First Day of Work

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Two full weeks had passed since the new group first started their training at the Monastery, and after Boa asked for a change, PIXAL started to throw in a few new lessons here and there. Every boy came to training ecstatic to see what the day's activities would entail, and that day was going to be no different. The air was filled with the sound of quick-paced steps against stone and excited chatting as the new training day began.

It quickly died down as soon as they walked through the doors.

PIXAL was wearing her purple kimono and a brown leather knapsack around her shoulder. Valt stood next to her wearing his blue training gi. It appeared that this time, PIXAL had decided to indulge him in the day's agenda, for his eyes were bright and sparkling. He only got more impatient as the group grew closer, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"Uhhh, what gives?" Lui asked as the remainder of the team stopped before them, finding the blue haired boy's excitement slightly alarming. Whatever made Valt happy could either be considered fun or weird, depending on who you asked.

"It's come to my attention that I haven't been showing my face around the workplace as often as I should," PIXAL began vaguely.

"We see you here everyday," Cuza pointed out, one of his triangular eyebrows raised. "It's not like you can take a sick day."

PIXAL smiled mysteriously. "Not this workplace," She said, pausing for effect. "My other workplace."

The group just looked at each other, searching for somebody with some explanation - how many workplaces could this Nindroid possibly have?

When no one had an answer as to what PIXAL was talking about, Valt suddenly burst out, unable to keep the secret, "STEEPER WISDOM!! WE'RE GOING TO STEEPER WISDOM!!"

PIXAL's mystery-holding expression turned into one of disappointment. "I wanted to tell them!" She reprimanded Valt, elbowing him in his side. "You stole my thunder!"

Valt grinned sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry, Pix," He admitted. "I'm just so pumped for this!"

"Gee, I couldn't tell," PIXAL said blandly, watching as her student continued to rock up and down. When he didn't show signs of stopping, she reached out and firmly placed her shiny hand on his shoulder to forcibly keep him still. He flashed her another sheepish smile, to which she only rolled her eyes.

"Wait, wait, wait," Boa broke in, stepping forward. Wonder shown in his emerald eyes as he realized what they had said. "Steeper Wisdom? We're going to the tea shop? We're going to Ninjago?"

PIXAL faced him and regained her smile. "Yes." Excited whispers broke out at her affirmation. "I figured that, since it was about time that I show my face around the tea shop again, and you're all here for a lesson, I would kill two birds with one stone. Today for the lesson, I'll show you Steeper Wisdom and teach you a little bit about how to work there."

"So for today's lesson," Jin spoke up, his tired mustard yellow eyes full of apprehension. "We're going to be...working?"

The murmurs fizzled out at the realization, 19 pairs of eyes slowly swerving to stare at PIXAL. Valt, not liking the mistrust in their eyes, leapt to defend his teacher. "Hey, don't be like that, guys!" He demanded, posed defiantly in front of PIXAL. "It's really fun to work in the tea shop! You get to meet a lot of new people, and the assistant manager Dani is really nice! You get to sneak samples of yummy teas and cakes-"

"Wait, what? No you don't! Those are mainly for the customers!" PIXAL broke in. "Valt, have you been sampling the merchandise behind my back?"

Valt sweat dropped and peered at PIXAL stiffly over his shoulder. "No..."

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