Ken vs the Pizzaplex (part 22)

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(Trigger warning: graphic depictions and bodily harm)

Freddy Fazbear Pizzaplex
Ken's POV
William didn't move or say anything, so I took the time to explore my new body. I held my hands up in front of my eyes and flexed my fingers, admiring how the metal bent with my muscles and skin. When I pressed my fingertips together, they made a clinking sound; same with my toes as I flexed them inside my shoes. My hair sounded like a loud wind chime as I moved my neck from side to side, and my eyelashes made small clanking noises against my cheeks as I blinked. As I ran my fingers down my exposed forearms, the screeching sound of metal against metal followed them. My injuries underneath felt sore, but no longer felt like they were on fire.

My physical body wasn't the only thing that had changed - my senses had also heightened. I could smell every item of metal in the vicinity, from the rusty smell of William's damaged animatronic suit to the steel support beams that made up the Pizzaplex. Every piece of metal present in the room seemed to press against me like a physical force, as if I could reach out and touch EVERYTHING.

It felt... good.

For the first time since I was brought to the Pizzaplex, I felt whole, complete. My entire body felt rock-solid, as if I was a literal being born of metal.

I suppose I am, I thought with a toothy smile.

A furious roar brought my attention back to William, who was glaring at me with a seething expression. "'MaStEr Of MeTaL' mEaNs NoThInG tO mE!" He snarled. "A dEmOn CaNnOt EsCaPe FrOm ThE wRaTh Of A gOd!"

With that, he advanced on me again, swinging his claws. I didn't move to defend myself - I didn't need to. Every swipe he took grazed off of me in a shower or sparks. My transformation also seemed to have helped my stamina, as the strength of his attacks didn't even sway me on my feet. My entire body just felt numb, the impact of his attacks mere afterthoughts.

After a while, William stumbled back from me, heaving up a rattling storm. He stared in disbelief at his claws, which had been worn down to nubs from striking me so much. Sighing, I crossed my arms and dribbled my fingers against my sleeve, making a dull thunking noise against the infused fabric. "Are you done?" I asked him. I tried to sound bored, but I was actually geeking out like a fanboy on the inside. I'm so strong now! I thought proudly.

William did his raspy gasps for a little longer before glancing back over at me and growling. "YoU cAn ObViOuSlY hOlD yOuR oWn AgAiNsT mE," He admitted begrudgingly. A chilling laugh echoed from his hollow chest. "BuT lEt Us SeE hOw WeLl YoU cAn HoLd YoUr OwN aGaINsT THEM!" His neck literally cracked as he whipped around to indicate the others currently in the room. I gasped in horror.

Freddy. Chica. Roxy. Monty. Music Man. Vanessa. Who were all still painfully convulsing under the control of William.

But they were still fighting it, too.

"They're strong!" I assured William, uncrossing my arms and taking a menacing step towards him. My feet made a dull clanking noise against the concrete floor. "They'll keep fighting your control and they'll win!"

William only laughed again. "ThEiR rEsOlVe Is StRoNg, SuRe," He told me contemptuously. "BuT iT iS aLrEaDy WeAkEnInG. NoNe CaN rEsIsT mY cOnTrOl FoR lOnG."

That declaration made me uneasy. I was invincible now, sure, but the others weren't. And they were being attacked through the mind, not the body. The mind could be much weaker than the body, and William had hacked them before. Who was to stop him from doing it again?

If no one else would do it, I could sure try.

"Guys, come on!" I beseeched them, making a racket with my feet as I ran over to them. "You're strong - you're stronger than he is!" I held my shiny arms out to them like I was going to hug them, but still kept my distance. "You can fight it, I know you guys can!"

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