Signed, the Sea (part 2)

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Fubuki's POV
It was as if the air had been sucked out of the biosphere of the Monastery. After PIXAL dropped her bomb of a reveal, everyone went quiet. Even the ones who had been sparring stood still to gawk at our little group. One could count every fly in the courtyard just from hearing their buzzing.

"T-the woman from my dream w-wants to meet me?" I stuttered.

"Wait, how is that possible?" Daigo spoke up. It was the first time he said anything since he joined our little group.

"Yeah, who is that woman?" Orochi asked.

"And please don't tell me she's a nymph," Honcho grumbled. "If there's one thing I've learned from mythology, it's that nothing good ever happens with nymphs!"

"How would you know that if you've never actually met one?" Quon asked him.


PIXAL glanced at those around us for a split second before leaning down towards me. "This is more of a 'your family' type of situation," She told me in a conspiratorial whisper. "How about we talk inside? I have a few things I need to show you." She offered me her hand, blindingly white in the light from the afternoon sun.

My gut was starting to spit out more uneasy feelings. Why was she being so secretive about this? Why was it only a "my family" type of situation? But my curiosity was killing me, so I decided to just go with it. I nodded stiffly and took her hand, allowing her to haul me to my wooden feet.

"Wait, where are you guys going?" Kit called from where he had been trying and failing to knock Xander over. He had experimented his way up to the Laughing Giant's shoulders, but judging from Xander's relaxed stance, he didn't even notice Kit up there. "Is it important? Can I come with you?"

"Never mind, Kit," PIXAL called over her shoulder as she ushered me towards the front door. "I need to talk to Mr. Sumie inside, but I expect you all to still be sparring when we return." A few of the guys started to protest, but PIXAL slid the door shut in their faces.

As soon as we were alone, I decided to ask her my burning question, "So, what's with all the secrecy, Pix? Usually you tell us everything as a group."

PIXAL sighed and gestured for me to follow her down the hall. "Well, your situation is a little different, Fubuki," She told me by way of explaining. "There are unique circumstances pertaining to each unique Element. The others don't have dreams like the one you had - at least, not in the same context."

"That's not making me feel better," I admitted; my steps started to slow as I started to feel more and more like a freak.

PIXAL's gentle laugh and hard footsteps echoed through the quiet halls. "Don't worry, it's nothing bad," She said wistfully. She stopped before two large doors and I realized that she had brought us to the library. "Call it more of an... invitation to a family reunion."

The doors swung open on oiled hinges and we were greeted with the vast expanse of the Monastery library. I had only been in here once or twice since I had first started training here, but I was always intimidated by the sheer size of the place. I mean, there had to be at least a million scrolls in there - how does one even begin to look for something?

If PIXAL had such a method, she didn't bother to share it as she went straight to a wall. I had no choice other than stand awkwardly in the corner as she rifled through dozens of scrolls. After about a minute of searching, she emerged from the wall with a large scroll. Protruding from the rolls of parchment was a lapis lazuli peg with carvings that reminded me of ocean waves.

She carried the scroll to the circular desk in the center of the room, and I followed her. As she set the scroll down lengthways, she asked me, "What have your parents told you about your ancestors?"

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