from the yelling. Kennan stands up and picks him up, rocking him.

A second later Dennis comes in the room, as him, Patricia, Byron, and Susie were sitting at the table.

"What is going on in here?" Dennis questions. Chloe and Juliet both try to speak at the same time. "Shush!" Dennis yells. His yelling makes Cody cry again so Kennan leaves the room with him.

Skylar ends up explaining it to Dennis. "Is that true young lady?" Dennis asks crossing his arms. "Just shut up! It's none of your business!" Juliet yells. "That's it!" Dennis yells grabbing Juliet by the arm.

Amanda, Dave, Adam, and Christine come inside after hearing the yelling. "Dad what's going on?" Adam asks.

Amanda can see Juliet trying to fight to get out of her dad's grip. "It's none of your business!" Juliet yells at Adam. Dave grabs Juliet's arm and sits down on the couch, taking her over his knee.


"OUCH!" Juliet cries kicking her feet.


"You do not speak that way to anyone!" Dave scolds as he spanks Juliet.


"Now get up and apologize young lady!" Dave scolds. Juliet gets up, tears running down her face. "I-I'm s-sorry Uncle Adam." Juliet says looking down. "It's okay, but don't use that tone with me again." Adam says. "Y-yes sir." Juliet says sniffling.

Adam and Christine leave the room with Chloe to talk to her.

"Want to explain to us why your grandpa looks very unhappy with you?" Amanda asks Juliet. Juliet looks down not wanting to answer.

"Juliet!" Dave yells trying to get her attention. "You answer someone when they talk to you, young lady." Dave scolds.

"Dave." Byron scolds as he comes in the room. "What Dad! She's not listening!" Dave says throwing his hands up.

Juliet's lip starts quivering and she can't help but cry. Amanda takes Juliet's hand and leads her out of the room.

"You do not speak to me that way young man!" Byron scolds his son. "I'm not a kid, you can't treat me like this!" Dave yells getting frustrated. "You're so close to getting a spanking David." Byron scolds. Dave shivers at his full name.

Amanda sits down Juliet at the kitchen table next to her grandmas. Amanda grabs a wet paper towel and wipes under her eyes. "You're okay." Amanda says, trying to calm her down. "Just breathe in and out." Amanda says.

"What happened?" Susie asks. "Dave just upset her." Amanda says. That causes new tears to start in Juliet's eyes. "Come here sweetheart." Patricia says. Juliet climbs into Patricia's lap. Patricia doesn't mind though.

Amanda sits down next to them. "What did he do?" Susie asks Amanda. "He raised his voice and yelled a bit at her." Amanda says. Susie shakes his head. "It's like he didn't learn from the last time."

Juliet can feel her eyes getting heavy and falls asleep against her grandma. "I'm going to go talk to dad." Amanda says. Patricia nods as she pets Juliet's hair.

Amanda widens her eyes to what she walks into. Amanda walks into the living room to see Byron sitting on the couch with Dave over his knee.

Amanda clears her throat. "Dad, may I speak to you?" Dennis follows Amanda into another room. "What happened with you and Juliet?" Amanda asks. "Something happened between her and Chloe, and then she had an attitude with me about it." Dennis says. Amanda nods her head.

"She's asleep right now but we'll punish her when we get home." Amanda tells her dad. "Don't worry about, she seems like she's had a hard day." Dennis says. "Really?" Amanda asks suprised. "You would have never let me or Adam off for something like that." Amanda says. "I know. I guess i'm going soft." Dennis chuckles. Amanda smiles at him.

Dennis hugs his daughter for a few seconds. "I love you dad." Amanda says. "I love you too sweetheart." Dennis says rubbing her back.

Dennis pulls away from the hug and stands Amanda in front of him. "You know, you're an amazing mom. Those kids are who they are because of you." Dennis smiles. Amanda smiles back at her dad. "Thank you dad. That's the nicest thing anyones ever said to me." Amanda smiles and hugs her dad again.

(A/N) Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you have any suggestions please comment them! Please comment and vote!

Word Count: 1,181 Words

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